Methodology linguistic research 3221-S1-FBA-PMBJ12
The course program covers issues related to the definition of linguistics as a science by defining the subject of its research and the methods used in it, presenting directions, traditions and methodological, empirical and cognitive achievements in the field of research conducted within linguistic sub-disciplines.
Topics covered:
- Language as a research subject.
- A Brief History of Linguistic Research.
- Relationships of linguistics with other fields of science.
- The concept of method and methodology.
- Relationship between theory and method.
- Language in synchronic, diachronic, formal, structural, pragmatic and cognitive terms.
- Interdisciplinary research in linguistics.
- Planning a research project - research question, research purpose, research feasibility, methods of data collection and processing, interpretation of the collected material, inference.
- Quantitative and qualitative data acquisition methods.
- The construction of a scientific text in the field of linguistics - why are footnotes so important?
Student workload (2 ECTS):
30h - participation in classes
15h - reading the indicated literature
15h - preparation for the final test
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands at an advanced level:
advanced subject and methodological specifics of the research
advanced linguistic terminology;
advanced directions of linguistic research development
and the most important contemporary problems and challenges;
The student can:
search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information
using multilingual sources, including online sources;
formulate and analyze research problems in the field of linguistics, choose research methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques;
use theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to linguistics when communicating with the environment and during debates and discussions;
plan and organize individual work and cooperate in a team (also as part of interdisciplinary tasks).
The student is ready to:
critical assessment of knowledge and received content;
recognizing the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive problems
and practical and reaching for expert opinions;
defining priorities for the implementation of tasks assigned by himself and others in the field of social obligations.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for admission to final examination:
-presence and active participation in classes;
- systematic preparation for classes of the given material;
-obtaining a positive grade for the final pass.
TThe final grade consists of the final credit grade and the current work grade.
Percentage thresholds necessary to obtain individual grades:
3.0 - from 50%
3.5 - from 60%
4.0 - from 70%
4.5 - from 80%
5.0 - from 90%
5! - to obtain this assessment, the student must demonstrate knowledge beyond the framework of the program
On the final exam, the student will be required, among others, to present his / her own research project idea. When assessing the project, points are given:
- topic selection;
-justification of the choice of research method;
-proposed methodology;
-accuracy of the research goal;
- the correctness of the terminology used;
-theoretical basics.
The evaluation of the current work will be issued on the basis of the following conditions:
2 - the student exceeded the permitted number of absences and showed no commitment during classes.
3 - the student did not exceed the permitted number of absences, but did not show commitment during classes.
4 - the student did not exceed the permitted number of absences, did not show much commitment during the classes - he took part in the discussion only if adequately motivated by the teacher.
5 - the student did not exceed the permitted number of absences, showed great commitment during classes, was willing to participate in discussions during classes.
5! - to obtain this grade, the student must demonstrate transversal knowledge and exceptional commitment during the course of the course.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence. Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
Bobrowski I., Zaproszenie do językoznawstwa, Kraków 1998.
Grzegorczykowa R. i A. Pajdzińska (red.), Językowa kategoryzacja świata, Lublin 1996.
Heinz A., Dzieje językoznawstwa w zarysie, Warszawa, 1978.
Helbig G., Dzieje językoznawstwa nowożytnego, Warszawa, 1982.
Ivić M., Kierunki w lingwistyce, Wrocław, 1975.
Paveau A.A., Sarfati G.E., Wielkie teorie językoznawcze. Od językoznawstwa historyczno-porównawczego do pragmatyki, Kraków, 2009.
Stalmaszczyk P.(red.), Metodologie językoznawstwa. Podstawy teoretyczne, Łódź, 2006.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: