Information Technology 3221-S1-FBA-TI11
- (term 2023Z)
- (term 2024Z)
1. Health and safety at work with a computer. Construction and operation of a computer: input and output devices. Wired and wireless connectivity. Operating systems and file operations. Students profiles in the university IT infranstructure.
2. Storage of information: hard drives, external drives, data archiving programs, work in the cloud, backups, formatting drives, restoring damaged files, disk encryption.
3. Browsing Internet resources: web browsers (personalization of settings), search engines (advanced search, photo search, Google Lens), region languages on the Internet, Internet security (encryption, Google account configuration, private browsing, password manager).
4. Electronic mail: netiquette in business correspondence, sending attachments and sharing files, defining labels, folders, filters, signatures, redirecting mail, handling external accounts.
5. Contacts: collecting and managing contacts, managing correspondence history.
6. Calendars: scheduling your own time, one-time and recurring meetings, real and virtual meetings, importing events and calendars, sharing your calendar, integrating tasks and reminders.
7. Text editor part 1: composing texts, automating work: page numbering, inserting a table of contents, creating footnotes.
8. Text editor part 2: embedding images and tables, region languages and spelling checking, adjusting margins, printing documents, exporting documents.
9. Text editor: the rules of composing of academic writings, bibliography managers.
10. Forms: creating forms, configuring settings, collecting data through surveys, analyzing results.
11. Multimedia presentations: tools overview, the rules of composing academic presentations.
12. Multimedia presentations: composing slides, applying effects, adding sound, exporting files.
13. Multimedia presentations:exercises
14. Visualization of humanities.
15. Final test.
Student workload:
Active participation in classroom - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Preparation to pass - 30 hours (1 ECTS)
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course a student:
- knows main linguistic and literary repositories;
- obeys the netiquette and knows basic rules
of exchanging information on the web;
- is able to do an effective research in electronic resources;
- knows the rules of an academic essay or presentation typesetting;
- knows linguistic tools (corpora browsers, taggers, concordances, dictionaries etc.)
Assessment criteria
1. In-classroom activity (document, presentation, forms) 60%. (1,5 ECTS)
2. Final on-line test 40%. (0,5 ECTS)
Jankowska K., Łuczkiewicz A., Michałowska M., Zobaczyć – rozpoznać – zrozumieć. Wizualizacja jako metoda upowszechniania wiedzy, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Gdańskiej, Gdańsk 2019.
Gogołek W., Informatyka dla humanistów, Kropki trzy, Warszawa 2013.
Siuda P., Wasylczyk P., Publikacje naukowe. Praktyczny poradnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2018.
Matysek A., Tomaszczyk J., Cyfrowy warsztat humanisty, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2020.
Mieszkowska M., Bugajska J., Wolska A., Praca z komputerem przenośnym – laptopy, „Bezpieczeństwo Pracy”, 12/2008, s. 8-10.
Szews P., Infografika w prasie i w Internecie, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, Łódź 2020.
Wasylczyk P., Prezentacje naukowe. Praktyczny poradnik dla studentów, doktorantów i nie tylko, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2017.
Węglarz W., Żarowska-Mazur A., ECDL Base na skróty, Warszawa 2019.
Wimmer P., Akademickie narzędzia Microsoft Word 2007, Ebookpoint, 2012.
Centrum edukacji Google G Suite dla Szkół i Uczelni Wyższych
Pomoc i szkolenia pakietu Microsoft 365 Education
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: