Applied Research Methods in Multilingualism and Multiculturalism 3223-AMMS-ARM
There are many methodologies that one might adopt to guide a research study and each methodology has implications for collecting and analyzing the data. Thus, we cannot possibly study all of the potential research methods. Instead, the course provides an overview and a point of departure for students to move toward “conscious competence” as novice researchers. The general objectives for this course are meant to: (1) facilitate the understanding of research process in multilingualism as framed by debates on methodological concerns; (2) examine the ethical issues in multilingualism and multiculturalism; (3) develop a broad understanding of different research designs used to produce scholarship in multilingualism and multiculturalism; (4) obtain a basic knowledge and skills in major steps of designing and conducting a research study; (5) immerse in examples of research designs in multilingualism and multiculturalism.
Topics to be covered:
1. Introduction to research methods in multilingualism (research perspectives and research as practice)
2. Ethical considerations, ethics in practice, validity and reliability
3. Preliminary considerations (research approaches, literature review, the use of theory, quantitative and qualitative methods)
4. Research design (objectives, research question and hypothesis)
5. Bilingual data (types, sources, classification)
6. Sample selection (individuals, groups, sites), study design
7. Interviews, questionnaires, recording, transcription
8. Observation in research, ethnographic study
9. Mixed methods approach
10. Censuses and large-scale surveys in language research
11. Narratives, discourses, language repertoires
12. Analysing and reporting data
13. Project ideas, disseminating research
14-15. Class presentations of final research projects (c. 10 min per student)
Type of course
Remote learning
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands:
-at an advanced level conceptual and terminological apparatus in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-at an advanced level main directions of development and the most important achievements in the area of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-at an advanced level contemporary research trends in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-the latest research methodology used in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-the description and statistical inference in the area of multilingualism and multiculturalism
-concepts and principles in the field of protection of individual property and copyright
Skills: the graduate is able to:
-prepare written works in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism in English (including works bearing the features of a scientific text)
-search, analyse and utilise information using available sources
-recognize different genres of texts and conduct their in-depth analysis and interpretation using various methods
-argue substantively using the views of other authors and formulate conclusions
-integrate knowledge relevant to multilingualism and multiculturalism
Social competences: the graduate is ready to:
-recognise the importance of knowledge and seek expert advice when problems arise
-critically assess knowledge and skills in the field of multilingualism and multiculturalism
Assessment criteria
- attendance - 10%
- ongoing and informed participation* and preparation for class - 20%
- class presentation of an article critique - 20%
- final research project and class presentation (poster format or PPT presentation) – 50%
* being prepared for class, referring to specific ideas from the readings, linking concepts across readings and class sessions, participating in class activities, listening for understanding, commenting respectfully on others’ ideas, presenting one’s work to the class, being open-minded
Note: Complete descriptions of assignment expectations and grading criteria for each assignment will be discussed in class.
Grading Scale
60% - 70% = 3,0
71% - 76% = 3,5
77% - 83% = 4,0
84% - 89% = 4,5
90% - 100% = 5,0
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: