Ukrainian language practice (translation workshop) 3222-30TUP4WR-N
The main objective of the classes is to acquire the skills of preparing written and oral translations from Ukrainian into Polish, and thus to prepare for the profession of a translator.
Written and oral translation workshops, through the translation of selected Ukrainian documents and fragments of texts (administrative, commercial and other specialist, as well as journalistic and literary), familiarize students with the formal and substantive principles of translation. Translation exercises are accompanied by the necessary methodological commentary. In addition, various forms of student activation, including preparation for self-education work, find didactic application.
Student workload:
Contact hours in the classroom – 30 hrs.
Current preparation for classes – 15 hrs.
Project preparation – 5 hrs.
Preparation for credit – 10 hrs.
Total 60 hrs. (2 ECTS)
Term 2024L:
The main objective of the classes is to acquire the skills of preparing written and oral translations from Ukrainian into Polish, and thus to prepare for the profession of a translator. Written and oral translation workshops, through the translation of selected Ukrainian documents and fragments of texts (administrative, commercial and other specialist, journalistic and literary), familiarize students with the formal and substantive principles of translation. Translation exercises are accompanied by the necessary methodological commentary. In addition, various forms of student activation, including preparation for self-education work, find didactic application. Student workload: |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student:
1. knowledge:
- has advanced knowledge of selected translation strategies and techniques (K1_W05)
2. skills:
- is able to use theoretical approaches appropriate for translation studies (K1_U07)
3. social competences:
- is ready to critically evaluate the knowledge they possess and the content they receive (K1_K01)
Assessment criteria
Conditions for passing the subject and being admitted to the final assessment:
- attendance at classes
- activity during classes
- control of current preparation
- control tests
- individual project
- group project
Evaluation components:
- final test (50%)
- individual projects (30%)
- activity (20%)
Passing the subject - the assessment is in the form of a written test. The assessment criteria for the final test are presented in the form of percentage thresholds:
60%-69% - 3 (sufficient grade)
69-77% - 3+ (sufficient plus grade)
78-85% - 4, (good grade)
85-91% - 4+ (good plus grade)
92-97% - 5 (very good grade)
98-100 - 5! (very good with exclamation mark)
Criteria for evaluating the translation:
a) consistency of the translation content with the original
b) completeness of the translation
c) linguistic correctness
d) stylistic correctness
1. - Balcerzan E., Literatura z literatury (strategie tłumaczy), Katowice 1998.
2. Hejwowski K., Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa 2007.
3. Dąmbska-Prokop U. (red.), Mała encyklopedia przekładoznawstwa, Częstochowa 2000.
4. Domagalski S. Praktyczny słownik polsko-rosyjsko-ukraiński, Ekonomika i handel, Warszawa 2000.
5. Florczak J., Tłumaczenia symulatyczne i konsekutywne. Teoria i praktyka, C.H.Beck, 2013.
5. Iwczenko A., Słownik ukraińsko-polski, Lublin 2003.
6. Kononenko I., Mytnik I., Wasiak E. Słownik tematyczny polsko-ukraiński, Warszawa 2010, 2015.
7. Pisarska A., Tomaszkiewicz T., Współczesne tendencje przekładoznawcze, cz. II, Poznań 1996.
8. Polsko-ukraiński słownik elektroniczny,
9. Wadas-Woźny H.U., Teoria i praktyka przekładu – wybrane zagadnienia (gramatyka porównawcza języka polskiego i rosyjskiego), Siedlce 2004.
10. Коломієць Т.О., Хомяк Т.В., Українсько-польський, польсько-український словник юридичних термінів, Запоріжжя 2018.
11. - Кононенко І., Співак О. Українсько-польський словник міжмовних омонімів і паронімів, Київ 2008.
12. - Кононенко І. Українська та польська мови: контраcтивне дослідження, Warszawa 2012, 2017.
13. Корунець І., Вступ до перекладознавства, Вінниця 2008.
14. Литвин І., Перекладознавство, Черкаси 2014.
15. Мамрак А. В., Вступ до теорії перекладу, Київ 2009.
16. Назаркевич Х., Основи перекладознавства, Львів 2010.
17. Яценко І., Українсько-польський, польсько-український термінологічний словник: Торгівля. Економіка. Фінанси. Право, Київ 2016.
Term 2024L:
1. - Balcerzan E., Literatura z literatury (strategie tłumaczy), Katowice 1998. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: