History of Belarusian 20th century literature (1900-1930) 3221-S1-FBA-HLBXX322
The lecture is to present a systematic knowledge needed to complete the course, familiarize students with Belarusian literature of the early twentieth century.
During the classes there is discussed the first program of Belarusian newspapers ("Nasha Dola" and "Nasha Niva"), their importance for the development of Belarusian literature. There are presented and discussed the relationship between "Nasha Niva" and the national and positivist ideology. There are presented and discussed selected works from the legacy of realistic literary writers - K.Kahanets, Yadwihin Sha., Tsotka, J.Kupala, J.Kolas, M.Bahdanovich, M.Harecki, U.Dubouka, J.Puszcza, A.Mryj, M.Zarecki. Attention is drawn to the common and individual characteristics of their work such as positivist and romantic themes in the work of Tsotka, neo-Romantic and symbolic themes in poetry and drama of J. Kupala, tradition and innovation in the works of M. Bahdanovich etc.
Exercises are designed to deepen knowledge acquired during the lecture, to develop skills to understand a literary text.
Estimated number of hours that a student should spend on mastering the content is approximately - 180 (60 hrs. of classes and 120 hours. of indyvidual student's work)
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
K1_W02 the subject and methodological specifics of research in literary studies
K1_W04 the terminology of literary studies
K1_W07 literary processes and the impact of historical and cultural changes on their development
K1_U01 search for, analyse, evaluate, select and use information by consulting sources in various languages, including on-line sources
K1_U03 formulate and analyse research problems in the area of literary studies, choose relevant research methods and tools
K1_U05 use theories, research paradigms and concepts common to literary studies while communicating with the community and during debates and discussions
K1_U06 recognise various types of literary works and carry out a critical analysis and interpret them in a wider context
K1_U08 substantiate and draw conclusions by using ideas presented by other scholars in Polish and foreign languages
K1_U11 prepare presentation in Polish and in foreign languages concerning more detailed topics by using various theoretical approaches and sources
K1_W12 speak a foreign language at the B2 level
K1_U14 plan and organise individual work and work in a team (including interdisciplinary tasks)
K1_U15 individually plan and pursue his or her own process of lifelong learning
K1_K01 critically evaluate his or her knowledge and the content he or she receives
K1_K02 recognise the significance of knowledge in solving epistemic and practical problems as well as resort to expert opinion
K1_K04 correctly identify and solve professional dilemmas in accordance with tradition and professional ethics
Assessment criteria
The final grade will take into account the student's activeness in the classroom and oral answers given at the end of the semester, when responding to three questions drawn by the student, covering the entire range of material discussed during the classes. While assessing activeness, attention will be focused mainly on the insight contained in the analysis of selected work, while during the oral response it will focus on the students’ understanding of literature-forming processes and their knowledge of the discussed contexts of the literature.
Form of the exam: oral
During the exam questions are asked concerning issues covered during the lectures and classes.
I. Number of questions: 3.
II. Question scoring: from 3 to 0.
III. Points converter for grades:
4.5-5 points - satisfactory (3.0)
5.5-6 points - satisfactory + (3.5)
6.5-7 points - good (4.0)
7.5-8 points - good + (4.5)
8.5-9 points - very good (5.0)
9+ points - very good! (5!)
Pts. 3
Student: characterises an era, period or literary movement with the use of various determinants (philosophical, ideological, poetic, etc.), recalls the names of notable figures (including secondary), shows a detailed knowledge of the content of texts, performs a comprehensive analysis (referring to the genre, structure and content), lists various research positions, and places a writer's oeuvre and work in the historical-literary process. Their response is comprehensive, well-thought-out, and the student uses specialist terminology extensively.
Pts. 2
Student: characterises an era, period or literary movement, shows knowledge of the content of texts, performs analysis (referring to the genre, structure and content), puts a writer's oeuvre and work in the context of the era. Their response is fluent, and the student uses specialist terminology.
Pts. 1
Student: to a limited extent, after additional questions are asked, characterises an era, period or literary movement, demonstrates basic knowledge of the content of texts, performs analysis at a basic level (referring only to content), lists only a few figures from the movement and their work, indicates only constitutive features of the era, period or literary movement. Their response is hesitant; consists of incohesive information, and the student requires guidance from the examiner.
Requirements for grade 5!
- 3 points for each question,
- meeting the requirements for 3 points and additionally: knowledge and skills from outside the curriculum, knowledge of reading beyond the reading list, references to world literature.
The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
1. Biełaruskaja litaratura: Chrestamatyja. Czastka treciaja (1900-1920). Mińsk 2006.
2. Biełaruskija piśmienniki: Bijabiblijagraficzny słounik: U szasci tamach. Mińsk 1992-1995.
3. Historyja biełaruskaj litaratury XX stahoddzia: U czatyroch tamach. T. 1. (1900-1920). Mińsk 1999.
4. Kawalenka W. Wytoki. Upływy. Paskoranaść. Mińsk 1975.
5. Kazbiaruk U. Stupieni rostu. Mińsk 1974.
6. Łojka A. Historyja biełaruskaj literatury. Czastka 2. Mińsk 1989.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: