Learning the Ukrainian language 3222-50NJU2C-N
Practical exercises (15 weeks of classes per semester, 2 hours per week taught by a native speaker).
The teaching content is subordinated to the assumption of openness to the cognitive and communication needs of students and their intentions related to the opportunities to acquire the qualifications necessary to pursue a future profession or function in the country whose language they are studying, as well as to prepare graduates for job market needs.
Classes include series of practical exercises focused on basic communication situations through which students acquire vocabulary and grammar rules.
Grammar content includes: the ability to build grammatically and stylistically correct utterances in oral and written form; the ability to assimilate grammar rules systematically and intensively; the language culture and grammatical correctness of one's own statements. The classes are aimed at developing language skills (especially communication competence) at an advanced level, consolidating and improving acquired skills at second-cycle studies with an emphasis on expanding and creating complex oral and written texts, acquiring extensive knowledge thematically, lexically and stylistically, systematizing acquired knowledge.
The number of hours that the student should spend on achieving the learning outcomes defined for the subject is:
1. Organized hours - 60 hours in the room (15 weeks, 2 hours a week)
2. Estimated student independent work - 90 hours (including 60 hours preparation for classes and 30 hours preparation for the exam)
Term 2023L:
Practical exercises (15 weeks of classes per semester, 2 hours per week taught by a native speaker). The teaching content is subordinated to the assumption of openness to the cognitive and communication needs of students and their intentions related to the opportunities to acquire the qualifications necessary to pursue a future profession or function in the country whose language they are studying, as well as to prepare graduates for job market needs. Classes include series of practical exercises focused on basic communication situations through which students acquire vocabulary and grammar rules. Grammar content includes: the ability to build grammatically and stylistically correct utterances in oral and written form; the ability to assimilate grammar rules systematically and intensively; the language culture and grammatical correctness of one's own statements. The classes are aimed at developing language skills (especially communication competence) at an advanced level, consolidating and improving acquired skills at second-cycle studies with an emphasis on expanding and creating complex oral and written texts, acquiring extensive knowledge thematically, lexically and stylistically, systematizing acquired knowledge. The number of hours that the student should spend on achieving the learning outcomes defined for the subject is: 1. Organized hours - 60 hours in the room (15 weeks, 2 hours a week) |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Term 2023L: Remote learning | General: Classroom |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate knows and understands:
(K2_W04) psychological basis of language functioning at the greatest extend;
(K2_W05) translation theory and translation techniques at the greatest extend;
Skills: the graduate can:
(K2_U07) communicate on specialist topics with diverse audiences;
Social competence:
the graduate is ready to assess his knowledge and received content critically;
Assessment criteria
The following criteria apply to the credits:
- achieving the intended learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good)
- achieving the intended learning outcomes covering all significant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes without some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good)
- achieving the intended learning outcomes without taking into account some important aspects and with material inaccuracies - 3.5 (satisfactory grade plus)
- achieving the intended learning outcomes without taking into account relevant aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (satisfactory grade plus)
- no achievement of the intended learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory)
The components of the final grade being a condition for admission to the exam in the basic and retake session:
- continuous, formative assessment (active participation in classes, current control of preparation) - 50%
- individual project; group project, control tests. - 50%. The final grade consists of the work during the semester (30%) and exam result (70%).
The course ends with a written exam // credit with a grade, where the grade criteria are presented (points obtained from the oral and written exam):
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (satisfactory plus)
78% - 85% - 4 (good)
86% - 91% - 4+ (good plus)
92% - 97% - 5 (very good)
98% -100% - 5! (very good with an exclamation mark)
Criteria for assessing written statements:
a / language correctness,
b / compliance of the statement with the subject,
c / composition,
d / volume of work,
Criteria for assessing oral expression:
a / coherence and fluency of expression,
b / language correctness,
c / compliance of the statement with the subject,
The condition of admission to pass the course is attendance (in accordance with the Rules of Study at the University of Warsaw)
The student has the right to have 3 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires an excuse. The lecturer decides about the recognition of the absence.
The form of getting credit for classes during which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding the absence of justified and unexcused absences for 50% of classes may be the basis for failing the subject.
1. If the student's absence was justified on the basic date, then the Head of the Teaching Unit sets an additional exam date and thus the student still has two exam dates in a given subject.
Failure to justify your absence will result in the loss of one deadline and no evaluation. The student can take the exam in the retake session.
2. If a student does not meet the requirements for admission to the exam in the basic session, he loses this deadline.
3. In case of receiving grade “2” in the basic session a student may take an exam in a given subject in a retake exam session.
1. Kononenko V.I., Kononenko I.V. Hramatyka konfrontatywna języka ukraińskiego i polskiego, Kyjiw 2006.
2. Ponomariw O. Kultura słowa. Mownostylistyczni porady, Kyjiw 2001.
3. Serbenśka O. Antysurzyk, Lwiw 1994.
4. Suczasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa, za red. A. P. Hryszczenka, Kyjiw 2002.
5. Suchasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa, za red. M.J.Pluszcz, Kyjiw 1994.
6. Ukrajinśka mowa: Encyklopedija, Kyjiw 2000.
7. Ukrajinśka mowa: Naukowo-teoretycznyj żurnał Instytutu ukrajinśkoji mowy NAN Ukrajiny (2000-2009)
8. Ukrajinśkyj prawopys, Kyjiw 2019.
9. Wyhowanec’ I., Horodenśka K. Teoretyczna hramatyka ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2004.
10. Ukrains'koju bez tabu: podręcznik do nauki języka ukraińskiego, S. Romaniuk, M. Saniewska, Warszawa 2017.
Materiały własne prowadzącego.
1. Iwczenko A. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk. Lublin 2003.
2. Kononenko I., Śpiwak O. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj slownyk miżmownyh omonimiw i paronimiw, Kyjiw 2008.
3. Rusaniwśkyj W., Czumak W., Jarun G. Orfoepicznyj słownyk ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kyjiw 2006.
4. Słownyk trudnoszcziw ukrajinśkoji mowy, red. S. Jermolenko, Kyjiw 1990.
5. Śpiwak O., Jurkowski M. Ukraińsko-polski słownik syntaktyczny, Warszawa 2003.
6. Suczasnyj ukrajinśkyj orfohraficznyj slownyk, ukl. O.Leonowa, Kyjiw 2001.
7. Tkaczowa N. Ukrajinśko-polśkyj słownyk, Ternopil 2003.
Term 2023L:
Teacher's own materials. 1. Kononenko V.I., Kononenko I.V. Hramatyka konfrontatywna języka ukraińskiego i polskiego, Kyjiw 2006. Słowniki: |
Term 2023L:
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be held using distance communication tools recommended by the University of Warsaw (Google Meet, Google Classroom, Zoom). |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: