Ukraine and Europe 1 (history, culture, literature) 3222-50UE1K-N
The class will discuss the most important stages of historical versus cultural development of Ukraine in the system of European values.
Special attention will be paid to cultural texts (literature, films, etc.) that reflect the problems of the European experience of Ukraine and the Ukrainian experience of Europe .
Student workload:
30 hours in the classroom - 1 ECTS
15 hours preparation for classes - 0.5 ECTS
15 hours preparing for the final project - 0.5 ECTS
Total 60 hours - 2 ECTS
Term 2024Z:
The class will discuss the most important stages of historical versus cultural development of Ukraine in the system of European values. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course the student:
Knows and understands:
To an in-depth degree the terminology and methodology of literary studies - S2_W02;
In a deeper degree the terminology and methodology of research in cultural studies - S2_W03;
in-depth key issues related to the directions of development of contemporary Ukrainian literature - S2_W08;
in-depth key issues related to the directions of development of contemporary Ukrainian cultural science - S2_W09;
is able to:
appropriately select sources and information from them, make creative interpretation and presentation of information on Ukrainian literature - S2_U02;
appropriately select sources and information from them, make a creative interpretation and presentation of information on the study of Ukrainian culture - S2_U03;
apply appropriate methods and research tools in the field of Ukrainian literary studies - S2_U05;
apply appropriate research methods and tools in the field of Ukrainian cultural studies - S2_U06;
independently plan and implement their own lifelong learning - S2_U14;
is ready to critically evaluate his/her knowledge and received content - S2_K01
Assessment criteria
The prerequisite for passing the course is:
- systematic preparation of the assigned material for the class
- carrying out and presenting in writing an individual research project
Requirements of the term paper:
1. the author should formulate a research problem, i.e., establish a thesis, which he/she will try to verify (prove or disprove) in the paper.
(2) Before writing the thesis, its plan and the literature list should be consulted with the instructor.
(3) The paper should be 5-8 pages of standard text, i.e. the volume should not be less than 10000 characters with spaces and more than 15000 characters with spaces (including footnotes). The paper should include an index of the bibliography used (however, the volume of the index of the bibliography used does not count towards the essay volume specified above). 4.
(4) The structure of the paper should include: introduction, development, conclusion, bibliography. The introduction should include: the thesis (formulation of the research problem), objectives of the work, justification for the choice of the topic, description of the subject and object literature. The development should include a proper analysis of the texts. The conclusion should contain conclusions resulting from the research.
(5) Each page of the thesis must be annotated with bibliographic, source or reference citations.
(6) The text of the paper should be edited according to the following rules: -font: Times New Roman Normal, size 12,-foreign language phrases in italics,-interline: 1.5 lines,-standard margins (top, bottom, left and right: 2.5 cm),-article title: font Times New Roman Normal, size 14, bold.
7 Footnotes should be placed in the text as footnotes, Times New Roman Normal font, size 10, spacing: 1 line. A footnote is treated as a sentence, so should begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop. In the text, the footnote number is placed without a space after the word, before the comma. At the end of a sentence, the footnote number is placed before the full stop, ending the sentence. Notation of footnotes and bibliographies according to the SUV standard.
The course concludes with a pass mark in the form of a written project according to the following criteria presented in the form of percentage thresholds
60% - 68% - 3 (pass mark)
69% - 77% - 3+ (pass mark)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
87% - 93% - 4+ (good plus grade)
94% - 97% - 5 (very good grade)
98% -100% - 5 ! (evaluation very good with an exclamation mark)
Assessment criteria:
- achievement of the expected learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects
aspects - 5.0 (very good)
- Achievement of the expected learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects with
aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus grade)
- Attainment of the expected learning outcomes with some (less important) aspects omitted - 4.0 (mark good plus).
aspects - 4.0 (good grade)
- achievement of the expected learning outcomes with the omission of some significant
4.0 (good) achievement of the expected learning outcomes with the omission of some important aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3.5 (mark satisfactory plus)
- achievement of the expected learning outcomes with the omission of important aspects
the achievement of the expected learning outcomes with the omission of important aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (mark satisfactory plus)
- Failure to achieve the expected learning outcomes - 2.0 (failing grade).
A prerequisite for passing is also attendance in class. A student is entitled to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent absence requires the submission of an excuse. The lecturer decides whether an absence is accepted.
The form of credit for classes in which the student has been absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences in 50% of classes may be the basis for failing a course.
The conditions for resit credit are identical to those for credit in the main term.
Selected texts: Natałky Sniadanko, Tani Malarczuk, Mykoły Chwylowoho, Lisy Weedy, Oksany Zabużko, Pawła Kazarina, Andrzeja Stasiuka; Jarosława Hrycaka, Mykoły Riabczuka, Serhiia Płochija, Jarosława Poliszczuka etc.
Ideia Europy w suspilnomu dyskursi suchasnoi Ukrainy: monohrafiia. Red. O. Muravskyi, M. Romaniuk. Lviv 2019.
S. Plohii, Brama Europy. Istoriia Ukrainy vid skifskykh voien do nezalezhnosti, Kharkiv 2015.
M. Riabczuk, Dvi Ukrainy: realni mezhi, virtualni viiny, Kyiv 2003.
Y. Polishchuk, Poshuky schidnoi Europy: tini mynuloho, mirazhi maibutnioho. Chernivtsi 2020.
P. Kazarin, Dykyi zachid schidnoi europy. Kharkiv 2022.
Y. Hrytsak, Podolaty mynule: hlobalna istoriia Ukrainy. Kyiv 2021.
M. Zaitsev, Europa yak ideia (peredumovy ta pochatkove stanovlennia), w: Naukovi zapysky Natsionalnoho universytetu „Ostrozka akademiia”. Seriia „Filosofiia”. Vyp. 16. Ostroh 2014. URL:
V. Yermolenko, Plynni ideolohii. Idei ta polityka w Europi XIX-XX stolit. Kyiv 2018.
Dzh. Steiner, Ideia Europy, w: Historians. URL: [30.10.2020]
P. Reitbergen, Europa. Dzieje kultury. Warszawa 2006.
Y. Muzychenko, Ukraina. Shlakh do sertsia Europy. Kharkiv 2023.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: