Ukrainian descriptive grammar - morphology 3222-30GOM3K-N
The class is a seminar.
The aim of the class is to broaden and complete knowledge of Ukrainian morphology and prepare to conduct research. Students consolidate knowledge and get detailed information of classification of parts of speech, presents the rules of its functioning, gives systems and rules of variants of parts of speech, describes and characterizes the structure of the predicate, shows different approach. It is also devoted to difficult and rare form.
The estimated total number of hours that a student will need to achieve the learning outcomes defined for the course:
organised hours - 2 hours a week = 30 hours
student's individual work - 30 hours
preparing for exam - 30 hours
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes
shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools, most likely Google
Meet and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Term 2023Z:
The class is a seminar. |
Term 2024Z:
The class is a seminar. |
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Type of course
Learning outcomes
The student knows the terminology and methods employed in linguistic sciences to an advanced degree (K1_W01 )
The student knows the complex nature and historical variability of language to an advanced degree (K1_W04)
The student knows directions in contemporary Ukrainian language studies (K1_W06)
The student is able to search, critically analyze and evaluate,
select and use information about the Ukrainian language (K1_U01)
The student is able to operate on theoretical approach of Ukrainian language (K1_U02)
The student is able to formulate and do scientific quest in Ukrainian linguistics
The student can communicate with the environment using philological terminology (K1_W08)
Assessment criteria
Conditions for completing the course and admission to the final exam:
- continuous assessment, ie active participation in classes, passing tests, participation on individual presentation (analyse of the language)
The course ends with a written exam, where the assessment criteria are presented in the form of percentage thresholds (points obtained from the written exam)
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (satisfactory plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
87% - 90% - 4+ (good plus)
91%-98% - 5 (very good
99% -100% - 5! (Very good with an exclamation mark)
Student can sit an exam for the second time in second session. The exam has the same form and condition as during first time.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires an explanation. The lecturer will decide whether to accept absence or not.
The form for completion of classes on which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
If the total absences excused and unexcused exceeds 50 % of classes, this may be the basis to which the student fails the course.
Grzegorczykowa R., Morfologia, Warszawa 1999;
Ponomariw O.D., Suczasna ukrajinśka mowa, Kyjiw 2001;
Pluszcz M., Suczasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa, Kyjiw 2000;
Zinkiewicz-Tomanek B., Morfołohija suczasnoji ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kraków 2004;
Zinkiewicz-Tomanek B., Hramatyka suczasnoji ukrajinśkoji mowy, Kraków 2007;
Kononenko W., Kononenko I., Kontrastywna hramatyka ukrajinśkoji ta polśkoji mow, Kyjiw 2006;
Nagórko A., Podręczna gramatyka języka polskiego, Warszawa 2010.
Horpynycz W.O., Suczasna ukrajinśka literaturna mowa. Morfemika. Słowotwir. Morfonołogia, Kyjiw 1999;
Ukrajinśka mowa: Encykłopedija, Kyjiw 2000;
Aleksijenko Ł.A., Zubań O.M., Kozlenko I.V., Morfołohija, Kyjiw 2013.
Dunaj B., Zarys morfonologii współczesnej polszczyzny, Kraków 1979;
Term 2023Z:
Grzegorczykowa R., Morfologia, Warszawa 1999; |
Term 2024Z:
Grzegorczykowa R., Morfologia, Warszawa 1999; |
Term 2023Z:
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes |
Term 2024Z:
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: