Seminar in Modern Ukrainian Literature 3222-30LW2K-N
This course will introduce you to contemporary Ukrainian literature as a collection of individual voices that, through practices of collective reading and interpretation, are transformed into a common experience. Beginning with a discussion of the modern, modernist, and contemporary, we will explore contemporary literature as post-totalitarian, post-colonial and post-modern. Aesthetic exploration and linguistic inventions will be considered in the context of social challenges, historical traumas, and the inheritance of a multicultural and multilingual tradition; students will come to understand contemporary Ukrainian literature as both an "unexpected phenomenon” and as participating in a rich, thousand-year tradition that serves as a key to understanding Ukrainian identity today.
If it is not possible to conduct classes in a stationary form, classes will be held using distance communication tools, most likely Google Meet and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Student workload:
30 hours in the room - 1 ECTS
30 hours preparation for classes - 1 ECTS
30 hours preparation for passing - 1 ECTS
Total 90 hours - 4 ECTS
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course student:
knows and understands at an advanced level the history and contexts of Ukrainian literature of the 80s and 90s, and the most modern (K1_W07)
is able to search, critically analyze and evaluate, select and use information on Ukrainian literature (K1_U03)
is able to use theoretical approaches specific to Ukrainian literature (K1_U04)
is ready to critically assess knowledge and received content
Assessment criteria
Conditions for admission to pass the course:
- systematic preparation of given material for classes (control of current preparation) - 50%
- continuous assessment, i.e. active participation in classes (checking current preparation) - 50%
The condition of admission to pass the subject / admission to the exam is attendance (in accordance with the Rules of Study at the University of Warsaw)
The student has the right to two unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires submission of justification. The lecturer decides about the recognition of the absence.
The form of getting credit for classes during which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding the absence of justified and unexcused absences for 50% of classes may be the basis for failing the subject.
Completion of the course - the exam is in the form of a written test (5 closed questions and 5 open questions). The evaluation criteria are presented as percentage thresholds:
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (satisfactory plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good plus)
96% - 98% - 5 (very good)
99% -100% - 5! (Very good with an exclamation mark)
The following criteria apply to the credits:
- achieving the intended learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good)
- achieving the intended learning outcomes covering all significant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes without some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good)
- achieving the intended learning outcomes without taking into account some important aspects and with material inaccuracies - 3.5 (satisfactory grade plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes without significant aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (satisfactory grade plus)
- no achievement of the intended learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory)
The conditions for passing the correction are identical to those for passing the main deadline.
„Rybo - wino - kur. Antologia literatury ukraińskiej ostatnich dwudziestu lat”, wyb. i oprac. O. Hnatiuk, Warszawa 1994.
„Wiersze zawsze są wolne”, przekł. B. Zadura, Wrocław 2005.
„Odkrywanie modernizmu. Przekłady i komentarze”, pod red. R. Nycza, Kraków 1998.
30 wierszy zza granicy: młoda poezja ukraińska, wybór i przekł. Aneta Kamińska. Rzeszów, 2012.
Cząstki pomarańczy: nowa poezja ukraińska, wybór i oprac. Aneta Kamińska. Warszwa-Kraków, 2011.
Portret kobiecy w odwróconej perspektywie: 12 poetek z Czech, Słowenii i Ukrainy, wybór i przekład Zofia Bałdyga, Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk, Aneta Kamińska. Katowice, 2013.
Wschód – Zachód: wiersze z Ukrainy i dla Ukrainy, wybór i przekł. Aneta Kamińska. Bydgoszcz, 2014.
Selected works (translated to polish language): J. Andruchowycza, S. Żadana, T. Prochaśki, O. Zabużko, N. Śniadanko, S. Andruchowycz, M. Matios, P. Arje, N. Worożbyt.
Term 2024L:
Selected works by Ukrainian authors(in Polish translation): Yuri Andrukhovych, Oksana Zabuzhko, Serhiy Zhadan, Maria Matios, Valery Shevchuk, Pavel Arje, Volodymyr Rafiyenko, Volodymyr Lys, Stanislav Aseyev. |
Term 2024L:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: