Sociolinguistics 3222-52SL2K-N
Classes are an introduction to the problem of language functioning in the social space from the perspective of sociolinguistics, aiming to
familiarize students with the theoretical foundations of sociolinguistics, methods aimed at obtaining practical research results. The subject
should complement the characteristics of the structural organization of the Ukrainian language, to allow assessment of language
phenomena in society, e.g. language policy of Ukraine.
The classes are aimed at:
- Identify the main ideas of sociological treatment of language
- analyze theories that have become the basis of sociolinguistics
- get acquainted with the issues of bilingualism / multilingualism, language and culture, language and politics
- learn sociolinguistic methods.
Student’s work number of hours:
Classes – 30 hours
Self-study for each class - 10 hours
Preparation for the exam, i.e. preparation of the project - independent study on a specific topic and submission in the form of a written work
with a volume of approx. 12 pages - 20 hours
Total: approximately 60 hours
Term 2023L:
Classes are an introduction to the problem of language functioning in the social space from the perspective of sociolinguistics, aiming to The classes are aimed at: Student’s work number of hours: |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Term 2023L: Classroom | General: Classroom Blended learning |
Learning outcomes
K2_W01, with an extended degree of terminology and methodology of linguistic research, incl. sociolinguistic
K2_W03, to an in-depth degree, relations of philological research and their complex dependencies with other scientific disciplines, e.g. sociology, history, political science, research on discourse, etc.
K2_W06; in greater depth, key issues related to the development and functioning of the modern Ukrainian language in the field of sociolinguistics
K2_U01, properly select the sources and information derived from them, incl. industry-specific texts in the field of sociolinguistics and information derived from them (e.g. terms specific to the field); perform a critical analysis, creative interpretation and presentation of information in the field of Ukrainian (including bilingualism / multilingualism, language and culture, language and politics); understands linguistic phenomena occurring in society, which allows them to independently prepare a research project
K2_U03, use appropriate research methods and tools in the field of language research in the sociolinguistic approach
K2_U05, formulate and test hypotheses related to research in the field of sociolinguistics
K2_U07; communicate on topics related to the functioning of language in society with diverse audiences (e.g. within the issue of language functioning in the social space from the perspective of sociolinguistics)
K2_K01 a critical evaluation of the knowledge possessed on the functioning of language in society
Assessment criteria
The subject ends of writing an independent written work - elaboration of a selected theoretical problem in the field of sociolinguistics (min. 12 p).
Conditions for passing the subject:
- continuous assessment, that is active participation in classes - active participation in the discussion on the speeches of other students
and real individual projects
Each student must submit information on a selected topic / topic at least twice during the semester. Themes are proposed for 1 class,
students make a choice on 2 classes. The implementation of the topic is discussed in the next classes, during speeches.
Criteria for passing the subject:
- a plant of assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good grade)
- companies operating in the field of education that combine all relevant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good
- assumed learning outcomes, excluding some (less significant) in - 4.0 (good)
- training products that he has set up, omitting some of the material and inaccuracies - 3.5 (satisfactory plus)
- learning outcomes you set up without taking into account this or with serious inaccuracies - 3,0 (satisfactory plus)
- failure to achieve the expected learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory)
Criteria for evaluation of written work:
Rating from 5+ to 2, in Address from the test completion level:
5+ - work at a very high level; it can be recommended for printing as a conference paper
5 - independent work, high level of arguments and conclusions; total linguistic correctness; rich bibliography
4+ independent work, very good level of arguments and conclusions; correct language; properly selected bibliography
4 - independent work, good level of arguments and conclusions; Few mistakes that do not affect the reception of content; relevant
3+ - independent work, poor level of arguments and conclusions; numerous language errors that affect the reception of content; as
appropriate bibliography
3 - independent work, very poor level of arguments and conclusions; numerous language errors that affect the reception of content;
inadequately or appropriately selected bibliography
2 - undivided work, low level of arguments and conclusions; numerous language errors that affect the reception of content; inadequate
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires an explanation. The lecturer decides about the
recognition of absence.
Exceeding absences of absence justified and unexcused for 50% of classes may be the basis for failure to credit the subject.
The form of passing the classes on which the student was absent: submitting the outline of the classes and passing the subject no later
than two weeks after the vacated classes, on the duty.
Unexcused absences from classes within the prescribed period result in the loss of the 1st term of the credit. The student has the right to
count absences and exams at the time of correction.
Submission of a job: the deadline will be set at 1-2 classes. Failure to return your work within the prescribed period results in the loss of the
first date of the pass. Putting the work later, set on 1-2 classes, is treated as an approach 2.
1. Ażniuk B. Uroky dwomownosti: Irlandia // Derżawnist’ ukrajinśkoji mowy i mownyj doswid switu, Kyjiw 2000.
2. Bracki Artur. Surżyk Historia i teraźniejszość, Gdansk, 2009.
3. Burda T. Motywacja mownoji powedinky bilingwiw // Urok ukrajinskoji, Cz. 9-10, 1999, S. 6-11.
4. Grabias S. Język w zachowaniach społecznych. – Lublin, 2003.
5. Kołodziejek Ewa. Festiwal radosnych zakupów – moda językowa na tle współczesnych zmian kulturowych, (w:) W kręgu polszczyzny dawnej i współczesnej. Księga ofiarowana dr. hab. Kazimierzowi Długoszowi, profesorowi Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego, pod red. E. Kołodziejek, Szczecin 2006.
6. Kołodziejek Ewa. My chcemy gola! O komunikacji językowej w subkulturze kibiców piłkarskich (w:) Retoryka codzienności. Zwyczaje językowe współczesnych Polaków pod red. Małgorzaty Marcjanik, Warszawa 2006, s. 332 – 352.
7. Kołodziejek Ewa. Struktura zasobu leksykalnego języka współczesnych subkultur, „Studia Językoznawcze” t. 3. Synchroniczne i diachroniczne aspekty badań polszczyzny. Szczecin 2004.
8. Kubajczuk W. Hronologia mownyh podij w Ukraini (Zownisznia istoria ukrajinśkoji mowy), Kyjiw 2004.
9. Kulyk W. Dyskurs ukrajins’kych medij: identycznosti, ideologii, wladni stosunky, Kyjiw 2010.
10. Laskowska Elżbieta. Między językiem ideologii a językiem agresji // Reverendissimae Halinae Satkiewicz cum magna aestimatione. Red. Grzegorz Dąbkowski. Warszawa 2008, S. 185-193.
11. Lipińska E. Język ojczysty, język obcy, język drugi. Wstęp do badań dwuję-zyczności. – Kraków, 2003.
12. Lubaś W. O polskim zarysie socjolingwistyki. Plan metodologiczny // Socjo-ling¬wistyka. – 1994. – № XIV. – S. 7–18.
13. Masenko Ł. (U)mowna (U)kraina. – Kijów, 2007.
14. Masenko Łarysa. „Mowa i suspilstwo: postkonialnyj wymir”, Kyjiw 2004.
15. Masenko Łarysa. „Mowna sytuacja Kyjewa: den’ sohodnisznij ta pryjdesznij, Kijów, 2001. (współautor H. Zalizniak).
16. Masenko Łarysa. Mowa i polityka, Język i polityka”, Kijów 1999, 2004.
17. Masenko Łarysa. Narysy z socjolingwistyki, Kijów, 2010.
18. Materiały VIII Ogólnoukraińskiego seminaru z socjolingwistyki, Lwów, 12.05.2011.
19. Matsyuk H. А new role for Sociolinguistics in the hierarchy of Linguistics dis¬cip¬lines (the experience of Ukraine) // Езиковата политика на Евро¬пей¬ския съюз и европейското университетско пространство. Велико Търново, 5–7 октомври 2005 г. – Велико Търново, 2006. – Т. 2. – С. 217–230.
20. Matsyuk Hałyna. Do wytokiw socjolingwistyki: Socjolingwistycznyj napriam u mowoznawstwi, Lwiw 2008.
21. Matsyuk Hałyna. Nowi relewantni oznaky u zmisti poniattia „norma” (w:) Słowo. Styl. Norma, Kijów 2002, S. 141–147.
22. Matsyuk Hałyna. Prykładna socjolingwistyka. Pytannia mownoji polityki, Lwiw 2009.
23. Matsyuk Hałyna. Teoretyczna model opysu poniattia „kodyfikacija” (w:) Mowoznawstwo, 2003, № 4, S. 48–56.
24. Mowa i suspil’stwo. Czasopismo Państwowego Uniwersytetu we Lwowie, 2009-2010.
25. Pinczuk O., Czerwiak P. Narysy z etno- ta socjolingwistyki. – Kijów, 2005.
26. Płachuta Je. Cili mownoji polityky derżawy. Ukrajinśki problemy na tli doswidu Latwii ta Bilorusi // Derżawnist’ ukrajinśkoji mowy i mownyj doswid switu, Kyjiw 2000. – S. 48-49.
27. Pohribnyj A. Switowyj mownyj doswid ta ukrajinśki realii, Kyjiw 2003.
28. Romaniuk S., Ukraiński dyskurs polityczny: analiza lingwistyczna, Warszawa-Iwano-Frankiwśk 2016.
29. Stawyc’ka Ł. Ukrajins’kyj żarhon. Słownik. – Kijów, 2005.
30. Tkaczenko Orest. Ukrajinśka mowa i mowne żyttia switu, Kyjiw 2004.
31. Warchala J. Komunikacja perswazyjna, czyli kilka uwag o retoryczności, zaufaniu i prawdomówności // Kultura i język mediów, Kraków 2007, S. 121- 133; С. 130-131.
32. Zakonodawczo-normatywni akty z pytannia funkcionuwannia ukrajins’koji mowy jak derzawnoji. Zbirnyk.
33. Zalizniak H., Masenko Ł. Mowna sytuacja Kyjewa: deń sohodnisznij ta pryjdesznij, Kyjiw 2001.
1. Małyj etnopolitycznyj słownyk, Kyjiw 2005.
2. Paczew A. Encykłopedia po socjolingwistikie, Plewen 1993.
3. Seliwanowa O. Suczasna lingwistyka: Terminologiczna encykłopedia. – Połtawa 2006.
4. Skudrykowa A., Urban K. Mały słownik terminów z zakresu socjolingwistyki i pragmatyki językowej, Warszawa 2000.
5. Sulejmanowa E., Szajmerdenowa N. Slowar’ socjolingwisticzeskich terminow, Alma-Ata, 2002.
6. Trudgill P. Introducing Language and Society, London 1992.
7. Ukrajinśka mowa: Encykłopedia, Kyjiw 2007.
Term 2023L:
Literatura do wyboru, w zależności od realizowanego tematu badania. |
Term 2023L:
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be held using remote communication tools recommended by the University of Warsaw (Google Meet) |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: