Knowledge about the Republic of Belarus 3221-S1-FBA-WORB12
The aim of the course is to show modern Belarus: from general issues such as administrative division, geographical and natural characteristics to recent history, including the changes that took place after the collapse of the USSR. The classes will also address issues related to national identity and separateness, the impact of bilingualism on contemporary Belarusian culture and the role of the Belarusian language. Tourist attractions in Belarus, National Parks and Polish-Belarusian relations will also be discussed.
Student workload:
30 hours - 1 ECTS point, participation in the seminar
15 hours - 0.5 ECTS points, preparation for the test
15 hours - 0.5 ECTS credits, preparation for classes
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The graduate knows and understands:
- advanced subject and methodological specificity of linguistic research (K1_W01)
- advanced linguistic terminology (K1_W03)
- advanced directions of linguistic research development
and the most important contemporary problems and challenges (K1_W09)
The graduate can:
- search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information
using multilingual sources, including online sources (K1_U01)
- formulate and analyze research problems in the field of linguistics, choose research methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques (K1_U02)
- use theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to linguistics when communicating with the environment and during debates and discussions (K1_U04)
- plan and organize individual work and cooperate in a team (also as part of interdisciplinary tasks) (K1_U14)
The graduate is ready to:
- critical assessment of knowledge and received content (K1_K01)
- recognizing the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive problems
and practical and reaching for expert opinions (K1_02)
- setting priorities for implementation of social and self-assigned tasks assigned to him (K1_03)
Assessment criteria
At the end of the semester the student is required to pass a written test. The percentage thresholds necessary to obtain individual ratings:
3.0 - from 50%
3.5 - from 60%
4.0 - from 70%
4.5 - from 80%
5.0 - from 90%
5! - to obtain this assessment, the student must demonstrate knowledge beyond the program framework
Two absences are allowed during the semester.
1. Z. Szybieka, Historia Białorusi 1795-2000, przełożył H. Łaszkiewicz, Lublin 2002.
2. red. B. Albin, W. Baluk, Europa Wschodnia - dekada transformacji. Białoruś, Wrocław 2004.
3. E. Mironowicz, Białoruś, Warszawa 1999.
4. P. Foligowski, Białoruś. Trudna niepodległość, Wrocław 1999.
5. S. Owsiannik, J. Striełkowa, Władza a społeczeństwo. Białoruś 1991-1998, Warszawa 1998.
6. Inna Białoruś. Historia - polityka - gospodarka, przekład E. Kornowska-Michalska, Warszawa 1999.
7. G. Rąkowski, Ilustrowany przewodnik po zabytkach kultury na Białorusi, Warszawa 1997.
8. Kto jest kim w Białorusi, Białystok 2000.
9. K. Malak, Polityka zagraniczna i bezpieczeństwa Białorusi, Warszawa 2003.
10. A. Poczobut, System Białoruś, Gliwice 2013.
11. red. Ryszard Radzik, Tożsamości zbiorowe Białorusinów, Lublin 2012.
12. red. M. Nocuń, A. Brzeziecki, Ograbiony naród. Rozmowy z intelektualistami białoruskimi, Wrocław 2007
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: