Ukrainian-Polish translation workshops 3222-50TPU2C-N
The main goal of the classes is to acquire the ability to prepare translations and interpretations from Polish into Ukrainian, and thus to prepare for the profession of a translator.Translation and interpreting workshops through the translation of selected Polish documents and fragments of texts (administrative, commercial and other specialist as well as journalistic and literary) familiarize students with the formal and substantive rules of translation. Translation exercises are accompanied by the necessary methodological commentary. Moreover, didactic applications include various forms of student activation, including preparation for self-education work.
Student's workload:
Contact hours in the room - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Current preparation for classes - 15 hours.
Project preparation - 5 hours.
Preparation for credit - 10 hours.
Total 60 hours (2 ECTS)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
1. knowledge:
- has a thorough knowledge and understanding of translation theory and translation techniques (K2_W05);
- Ukrainian language spoken and written in accordance with the requirements specified for level C1 ESOKJ (K2_W08);
- knows and understands basic concepts and principles of intellectual property and copyright protection (K2_W10);
2. skills:
- is able to properly select sources and information from them, conduct critical analysis, creative interpretation and presentation of information from the Ukrainian language (K2_U01);
- is able to communicate on specialised topics with different target groups (K2_U07);
- is able to communicate in speech and writing in Ukrainian according to the requirements specified for C1 ESOKJ (K2_U09);
- independently plan and implement their own lifelong learning (K2_U11);
- communicate on specialist topics using various communication channels and techniques in Polish and Ukrainian (K2_U13);
3. social competences:
- is ready to perform professional roles responsibly, taking into account changing social needs, taking care of the development and preservation of the profession ethos (K2_K03).
Assessment criteria
The conditions for passing the course and admission to the final pass:
- continuous assessment, i.e. active participation in classes
- systematic preparation of a given material for classes, translation tests, individual project.
- achievement of the assumed educational results covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good grade)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (assessment of good plus)
- achievement of the assumed educational results without some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes without some important aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3.5 (assessment sufficient plus)
- achievement of the expected learning outcomes with no significant aspects or serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (grade sufficient plus)
- lack of achievement of the assumed educational results - 2.0 (insufficient evaluation)
Criteria for evaluation of the translation:
(a) the conformity of the text of the translation with the original;
(b) the completeness of the translation;
(c) linguistic correctness;
(d) stylistic correctness.
Components of the evaluation:
- continuous assessment, shaping (current preparation for classes, activity) - 20%.
- written credit - 80%.
Credit criteria:
60% - 68% - 3 (sufficient grade)
69% - 77% - 3+ (sufficient score plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good rating)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good rating plus)
96% - 98% - 5 (very good)
99% -100% - 5 !(very good with exclamation point)
A student has the right to 2 unjustified absences. Form of credit for classes in which the student was absent - making up for on-call time.
If the student receives the grade 2 in the basic session, he or she may proceed to the same form of credit in a correct examination session.
1. - Balcerzan E., Literatura z literatury (strategie tłumaczy), Katowice 1998.
a. Hejwowski K., Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa 2007.
b. Dąmbska-Prokop U. (red.), Mała encyklopedia przekładoznawstwa, Częstochowa 2000.
2. - Domagalski S. Praktyczny słownik polsko-rosyjsko-ukraiński, Ekonomika i handel, Warszawa 2000.
a. Florczak J., Tłumaczenia symulatyczne i konsekutywne. Teoria i praktyka, C.H.Beck, 2013.
3. - Iwczenko A., Słownik ukraińsko-polski, Lublin 2003.
4. - Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Wasiak E. Słownik tematyczny polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa 2010, 2015.
a. Pisarska A., Tomaszkiewicz T., Współczesne tendencje przekładoznawcze, cz. II, Poznań 1996.
b. Polsko-ukraiński słownik elektroniczny,
5. - Wadas-Woźny H.U., Teoria i praktyka przekładu – wybrane zagadnienia (gramatyka porównawcza języka polskiego i rosyjskiego), Siedlce 2004.
1. Коломієць Т.О., Хомяк Т.В., Українсько-польський, польсько-український словник юридичних термінів, Запоріжжя 2018.
2. - Кононенко І., Співак О. Українсько-польський словник міжмовних омонімів і паронімів, Київ 2008.
3. - Кононенко І. Українська та польська мови: контраcтивне дослідження, Warszawa 2012, 2017.
4. - Корунець І., Вступ до перекладознавства, Вінниця 2008.
5. - Литвин І., Перекладознавство, Черкаси 2014.
6. - Мамрак А. В., Вступ до теорії перекладу, Київ 2009.
7. - Назаркевич Х., Основи перекладознавства, Львів 2010.
8. - Яценко І., Українсько-польський, польсько-український термінологічний словник: Торгівля. Економіка. Фінанси. Право, Київ 2016.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: