(in Polish) Historia Białorusi II 3221-S1-FBA-HBII12
The program emphasises the role of Belarus in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union. The course is a continuation of History of Belarus - from the ancient times till XVIII century.
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, student:
1. KNOWLEDGE:student understands and has an advanced knowledge of
- subject and methodological characteristics of research in Belarusian studies as well as terminology used in this area
- the role of Belarus in the modern world and its influence on the development of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language
- events from the history of Belarus
2. SKILLS: student can
- provide a relevant interpretation of the development of the Belarusian idea of national independence and its reflection in culture
3. SOCIAL COMPETENCES: student is ready to
- respect other cultures, views and attitudes
Assessment criteria
In the final evaluation one takes into account the multiple-choice test, activity and attendance.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence. Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
Podręczniki ogólne:
- M. Kosman, Dzieje Białorusi, Wrocław 1979
- O. Łatyszonek, E. Mironowicz, Historia Białorusi od połowy XVIII do końca XX wieku,
Białystok, 2002
- H. Sahanowicz, Historia Białorusi: od czasów najdawniejszych do końca XVIII wieku,
Lublin 2002.
- J. Ochmański, Dawna Litwa, Olsztyn 1986
J. Bardach, O dawnej i niedawnej Litwie, Poznań 1988
B. Białokozowicz, Między wschodem i zachodem. Z dziejów formowania się białoruskiej
świadomości narodowej. – Białystok 1998.
M. Kosman, Orzeł i Pogoń. Z dziejów polsko-litewskich XIV – XX w.- Warszawa 1992.
M. Kozman, Litwa pierwotna. Mity, legendy, fakty, iskry. – Warszawa 1989.
H. Łowmiański, Studia nad dziejami Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, Poznań 1981
K. Pietkiewicz, Wielkie Księstwo Litewskiego pod rządami Aleksandra Jagiellończyka, Poznań 1995
R. Radzik, Między zbiorowością etniczną a wspólnotą narodową. Białorusini na tle przemian
narodowych Europy Środkowo-Wshodnej XIX st. – Lublin 2000.
Śmólkowa E., Białoruś pogranicza. Studia o języku i społeczeństwie, Warszawa 2002
Швед В.В. Паміж Польшчай і Расіяй:грамадска-палітычнае жыццё на землях Беларусі
(1772-1863). – Гродна: Гродзенскі дзяржуніверсітэт імя Я. Купалы, 2001.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: