Practical knowledge of the Russian language – Business language 3222-50RB3C-NF
The material will acquaint the student with the peculiarities of business language and includes issues regarding economic and trade contacts with Russian-speaking business partners. The student will learn Russian business terminology on the basis of selected press texts and specialised texts. The student learns how to talk in Russian about the current economic situation in the world. The student acquires basic knowledge about business as well as gains skills regarding written and oral business communication.
The student’s workload:
contact hours (in class) – 30 hours
preparing for classes – 30 hours
preparation for the final written test – 30 hours
Total: 90 hours – 3 ECTS
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student will:
- know and understand Russian both spoken and written in accordance with the requirements set for the B2/C1 level of the CEFR (K2_W11)
- be able to debate specialised topics (K2_U08)
- be able to plan and implement their own lifelong learning (K2_U11)
- be able to communicate via speaking and writing in Russian in accordance with the requirements set for the B2C1 level of the CEFR (K2_U14)
- be ready to responsibly perform professional roles and take care of their own development, taking into account changing social needs (K2_K03)
Assessment criteria
Requirements for getting a credit for the subject in order to sit the final written test:
- presence
- written tests
- a written assignment
- an individual presentation
The final grade consists of:
- a mark for the work done during the semester (continuous assessment: active participation in classes, being prepared; oral and written tests, a written assignment, a project) - 50%
- the final written test grade - 50%.
Criteria for assessing tests and assignments (percentage thresholds):
99-100% - 5!
93-98% - 5
87-92% - 4+
77-86% - 4
70-76% - 3+
60-69% - 3
Criteria for assessing a written assignment:
- content
- correct vocabulary and terminology
- correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
- correct register
- structure and layout
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, and each subsequent one requires an explanation to be given. The teacher decides how the student will make up for any other unjustified absences. Should absences (justified and unjustified) exceed 50% of classes, that may constitute reason for failing to obtain a credit for the subject.
The student has the right to obtain the credit for the class and retake the final written test during the resits on the same terms as in the first attempt.
1. Biznes kontakt. Komunikacja biznesowa po rosyjsku. Część I. Biznes w Rosji, N. Bondar, S. Chwatow, Wydawnictwo REA, Warszawa 2009.
2. Biznes kontakt. Komunikacja biznesowa po rosyjsku. Część II. Transakcje w handlu zagranicznym, N. Bondar, S. Chwatow, Wydawnictwo REA, Warszawa 2010.
3. Język rosyjski w sferze biznesu, L. Kłobukowa (et al.), PWN 2003.
4. Język rosyjski w biznesie, J. Siskind, PWE 2015.
5. Rosyjsko-polski słownik tematyczny - Ekonomia, J. Lubochna-Kruglik, PWN 2001.
6. Podręczny polsko-rosyjski słownik biznesmena, J. Lukszyn, W. Zmarzer, Difin 2004.
7. Internet sources: articles and specialised dictionaries.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: