Polish-Belarusian confrontative grammar 3221-S2-FBA-PBGK11
During the classes, the following issues are subjected to a comparative analysis:
1. Linguistic typology and a contrastive analysis of the languages.
2. Shared features in comparative and contrastive studies of related languages.
3. Belarusian and Russian in the family of Slavic languages.
4. Comparison of the alphabets of East and West Slavic languages.
5. Phonetics and phonology of the vowel and consonant systems of Belarusian and Russian languages taken synchronically.
6. Category of gender and number of a noun in Belarusian and Russian.
7. Comparison of two-gender and indeclinable nouns in Belarusian and Russian.
8. Selected issues of the comparative analysis of numerals in Belarusian and Russian.
9. Basics of the comparative analysis of noun inflection in Belarusian and Russian.
10. The comparative analysis of selected pronouns in Belarusian and Russian.
11. Basics of the comparative analysis of adjective inflection in Belarusian and Russian.
12. Selected issues of the comparative analysis of verb inflection in Belarusian and Russian.
13. Selected word formation categories of individual parts of speech in Belarusian and Russian.
14. Basics of the contrastive description of the lexical systems of Belarusian and Russian.
15. Selected problems of Belarusian and Russian syntax in a contrastive description.
Student workload:
30 hours in class - 1 ECTS
60 hours preparation for classes and pass - 2 ECTS
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands:
in-depth subject and methodological specificity of research
comparisons used in linguistics;
in-depth linguistic terminology in the field of confrontative grammar;
in-depth the functioning of the language in the context of the linguistic norm;
concepts and principles in the field of intellectual property protection, including in particular copyright law.
The student is able to:
formulate and analyze research problems in the field of comparative linguistics;
select innovative research methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques, and develop and present results, also in unpredictable conditions;
formulate and test hypotheses related to simple research problems
in comparative linguistics;
use the theoretical approaches of confrontational linguistics, research paradigms and concepts specific to comparative linguistics during debates and discussions with diverse audiences;
recognize the relationship between comparative linguistics and other disciplines and indicate practical implications;
use the Belarusian language, also as part of specialized communication in the field of confrontational linguistics;
manage team work and cooperate in team work.
The student is ready to:
recognizing the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive problems
and practical, as well as seeking expert opinions;
correct identification and resolution of professional dilemmas while maintaining the traditions and principles of professional ethics and developing one's own professional competences.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for passing the course:
- presence and active participation in classes;
- systematic preparation of given material for classes;
- timely performance of housework and control tests;
Evaluation components:
- continuous, shaping evaluation (current preparation for classes, activity) - 50%
- final test - 50%
Criteria for the assessment of mid-term and final tests:
50% – 58% - 3
59% - 67% - 3+
68% - 76% - 4
77% - 85% - 4+
86% - 95 % - 5
96% -100% - 5 !
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence. Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
1 Mečkovskaja N.B., Obščeje jazykoznanije. Strukturnaja i social’naja tipologija jazykov, Moskva, 2009.
2. Zmarzer W., Podstawy analizy konfrontatywnej języków pokrewnych, Warszawa 1992.
3. Hryhor’jeva L.M. [red.], Suczasnaja belaruskaja mova, Minsk 2007.
4. Pianka, W., Gramatyka konfrontatywna języków słowiańskich, tom 1, Katowice, 2000.
5. Dalewska-Greń H., Języki słowiańskie, Warszawa, 2002.
6. Stieber Z., Zarys gramatyki porównawczej języków słowiańskich, Warszawa 1976
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: