Language as an element of identity (on the example of Belarusian society) 3221-S1-FBA-JSWJ31
Classes devoted to the role of language in the process of shaping national identity. The general reflection on the relationship between language and the sense of identity will be presented on the example of the Belarusian nation, consciousness and language in a sociolinguistic approach.
During the course, the following issues will be discussed:
1. The concept of identity and national language.
2. The role of languages in shaping contemporary European nations.
3. The formation of the Belarusian identity, state and language.
4. The role of the Belarusian language in society.
5. The influence of the Belarusian language on the shaping of contemporary national consciousness.
6. Contemporary linguistic situation in Belarus.
7. Social differentiation of the Belarusian language.
8. Contacts and language conflicts in Belarus.
9. The languages of the Belarusian revolutions.
10. Language policy in Belarus.
11. Belarusian sociolinguistics.
Student workload (3 ECTS):
30h - participation in classes
30h - reading the indicated literature
30h - preparation for the final test
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The student knows and understands:
subject and methodological specificity of sociolinguistic research;
linguistic terminology at an advanced level;
the functioning of the Belarusian language in various social and historical contexts,
at an advanced level, the main directions of development of linguistic research in Belarus and the most important contemporary problems and challenges of Belarusian sociolinguistics;
basic concepts and principles in the field of intellectual property protection, including in particular copyright law.
The student is able to:
search, analyse, evaluate, select and use information
using Polish and Belarusian-language historical sources,
formulate and analyze research problems in the field of sociolinguistics,
recognize different types of texts and perform linguistic analysis
in a broader social context;
plan and organize individual work and cooperate in a team (also as part of interdisciplinary tasks);
independently plan and implement their own lifelong learning.
The student is ready to:
critical assessment of knowledge and received content;
setting priorities for the implementation of the task set by himself and others in the field of social obligations;
correct identification and resolution of professional dilemmas in accordance with the traditions and principles of professional ethics;
initiating activities for the benefit of the public interest and the local environment, acting in an entrepreneurial manner.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for completing the course:
- presence and active participation in classes;
- systematic preparation of the given material for classes;
- passing the final test.
The final grade consists of 50% of the current work and 50% of the final test.
Percentage thresholds necessary to obtain individual grades from the final test:
3.0 - from 50%
3.5 - from 60%
4.0 - from 70%
4.5 - from 80%
5.0 - from 90%
The evaluation of the current work will be issued on the basis of the following conditions:
2 - the student exceeded the permitted number of absences and showed no commitment during classes.
3 - the student did not exceed the permitted number of absences, but did not show commitment during classes.
4 - the student did not exceed the permitted number of absences, did not show much commitment during the classes - he took part in the discussion only if adequately motivated by the teacher.
5 - the student did not exceed the permitted number of absences, showed great commitment during classes, was willing to participate in discussions during classes.
5! - to obtain this grade, the student must demonstrate transversal knowledge and exceptional commitment during the course of the course.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires a justification. The lecturer decides whether to acknowledge the absence. Exceeding justified and unjustified absences for 50% of classes may be the basis for failing the course. The conditions for completing the course within the retake period are the same as in time I.
Kopczyński Michał, O tożsamości etnicznej w epoce państw przednarodowych [w:] Pod wspólnym niebem. Rzeczpospolita wielu narodów, wyznań, kultur (XVI-XVIII w.), red. I. Kąkolewski, M. Kopczyński, Warszawa 2012.
Kuniński Miłowit, Język a tożsamość narodowa. Aspekty Filozoficzne i socjologiczne, [w:] Język a tożsamość narodowa, red. M. Bobrownicka, Kraków 2000.
Miaczkouskaja Nina, Stulecie białoruskiego odrodzenia narodowego: główne wydarzenia i trendy w historii samoświadmości językowej i sytuacji językowej na Białorusi [w:] Tożsamości narodowe Białorusinów, R. Radzik(red.), Lublin 2012.
Radzik Ryszard, Między zbiorowością etniczną a wspólnotą narodową, Lublin 2000.
Romanowski Andrzej, Dylematy językowe Białorusinów w przeszłości i dziś, [w:] Język a tożsamość narodowa, red. M. Bobrownicka, Kraków 2000.
Siwirska Anna Berenika, Język białoruski jako symboliczny element współczesnej świadomości narodowej, [w:] Зъ зычливости ку моеи отчизне: Tom pamiątkowy dedykowany Profesorowi Mikołajowi Timoszukowi, Warszawa, 2017.
Siwirska Anna Berenika, Sytuacja językowa we współczesnym Mińsku, [w:] Transgresja - Interdyscyplinarność - Dyskurs. Paradygmaty współczesnej neofilologii, Warszawa 2016.
Smułkowa Elżbieta, Wokół problemu poczucia tożsamości mieszkańców Białorusi, [w:] Białoruś i Pogranicza, Warszawa 2002.
Баршчэўская Ніна, Роля роднае мовы ў вызначэньні нацыянальнае тоеснасьці (на ўспрыняцьці беларускай дыяспары) [w:] „Acta Albaruthenica” 7, red., M. Timoszuk i M. Chaustowicz, Warszawa 2007.
Каліта I., Современная Беларусь: языки и национальная идентичность, Ústí nad Łabą 2010.
Лукашанец А.А., Беларуская мова на пачатку ХХI стагоддзя – развiццё сiстэмы і праблемы функцыянавання, Мiнск, 2014.
Мячкоўская Н., Мовы і культура Беларусі, Мінск 2008.
Нетбаева Тацяна, Моўная сытуацыя ў Беларусі: пасткаляніяльныя аспэкты [w:] Białoruś, Przeszłość i teraźniejszość, red. R. Radzik, Lublin 2010.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: