The key to the culture of the region: conflicts - relations (II) - Russia, Belarus 3224-D10KKRR
The subject is to familiarize students with the most important processes related to the development of intercultural relations taking place in contemporary Russia and Belarus. These phenomena will be analyzed here through the prism of the formation of the distinctiveness of a given culture and the identity of its participants, taking into account the religious, linguistic, social, political and economic contexts. Particular emphasis will be placed on discussing those aspects that are conflicting in international relations and are the subject of different and contradictory collective perceptions. The student develops his research skills, learns to gain knowledge on his/her own, using the support of a research tutor.
The following issues will be discussed:
1. Russia in the international arena. Relations with the West
2. Relations between Russia and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
3. Russian-Belarusian intergation: light and shadow
4. Tourism and historical monuments in Russia: state and prospects
5. Tourism and historical monuments of Belarus: state and prospects
6. The Russian diaspora in the 20th-21st centuries.
7. The Belarusian diaspora in the 20th-21st centuries.
8. Polish-Russian relations after 1991: politics, economy, culture
9. Polish-Belarusian relations after 1991: politics, economy, culture
10. Nationalist and terrorist movements in the Russian Federation: genesis, ideology, activity
11. Religious situation in the Russian Federation
12. Nationality problems in contemporary Russia
13. The national and religious situation in Belarus
14. The armed forces and security policy of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus
15. State ideology and historical policy in Russia and Belarus: a comparative analysis
Student workload:
Participation in classes in the classroom - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Preparation for classes in the classroom - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
1) knows and understands to a greater extent the recent history of Russia and Belarus as well as issues, concepts and historical concepts linking it with Central and Eastern Europe as a region, with particular emphasis on cultural processes and phenomena in the context of social and political changes (K2_W04; Reference to P7S_WG Scope and depth, P7S_WK Context / conditions, effects)
2) knows and understands to a greater extent issues related to the shaping of national, religious, socio-political and economic relations in contemporary Russia and Belarus (K2_W06; Reference to P7S_WG Scope and depth, P7S_WK Context / conditions, effects)
3) is able to find, select, analyze and use the information he needs from various sources (K2_U01; Reference to P7S_UW Using knowledge / solving problems and tasks performed)
4) is able to develop their research skills, independently acquire knowledge, using the support of a research tutor; skillfully formulate thoughts, present the results of research in the form of an oral or written statement (of various types) (K2_U03; Reference to P6S_UW Using knowledge / solving problems and tasks performed)
5) is able, referring to the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, to use it in typical professional statements about the present day of Russia and Belarus, as well as their specificity in the global context, to construct them logically, referring to the positions of other participants in these communication situations (K2_U06; Reference to P7S_UW Use of knowledge / problems solved and tasks performed)
[Social competence:]
6) is ready to critically assess his knowledge, continuous training and supplementing the acquired knowledge (K2_K01; Reference to P7S_KK)
7) is ready to participate in cultural life and use its various forms (K2_K05; Reference to P7S_KO)
Assessment criteria
The condition for admission to pass the course is obligatory attendance in accordance with the Detailed Rules of Study at the Faculty of Applied Linguistics (Resolution No. 114 of the LS Faculty Council of 19/12/2017)
Classes will be conducted in the form of a discussion on the assigned readings or material presented by the teacher in the form of a presentation. Active participation in the discussion means participation in the discussion during at least 50% of the classes.
There will also be a written work (3-6 pp.) or a presentation on a topic assigned by the teacher. The deadline for submitting a written work is the date set by the teacher during the first or second class. People absent from these classes are required to obtain information from the teacher who teaches them.
The credit will cover knowledge of the material discussed in class during the semester and will include two randomly selected questions from the material discussed in class.
The final mark comprises the following elements:
Active and substantive participation in classes (20%).
Written work or presentation on a topic designated by the teacher (20%).
Oral exam (60%) (complete answer to the question = 30%, partial = 15%)
Grading system:
0% -49% - 2
50% -60% - 3
61% -70% - 3+
71% -80% - 4
81% -90% - 4+
91% -100% - 5
Additional knowledge - 5+
General textbooks:
Bazylow Ludwik, Wieczorkiewicz Paweł, Historia Rosji, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 2005.
Mironowicz Eugeniusz, Białoruś, Warszawa 2007.
Riasanovsky Nicholas, Steinberg Mark, Historia Rosji, Kraków 2009.
Bieleń S., Raś M., Polityka zagraniczna Rosji, Warszawa 2008.
Bryc A., Rosja w XXI wieku. Gracz świata czy koniec gry? Warszawa 2009.
Eberhardt A., Gra pozorów. Stosunki rosyjsko-białoruskie 1991-2008, Warszawa 2008.
Eberhardt P., Przemiany narodowościowe na Białorusi, Warszawa 1993.
Federacja Rosyjska 1991—2001, red.: J. Adamowski, A. Skrzypka, Warszawa 2002.
Głogowska H., Białorusini na Wybrzeżu Gdańskim, Toruń 2003.
Głogowska H., Stosunki polsko-białoruskie w XX wieku: od Imperium Rosyjskiego do Unii Europejskiej, Białystok 2012.
Górski K., Polityka bezpieczeństwa i siły zbrojne Białorusi, Warszawa 1996.
Jarmusik E., Kościół katolicki na Białorusi 1939-1991 od zniszczenia do odrodzenia, Kraków 2012.
Malak K., Polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa Białorusi, Warszawa 2003
Mikhalik Ł., Kościół katolicki na Grodzieńszczyźnie 1939-1956, Warszawa 2008.
Mironowicz E., Białorusini w Polsce 1944-1949, Warszawa 1993.
Mironowicz E., Polityka zagraniczna Białorusi 1990-2010, Białystok 2011.
Owsiannik S., Strełkowa J., Władza a społeczeństwo. Białoruś 1991—1998, Warszawa 1998.
Radzik R., Kim są Białorusini, Toruń 2000.
Raś M., Ewolucja polityki zagranicznej Rosji wobec Stanów Zjednoczonych w latach 1991-2001, Warszawa 2002.
Rotfeld A., Myśli o Rosji… i nie tylko, Warszawa 2012.
Skrzypek A., Druga smuta. Zarys dziejów Rosji 1985-2004, Warszawa 2004.
Smaga J., Rosja w 20 stuleciu, Kraków 2001.
Śmigielski R., Osierocona armia. Założenia polityki obronnej oraz Siły Zbrojne Federacji Rosyjskiej w latach 1992—2004, Warszawa 2006.
Sobczak J., O Rosji nieco inaczej. Szkice i eseje z dziejów politycznych Rosji XVIII-XX w., Olsztyn 2001.
Wierzbicki A., Rosja dla Rosjan: nacjonalizm rosyjski i etnopolityka, Warszawa 2018.
Wierzbicki A., Rosja. Etniczność i polityka, Warszawa 2011.
Winnicki Z. J., Współczesna doktryna i historiografia białoruska (po roku 1989) wobec Polski i polskości, Wrocław 2003.
Wyszyński R., Narodziny czy śmierć narodu. Narodowotwórcze działania elit białoruskich i buriackich po upadku ZSRR, Warszawa 2010.
Zajączkowski W., Rosja i narody. Ósmy kontynent. Szkic dziejów Eurazji, Warszawa 2009
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: