Master Thesis Seminar (Linguistics) 3222-54SJ3S[1]-N
The seminar deals with issues related to current problems of the Ukrainian language, including the comparative grammar of Slavic languages, translation theory, lexicology, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics etc.
The classes will discuss the most important rules for preparing a bachelor's thesis, such as:
- selection of the subject matter and topic of the research, designation of the object of the research, its purpose and tasks;
- methodology of linguistic research with a discussion of basic methods (descriptive, comparative and historical, comparative, structural with its main subtypes, quantitative research methods, etc.);
- development of scientific literature on selected issues;
- collection of language material and its development;
- preparing a draft of one’s scientific work;
- editing the final draft of the scientific work;
- basics of citing and creating bibliographies for work;
- copyright policy.
Mastering knowledge of the subject and writing a MA thesis is the basis for obtaining a master's degree in Ukrainian philology.
Student workload
30 hours in the room
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools recommended by the University of Warsaw (Zoom, Google Classroom).
Term 2023Z:
Continuation of work related to the subject of the seminar, which, depending on the choice made by students, will oscillate around issues related to the terminology of international law and renewable energy sources, the issues of contemporary Ukrainian anthroponymy in the context of its history, as well as Ukrainian glottodidactics. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
A student finishing the course:
1. knowledge:
- knows and understands in depth the terminology and methodology of linguistic research
- in-depth knowledge of the relationships of philological research and their complex dependencies on other scientific disciplines
- has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the psychological basis of language functioning
- knows and understands the Ukrainian language in speech and writing in accordance with the requirements of C2 ESOKJ level
- knows and understands the basic concepts and principles of intellectual property protection of copyright
2. skills:
- be able to correctly select sources and information from them, perform critical analysis, creative interpretation and presentation of information in the Ukrainian language
- is able to apply appropriate research methods and tools in the field of Ukrainian linguistics
- can formulate and test hypotheses related to research in the field of Ukrainian linguistics
3. social competence
- is ready to critically assess your knowledge and content
- is ready to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner and to initiate actions for the public interest or the social environment
Assessment criteria
The conditions for passing the course:
- attendance and preparation for classes, i.e. presenting the next stages of their MA dissertation (researching the literature, collecting illustrative data, etc.)
- presentation of the student’s own research progress on the dissertation, presenting and discussing a part of the dissertation; conference participation (e.g. students’ conferences)
The student is entitled to 2 unjustified absences, each subsequent one requires an excuse. The lecturer decides on the recognition of the absence.
The form of credit for classes during which the student was absent - homework on duty.
Exceeding the absence of excused and unjustified for 50% of classes may be the basis for not passing the course.
Term 2023Z:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: