Belarusian language for specific purposes 3221-S2-FBA-SJBI21
During the course the problems of theory and practise of specialist vocabulary are showed. The course introduces specialist language term and makes the classification of the vocabulary according to their fields of using. The semantic processes of modern specialist vocabulary and terminology are discussed. The education includes showing the models of specialist texts and the examples of documents and official letters (the field of law, economy, trade, etc). Furthermore, problems of specialist texts translation from Belarusian language is discussed and intercultural aspects of specialist text translation and teaching specialist languages are also discussed.
Student's workload during the classes requiring direct participation with the teacher: 30 hours. ECTS: 3 including:
- participation in the classes 30 hours. ECTS: 1
Individual student's workload: 45 hours and individual study of course material/preparation for classes 15 hours. ECTS: 3.
Student's workload during the classes requiring direct participation with the teacher and individual student's workload: 90 hours. ECTS: 3.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate understands and has an in-depth knowledge of
- various functions of language in the context of, e.g. literature, culture, religion, history, art, politics, economy or media,
- the nature of language and the impact of historical and cultural changes on its development,
- interlingual similarities and differences as well as adequate techniques of interlingual transfer the sense of specialist language communication, its constraints and challenges,
- notions and rules pertaining to intellectual property protection, in particular copyright.
Skills: the graduate can
- search for, analyse, evaluate, select and use information by consulting sources in various languages, including on-line sources under unpredictable conditions,
- formulate and test hypotheses connected with simple research problems in the area of language studies,
- recognise various types of LSP texts and carry out a linguistic analysis,
- communicate with specialists by using various channels and means of communication in a specific foreign language,
- draft correct, extensive, clear and coherent papers in a foreign language on a selected topic, also in the context of specialist communication,
- speak a foreign language at the level indicated in the course syllabus, also in the context of specialist communication,
- lead teamwork and cooperate within a team,
- individually plan and pursue his or her own process of lifelong learning as well as provide others with guidance in this respect.
Social competencies: the graduate is ready to
- critically evaluate his or her knowledge and the content he or she receives,
- correctly identify and solve professional dilemmas in accordance with tradition and professional ethics as well as develop professional competences,
-initiate action for the sake of the public interest and the local community, acting in an entrepreneurial manner.
Assessment criteria
The subject ends with a written credit in the form of a test consisting of closed single- and multiple-choice questions and open questions.
Coursework is worth 50% of the final grade and the other 50% comes from the final test.
Written test - evaluation criteria:
60% – 66% - 3
67% - 76% - 3,5
77% - 86% - 4
87% - 96% - 4,5
97% - 100 % - 5
100% knowledge and skills outside the curriculum - 5!
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course.
The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
1. Antoniuk Ł. A., Płotnikau B. A., Biełaruskaja mowa: spiecyjalnaja leksika, Mińsk 2004.
2. Felber H., Budin G,. Teoria i praktyka terminologii, Warszawa 1994.
3. Jasińska-Socha T., Panasiuk N., Mały praktyczny słownik biznesmena białorusko-polski i polsko-białoruski. Warszawa 1995.
4. Języki specjalistyczne. Zagadnienia dydaktyki i przekładu. Pod red. Piotra Mameta; przy współpracy Alicji Mrózek, Katowice 2003.
5. Jurydyczny encykłapiedyczny słounik. Red. kolegium S. W. Kuźmin, J.W. Małaszewicz, H. A. Masłynka i in., Mińsk 1992.
6. Kaurus A. A., Dakumient pa-biełarusku. Sprawawodstwa, Buchgałteryja. Rynacznaja ekanomika, Mińsk 1994.
7. Kielar B., Grucza S., Języki specjalistyczne: Lingwistyczna identyfikacja tekstów specjalistycznych, Warszawa 2003.
8. Kriwickij A. A., Podłużnyj A. I. Uczebnik biełorusskogo jazyka. Lkz samoobrazowanija, Mińsk 1994.
9. Laszczynskaja W. A., Biełaruskaja mowa. Terminałahicznaja leksika, Mińsk 2001.
10. Maraszeuskaja W. W., Piwawarczyk I. W., Sadouskaja A. S., Biełaruskaja mowa. Prafiesijnaja leksika, Grodno 2006.
11. Maraszeuskaja W. W., Piwawarczyk I. W., Sadouskaja A. S., Biełaruskaja mowa. Prafiesijnaja leksika. Dapamożnik. Grodno 2004.
12. Sudowaja medycyna. Pad redakcyjaj prafiesara.W. M. Krukawa, Minsk 1997.
13. Tłumaczalny słounik handlowych terminau. Pad ahulnaj redakcyjaj kandydata ekanamicznych nawuk R. P. Walewicz, Mińsk 1995.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: