Key to the culture of region: conflicts and relations (II) - "West" 3224-D10KKRZ
Classes are devoted to discussing (selected) problem of history and culture of Germany, Bohemian lands, Slovakia and western Polish borderlands, especially the intercultural relations from the second half of XXth century within nation-building, religious, language, social, political and economic context. The main focus will be put on the interethnic and international conflicts and stereotypes.
1) Polish lands incorporated into III Reich
2) Autochthons of Polish Regained Lands
3) Upper Silesia after II World War
4) Polish-German reconciliation
5) German debate about its history of II World War
6) German minority in Poland
7) Czecho-Slovak relations after II World War
8) Religion in Czech and Slovak lands in the communist period and today
9) 1968 - Federal Republic of Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland
10) Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity
11) Czech-Polish and Slovak-Polish relations in the communist period and today
12) Polish minority in Czech Republic
13) Slovak-Hungarian relations and Hungarian minority in Slovakia
14) Ethnic minorities in Slovakia
15) Concept of multicultural state in Germany
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After courses student:
1) knows and understands in a deepened degree German, Czech, Slovak and Polish west borderlands‘ history from the second half of the XX century.
2) knows and understands in a deepened degree national and religious, social, political and economic development of German, Czech, Slovak and Polish west borderlands‘ history from the second half of the XX century.
3) looks up, analyses, evaluates, selects and utilizes information about German, Czech, Slovak and Polish west borderlands‘ history from the second half of the XX century.
4) develop their research skills, independently and using the support of a tutor, gain knowledge, skilfully formulate thoughts, present research results in the form of oral or written (different types) in unpredictable conditions about of German, Czech, Slovak and Polish west borderlands‘ history from the second half of the XX century with consideration of global context, to formulate them logically, in reference to opinions of other participants of communicative situation.
5) is able to critical assessment, continuous training and complement of acquired knowledge.
6) is able to participate in cultural life and make use of his different forms.
Assessment criteria
Condition of admission to examinations is compulsory attendance in the courses (according to Principles of studies at Faculty of Applied Linguistics).
Courses will consist of discussion about scheduled literature or material presented by tutor in form of presentation. Active participation in discussion means that student contributes to discussion during at least 50% classes.
Student will also write one paper (3-6 pages) or presentation about topic delimited by tutor.
Oral examination will contain two questions about material presented during course.
Final assessment depends on:
Active and factual participation in discussion during course (20%).
Written paper or presentation about topic delimited by tutor (20%).
Oral examination containing two questions (60%).
(comprehensive answer to one question = 30%, partial answer to one question = 15%).
Assessment range:
0%-49% - 2
50%-60% - 3
61%-70% - 3+
71%-80% - 4
81%-90% - 4+
91%-100% - 5
Additional knowledge - 5+
Baron R., Ambasadorowie wzajemnego zrozumienia : niedocenieni twórcy pomostów między polską i czeską kulturą (XIX-XXI w.) : studia i szkice, Toruń 2013.
Broszat M., 200 lat niemieckiej polityki wobec Polski, Warszawa 1999.
Chmel R., Kompleks słowacki : eseje, Kraków 2014.
Czapliński W., Galos A., Korta W., Historia Niemiec, Wrocław 2010.
Heimann M., Czechoslovakia: The State That Failed, London 2009.
Jagiełło M., Słowacy w polskich oczach : obraz Słowaków w piśmiennictwie polskim, t. I-II, Warszawa 2005.
Kościelak L., Historia Słowacji, Wrocław 2010.
Krasuski J., Historia Niemiec, Wrocław 2008.
Kwestia słowacka w XX wieku / Anton A. Baník [et al.], Gliwice, 2002.
Mann G., Niemieckie dzieje w XIX i XX wieku, Olsztyn 2007.
Nipperdey T., Rozważania o niemieckiej historii : eseje, Warszawa 1999.
Między przymusową przyjaźnią a prawdziwą solidarnością : Czesi, Polacy, Słowacy 1938/39-1945-1989. Cz. 1-2 / pod red. Petra Blažka, Pawła Jaworskiego, Łukasza Kamińskiego, Warszawa 2007-2009.
Mycielska M., Ułaskawiony na śmierć : rzecz o Janosu Esterhazym, Warszawa 2010.
Przez granicę : Polacy–Czesi w XX wieku na łamach „Karty”, red. K. Wittels, Warszawa 2016.
Strauchold G., Autochtoni polscy, niemieccy, czy... : od nacjonalizmu do komunizmu (1945-1949), Toruń 2001.
Szarota T., Niemcy i Polacy : wzajemne postrzeganie i stereotypy, Warszawa 1996.
Ślązacy, Kaszubi, Mazurzy i Warmiacy : między polskością a niemieckością : praca zbiorowa / pod red. Andrzeja Saksona, Poznań 2008.
Tomaszewski J., Czechy i Słowacja, Warszawa 2008.
Zaolzie. Polsko-czeski spór o Śląsk Cieszyński 1918-2008, Warszawa 2008.
Zawistowska R., Kwestia węgierskiej mniejszości narodowej w Słowacji w latach 1945-1948, Warszawa 2009.
Zenderowski R., Nad Tatrami błyska się... : słowacka tożsamość narodowa w dyskursie politycznym w Republice Słowackiej (1989-2004), Warszawa 2007.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: