Cultural History of the Countries of the Region till 1918 (I): Ukraine 3224-D1HISTU
- (term 2023Z)
- (term 2024Z)
The course focuses on cultural history of Ukraine in the context of political and social development from Middle Ages till 1918, including topics such as mutual influence of cultures, national and state ideologies, social movements, changes in mentality and discussion about the sense of national history.
1. Introduction to the Ukrainian culture before 1918. Class organization and grading criteria.
2. Pre-Slavonic Cultures of Ukrainian lands before 9th cent.
3. Culture of Kyivan Rus’ (9-13th cent.)
4. Culture of Galicia-Volhynia Principality (12-15th cent.)
5. Culture of Kiev land and Volhynia in Lithuanian period (14-16th cent.)
6. Ukrainian culture in Polish period (16-17th cent.)
7. Cossacks and Tatars
8. Ukrainian / Cossack / Mazepian baroque (between 17-18th cent.)
9. Ukrainian Enlightenment (between 18-19th cent i XIX w.)
10. Ukrainian culture in first half of 19th cent. Part. 1 (Austrian Galicia)
11. Ukrainian culture in first half of 19th cent. Part. 2 (Dnieper Ukraine)
12. Taras Shevchenko: biography, literature, paintings
13. Ukrainian culture in second half of 19th cent. Part. 1 (literature)
14. Ukrainian culture in second half of 19th cent. Part. 2 (theatre)
15. Ukrainian culture in second half of 19th cent. Part. 3 (painting and architecture)
A student develops his research skills, under supervision of the teacher a student learns to acquire knowledge independently.
Student workload:
Participation in classes at the classroom - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Preparation for the classes - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Preparation for the oral examination – 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After courses student:
1) knows and understands Ukrainian history from Middle Ages till 1918.
2) knows and understands on basic level national and religious, social, political and economic development in Ukraine from Middle Ages till 1918.
3) looks up, analyses, evaluates, selects and utilizes information about Ukrainian history from Middle Ages till 1918.
4) in reference to acquired theoretical and practical knowledge is able to use it in typical statements about Ukrainian history from Middle Ages till 1918 with consideration of global context, to formulate them logically, in reference to opinions of other participants of communicative situation.
5) is able to critical assessment, continuous training and complement of acquired knowledge.
6) is able to participate in cultural life and make use of his different forms.
Assessment criteria
The condition for admission to pass the subject is compulsory attendance during classes in accordance with the Detailed Study Rules at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (Resolution No. 114 of the LS Faculty Council of 19/12/2017)
A student has the right to be absent 2 times in one semester, consisting of 30 class hours (thirty 2-hour classes). At the beginning of the course the teacher will instruct students on how to make up for the absence and complete what they have missed. The student's time table overlaps do not excuse over limit absences.
Courses will consist of discussion about scheduled literature or material presented by tutor in form of presentation. Active participation in discussion means that student contributes to discussion during at least 50% classes.
Student will also write one paper (3-6 pages) or presentation about topic delimited by tutor. The deadline for submitting a written work is the date set by the teacher during the first or second classes. Persons absent from these classes are required to obtain information from the teacher.
Oral examination will contain two questions about material presented during course.
Final assessment depends on:
Active and factual participation in discussion during course (20%).
Written paper or presentation about topic delimited by tutor (20%).
Oral examination containing three questions (60%).
(comprehensive answer to one question = 20%, partial answer to one question = 10%).
Assessment range:
0%-49% - 2
50%-60% - 3
61%-70% - 3+
71%-80% - 4
81%-90% - 4+
91%-100% - 5
Additional knowledge - 5+
02.1. Plokhy S., Wrota Europy. Zrozumieć Ukrainę, przeł. Skrzepa F., Znak Horyzont, Kraków 2022, s. 29-51.
03.1. Magocsi P. R., Historia Ukrainy. Ziemia i ludzie, przeł. Król M., Waligóra-Zblewska A., Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2017, s. 133-157.
04.1. Jakowenko N., Historia Ukrainy do 1795 roku, przeł. Babiak-Owad A., Kotyńska K., Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2011, s. 116-137.
05.1. Magocsi P. R., Historia Ukrainy. Ziemia i ludzie, przeł. Król M., Waligóra-Zblewska A., Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2017, s. 201-218.
05.2. Jakowenko N., Historia Ukrainy do 1795 roku, przeł. Babiak-Owad A., Kotyńska K., Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2011, s. 157-173.
06.1. Jakowenko N., Historia Ukrainy do 1795 roku, przeł. Babiak-Owad A., Kotyńska K., Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2011, s. 204-212 oraz 284-306.
07.1. Hrycak J., Ukraina. Wyrwać się z przeszłości, przeł. Kotyńska K., Majewska-Grabowska J., Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Kraków 2023, s. 127-178.
08.1. Jakowenko N., Historia Ukrainy do 1795 roku, tłum. Babiak-Owad A., Kotyńska K., Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2011, s. 427-459.
09.1. Magocsi P. R., Historia Ukrainy. Ziemia i ludzie, przeł. Król M., Waligóra-Zblewska A., Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2017, s. 383-416.
10.1. Hrycak J., Ukraina. Wyrwać się z przeszłości, przeł. Kotyńska K., Majewska-Grabowska J., Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Kraków 2023, s. 191-227.
11.1. Hrycak J., Ukraina. Wyrwać się z przeszłości, przeł. Kotyńska K., Majewska-Grabowska J., Międzynarodowe Centrum Kultury, Kraków 2023, s. 227-264.
12.1. Jakóbiec M., Wstęp [w:] Szewczenko T. Wybór poezji, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Warszawa 1963, s. XVIII-LI.
13.1. Mucha B., Zarys literatury ukraińskiej i białoruskiej, Piotrków Trybunalski 2000, s. 90-115.
13.2. Radyszewśkyj R., Iwan Franko w polskiej prasie: literatura i kultura, [w:] Matkowski J., Rozłucki I. (red.), Iwan Franko. Szkice o literaturze: kultura, literaturoznawstwo, publicystyka, Zjednoczenie Nauczycieli Polskich na Ukrainie, Warszawa – Drohobycz 2016, s. 5-19.
14.1. Hołdak T., Życie teatralne Ukraińców w Przemyślu w drugiej połowie XIX - pierwszej połowie XX wieku, „Вісник Львівського торговельно-економічного університету. Гуманітарні науки”, 2019, nr 16, s. 71-78.
14.2. Hryszczenko J., Rola stowarzyszeń artystycznych w rozwoju edukacji muzycznej na Ukrainie w drugiej połowie XIX wieku, „Pedagogika Przedszkolna i Wczesnoszkolna”, 2015, nr 1 (5), s. 35-41.
15.1. Krawczenko S., Ukraińskie malarstwo XIX i XX wieku: zarys głównych nurtów, „Techne. Seria Nowa”, 2019, nr 3, s. 29-49.
15.2. Krasny, P. O kilku próbach modernizacji architektury cerkiewnej w Galicji około roku 1900 [w:] Bulsza, W. (red.) Ars graeca - ars latina. Studia dedykowane Annie Różyckiej Bryzek, Kraków 2001, s. 245-272.
Term 2023Z:
Literature will be provided on the Google Classroom e-learning platform. |
Term 2024Z:
Literature will be provided on the Google Classroom e-learning platform. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: