Ukrainian literature XX c 3222-30LU5K-N
Detailed topics discussed during the course include: analysis of selected prominent works of Ukrainian literature from the........ Including analysis of texts containing the features of modernism, symbolism, neorealism, neo-romanticism, and vitaism (literature of the Revived Rebirth). We analyze the literary process of the 1960s (a brief reminder of the news). We also pay attention to the specifics of the literature of Ukrainian emigration in the 20th century. We practice critical thinking skills, select different sources related to contemporary Ukrainian literature, formulate arguments.The content of the subject leads to the training of research skills.
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes
shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools, most likely Google
Meet and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Student workload
30 hours in the room - 1 ECTS
30 hours preparation for classes - 1 ECTS
30 hours preparation to pass - 1 ECTS
90 hours – 3 ECTS
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands:
advanced terminology and methodology of literary studies (20th century) K1_W02
at an advanced level, history and contexts of Ukrainian literature (20th century) K1_W07
The student is able to:
search, critically analyze and evaluate, select and use information on Ukrainian literature K1_U03
independently plan and implement one's own lifelong learning K1_U11
The student is ready to
critical evaluation of knowledge and received content K1_K01
compliance with ethical principles, including use of someone else's scientific achievements K1_K03
Assessment criteria
Conditions for admission to final pass:
- continuous assessment, i.e. active participation in classes (control of current preparation) - 50%
- systematic preparation for classes of the given material (control of the current preparation) - 50%
The condition for admission to pass the subject is attendance (in accordance with the Study Regulations at the University of Warsaw)
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires an explanation. The lecturer decides about the recognition of absence.
The form of passing the classes on which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
Exceeding absences of absence justified and unexcused for 50% of classes may be the basis for failure to credit the subject.
Written test (closed and open questions), assessment criteria are presented in the form of percentage thresholds:
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (rated satisfactory plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good plus)
96% - 98% - 5 (very good)
99% -100% - 5! (Very good with an exclamation mark)
The following criteria shall apply to crediting:
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good grade)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes without taking into account some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good grade)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting some important aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3.5 (satisfactory plus)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting significant aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (satisfactory plus)
- failure to achieve the expected learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory)
Іstorija ukrajinskoi literatury ХХ stolittia u 2 knyhach. Red.W.Donczyk, Kyjiw 1998.
Literatura Rozstrilianoho Widrodzennia. Antolohija. Red. J.Ławrinenko, Paryz 1958.
H. Hrabowycz. Do istorii ukrajinskoi literatury, Kyjiw 2005.
A. Bila. Futuryzm, Kyjiw 2010.
A. Bila. Symwolizm, Kyjiw 2010.
A. Bila. Siurrealizm, Kyjiw 2010.
Ukrajinśke słowo, Chrestomatia ukrajinśkoi literatury ta literaturnoi krytyky, Кyjiw 2001 (4 cz.)
Chrestomatia ukrajinśkoi literatury ХХ stolittia u dwoch knyhach, Kyjiw 1998.
W. Sobol, Istorija ukrajinśkoi literatury XX- pocz.XXI stolit, Warszawa 2007.
L. Stefanowska, Mission Impossible: MUR i odrodzenie ukraińskiego życia literackiego w obozach dla uchodźców na terytorium Niemiec 1945-1948, Warszawa 2014.
Literaturoznawczyj słownyk-dowidnyk, Kyjiw 1997.
M.Ilnyckyj. Wid Molodoi Muzy do „Prazkoi szkoly”, Lwiw 1995.
Term 2023Z:
storija ukrajinskoi literatury ХХ stolittia u 2 knyhach. Red.W.Donczyk, Kyjiw 1998. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: