Belarusian descriptive grammar. Word formation 3221-S1-FBA-GOJBSL12
Classes are designed to familiarize students with the issues in the field of phonetics and phonology, such as:
- the process of speech and its perception;
- classification of sounds and articulation of sounds;
- differences between speech and writing;
- principles of phonetic and phonological transcription;
- positional changes of sounds (the phenomenon of assimilation and dissimilation, prosthetic sounds);
- historical alternations of sounds;
- distinctive and redundant features in language;
- the concept of the phoneme and its variants, types of variants, types of phonological opposition;
- the concept of neutralization of distinctive features;
- Belarusian language phonological system: a consonant system; vocalic system and its determinants accent;
- prosodic elements of speech, characteristic of Belarusian accent and intonation.
Charging the student in classes requiring direct participation of academic teachers: 30 hours. ECTS: 3, including:
Participation in classes 30 hours. - 1 ECTS
Student's burden of independent learning (including preparation for classes): 45 hours. and preparation for the final test 15 hours - 2 ECTS
Student's load in classes requiring direct participation of academic teachers and related to independent learning: 90 hours. ECTS: 3
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course.The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The graduate knows and understands:
- advanced subject and methodological specificity of linguistic research (K1_W01);
- advanced linguistic terminology (K1_W03);
- advanced in the nature of language and understands the impact of historical and cultural changes on its development (K1_W06);
The graduate can:
- formulate and analyze research problems in the field of linguistics, choose research methods and tools (K1_U02);
- use theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts specific to linguistics when communicating with the environment
and during debates and discussions (K1_U04);
- to substantively argue and formulate conclusions using the views of other authors in Polish and a foreign language (K1_U08);
The graduate is ready to:
- critical assessment of knowledge and received content (K1_K01);
- recognizing the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive problems
and practical reaching for expert opinions (K1_K02).
Assessment criteria
The course ends with a credit with a grade.
Conditions for pass:
- systematic preparation of given material for classes;
- passing all inspection works;
- passing the semester test.
The semester test is a written test consisting of open and closed questions.
Test evaluation criteria:
For a satisfactory grade (3,0) - achieving the assumed learning outcomes, without taking into account important aspects of the issues raised during the classes along with serious inaccuracies.
For a satisfactory grade plus (3.5) - achieving the assumed learning outcomes without taking into account some important aspects of the issues raised in the classroom or with serious inaccuracies.
Good grade (4.0) - achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting some (less significant) aspects of the issues discussed in the classes.
Good plus (4.5) - achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all important aspects of the issues covered in the class with a small number of errors or inaccuracies.
Very good grade (5.0) - achievement of the assumed learning outcomes covering all important aspects of the issues discussed in the class.
For a perfect grade (5!) - achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all the important aspects of the topics discussed in the classes, expanding the circle of issues covered in the classes.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course.
The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
1. Grzegorczykowa R., Zarys słowotwórstwa polskiego, Warszawa 1971 i następne
2. Belaruskaja mova, red. Hryhorjeva L., Minsk 1994, 1998 cz. 1
3. Šakun L., Slovautvarenne. Minsk 1978
4. Belaruskaja mova, red. Hryhorjeva L., Minsk 2006
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: