Belarusian Folklore Studies 3221-S1-FBA-FB21
The course introduces the range of folk studies. Folklore of Belarus is discussed in comparison with the folklore of Belarusian people of Bialystok region. The main attention is paid on characteristic of rites and folklore referred to every year celebrations, seasons and important stages of men's life. Belarusian folk creations are discussed in comparison with spiritual culture f Belarusian people of Bialystok region. Achievements of Belarusian folkloristic are presented as well as Polish interests in Belarusian people and the position of Belarusian rites and folklore of Eastern Bialystok region studies.
Student workload:
30 hours - 1 ECTS credits to participate in the seminar
15 hours - 0,5 ECTS points for preparation for classes
15 hours - 0.5 ECTS points, preparation to pass
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2024Z: | Term 2023Z: |
Learning outcomes
the graduate understands and has an advanced knowledge of
the subject and methodological specifics of research in literary studies K1_W02;
the terminology of literary studies K1_W04;
rules of analysing works of culture common to various research schools K1_W08;
facts and historical changes and their significance for the contemporary world of culture, social, economic and political life K1_W11;
theories and concepts of the history of ideas K1_W12
the graduate can
search for, analyse, evaluate, select and use information by consulting sources in various languages, including on-line sources K1_U01;
formulate and analyse research problems in the area of literary studies, choose relevant research methods and tools K1_U03;
use theories, research paradigms and concepts common to literary studies while communicating with the community and during debates and discussions K1_U05;
recognise various types of literary works and carry out a critical analysis and interpret them in a wider context K1_U06;
substantiate and draw conclusions by using ideas presented by other scholars in Polish and foreign languages K1_U08;
prepare presentation in Polish and in foreign languages concerning more detailed topics by using various theoretical approaches and sources K1_U11;
individually plan and pursue his or her own process of lifelong learning K1_U15
the graduate is ready to
critically evaluate his or her knowledge and the content he or she receives K1_K01;
recognise the significance of knowledge in solving epistemic and practical problems as well as resort to expert opinion K1_K02;
correctly identify and solve professional dilemmas in accordance with tradition and professional ethics K1_K04;
initiate action for the sake of the public interest and the local community, acting in an entrepreneurial manner K1_K05
Assessment criteria
In the final assessment, the student's activity during the classes, individual presentations, attendance at the classes and, finally, the oral exam in the material discussed during the classes will be taken into account.
Passing in oral form
At the time of passing, questions are asked covering the issues presented during the seminar.
I. Number of questions: 3.
II. Scoring questions: from 3 to 0.
III. Point conversion for ratings:
4.5-5 points - dst (3.0)
5.5-6 points - dst + (3.5)
6.5-7 points - db (4.0)
7.5-8 points - db + (4.5)
8.5-9 points - very good (5.0)
9+ points - very good! (5!)
The condition for obtaining a pass is:
Knowledge of the content of texts placed on the reading list (30%)
Individual preparation and presentation of the project of the author's work included in the reading list (20%)
Oral test (30%)
Continuous assessment (current preparation and attendance at classes (20%)
The student gets a credit on condition that all requirements are met.
Two absences are allowed during the semester.
Completion in the second term is based on the first term.
1. Arłowa H. P., Biełaruskaja narodnaja piedahohika, Mińsk 1993.
2. Barah A., Biełaruskaja kazka, Mińsk 1969.
3. Barszczewski A., Białoruska obrzędowość i folklor Wschodniej Białostocczyzny, Białystok 1990.
4. Barszczewski A., Historia literatury białoruskiej. Folklor, cz I, Warszawa 1976.
5. Czaradziejnyja kazki, cz. 1. Red. W.K. Bandarczyk, Mińsk 1973.
6. Czurak M., Komizm w białoruskiej prozie ludowej, Ossolineum 1984.
7. Fedorowski M., Lud białoruski, t.I-III, Kraków 1897-1903; t. IV-VIII, Warszawa 1935-1981.
8. Hajduk M., Bieławieżskija bylicy i niebylicy, Mińsk 1996.
9. Hilewicz N., Paetyka biełaruskaj narodnaj liryki, Mińsk 1975.
10. Tenże, Paetyka biełaruskich zahadak, Mińsk 1976.
11. Tenże, Liryka biełaruskaha wiasella, Mińsk 1979.
12. Katowicz A.,Kruk J., Wiesnawyja światy. Narysy u 2 knihach, Mińsk 2005.
13. Kazakowa I. W., Etnicznaja tradycja u duchounaj kultury biełarusau, Mińsk 1995.
14. Kruk J., Simwolika biełaruskaj narodnaj kultury, Mińsk 2003.
15. Łozka A., Biełaruski narodny kalandar, Mińsk 2002.
16. Olechnowicz M., Polscy badacze folkloru i języka białoruskiego w XIX w., Łódź 1986.
17. Rakawa L. W., Tradycyja siamiejnaha wychawannia u biełaruskaj wioscy, Mińsk 2000.
18. Wałodzina T., Siemantyka reczau u duchounaj spadczynie biełarusau, Mińsk 1999.
19. Zamowy. Układ., sistem. tekstau, ustup. art. i kament. H.A. Bartaszewicz; Red. A. S. Fiadosika, Mińsk 1992.
20. Ziemlarobczy kalandar. Układ., klasyf., sistem. mater. i kament. A. I. Hurskaha; Red. A. S. Fiadosika, Mińsk 1990.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: