Belarusian language II 3221-S2-FBA-NJB11
Student workload:
90 hours – in class, 3 ECTS;
45 hours - preparing for class assignments, 1,5 ECTS;
45 hours - preparing for the exam, 1,5 ECTS.
Total: 6 ECTS.
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools, most likely Zoom, Kampus and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the graduate understands and has an advanced knowledge of
– various functions of language in the context of, e.g. literature, culture, religion, history, art, politics, economy or media
-- the nature of language and the impact of historical and cultural changes on its development
- interlingual similarities and differences as well as adequate techniques of interlingual transfer
- the sense of specialist language communication, its constraints and challenges
Skills: the graduate can
– search for, analyse, evaluate, select and use information by consulting sources in various languages, including on-line sources under unpredictable conditions
– formulate and analyse research problems in the area of literary studies, choose innovative research methods and tools as well as prepare and present findings, also under unpredictable conditions,
– recognise various types of literary works and carry out a critical analysis and interpret them in a wider context by using innovative methods,
– communicate with specialists by using various channels and means of communication in a specific foreign language
- draft correct, extensive, clear and coherent papers in a foreign language on a selected topic, also in the context of specialist communication
-speak a foreign language at the level indicated in the course syllabus, also in the context of specialist communication
- lead teamwork and cooperate within a team
- individually plan and pursue his or her own process of lifelong learning as well as provide others with guidance in this respect
Social competencies: the graduate is ready to
- critically evaluate his or her knowledge and the content he or she receives
– correctly identify and solve professional dilemmas in accordance with tradition and professional ethics as well as develop professional competences
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: