Belarus in non-fiction 3221-S1-FBA-BR31
The seminar is to introduce students to non-fiction literature about Belarus. The course provides general information on the development of Belarusian literature in the 20th century, including non-fiction. Particular emphasis will be placed on discussing the most important historical events of interest to this form of writing, including Stalinist repressions, World War II, the Chernobyl power plant catastrophe, and Lukashenka's assumption of power. Works presenting a panorama of the most important historical events and Belarusian reality will be discussed. In addition, the evolution of writers' views on socio-political issues and the role of time in it will be noticeable. The topics discussed during the seminar will be divided into two thematic blocks: the history of Belarus in non-fiction and the Belarusian reality in non-fiction. The program of the seminar includes reading Polish-language theoretical texts presenting the achievements of contemporary Belarusian literature and reading Belarusian literary works translated into Polish.
Student workload:
30 hours - 1 ECTS credits to participate in the seminar
30 hours - 1 point ECTS preparation for classes
30 hours - 1 point ECTS preparation for passing
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The graduate knows and understands:
- to a high degree of subject and methodological specificity of research
literary studies (K1_W02),
- advanced degree in literary terminology (K1_W04)
- to an advanced extent, the historical literary process and understands the impact of historical and cultural changes on its development (K1_W07)
- to an advanced extent, the main directions of development of literary studies and the most important contemporary trends (K1_W10)
The graduate can:
- search, analyze, evaluate, select and use information
using different language sources, including Internet sources (K1_U01)
- formulate and analyze research problems in the field of literary studies, select research methods and tools (K1_U03)
- use theoretical approaches, research paradigms and concepts appropriate for literary studies while communicating with the environment and during debates and discussions (K1_U05)
- recognize different types of literature products and conduct their critical analysis and interpretation in a broader context (K1_U06)
- substantively argue and formulate conclusions using the views of other authors in Polish and foreign (K1_U08)
- plan and organize individual work and cooperate in a team (also as part of interdisciplinary tasks) (K1_U14)
- plan and implement your own lifelong learning (K1_U15)
The graduate is willing to:
- critical assessment of knowledge and content received (K1_K01)
- recognition of the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive problems
and practical and reaching for expert opinions (K1_K02)
- correct identification and resolution of professional dilemmas in accordance with traditions and principles of professional ethics (K1_K04)
Assessment criteria
In the final assessment, the student's activity in classes, individual presentations, attendance at the classes and, finally, the oral exam from the material discussed during the classes will be taken into consideration.
Passing in oral form
At the time of passing, questions are asked covering the issues presented during the seminar.
I. Number of questions: 3.
II. Scoring questions: from 3 to 0.
III. Point conversion for ratings:
4.5-5 points - dst (3.0)
5.5-6 points - dst + (3.5)
6.5-7 points - db (4.0)
7.5-8 points - db + (4.5)
8.5-9 points - very good (5.0)
9+ points - very good! (5!)
Pts. 3
Student: characterizes the epoch, period or literary direction with the use of various determinants (philosophical, worldview, poetics, etc.), evokes the names of representatives (also secondary) shows detailed knowledge of the content of the readings, conducts a comprehensive analysis (referring to the genre, structure and content), gives various research positions, places the writer's work and work in the historical and literary process. The statement is spontaneous, comprehensive, thoughtful, the student uses specialist terminology extensively.
Pts. 2
Student: characterizes the epoch, period or literary direction, demonstrates the knowledge of the content of reading, carries out the analysis (referring to the genre, structure and content), places the writer's work and work in the context of the era. The statement is fluent, the student uses specialist terminology.
Pts. 1
Student: to a limited extent, after asking additional questions characterizes the epoch, period or literary direction, shows a basic knowledge of reading content, conducts analysis at the elementary level (referring only to the content), mentions only some representatives of the course and their work, only indicates the constitutive features epoch, period or literary direction. The statement is broken; consists of unrelated information, the student requires guidance by the examiner.
Requirements for the assessment of 5!
- 3 points for every question,
- meeting the requirements for 3 points and in addition: knowledge and skills from outside the curriculum, reading knowledge from outside the reading list, references to world literature.
1. Adamowicz A., Bryl J., Koleśnik U., Ja, ze spalonej wsi, Warszawa 1978.
2. Akudowicz W., Razburyć Paryż, Mińska 2004.
3. red. B. Albin, W. Baluk, Europa Wschodnia - dekada transformacji. Białoruś, Wrocław 2004.
4. Aleksijewicz S., Wojna nie ma w sobie nic kobiety, Wołowiec 2010.
5. Aleksijewcz S., Ołowiane żołnierzyki, Wrocław 2007.
6. Aleksiejewicz S., Czarnobylska modlitwa. Kronika przyszłości, Wołowiec 2012.
7. Bielski A., Suczsnaja litaratura Biełarusi, Mińsk 2000.
8. Brzeziecki A., Nocuń M., Łukaszenka. Niedoszły car Rosji, Kraków 2014.
9. Drozd K., Białoruska proza łagrowa, Warszawa 2016.
10. Foligowski P., Białoruś. Trudna niepodległość, Wrocław 1999.
11. Geniusz Ł, Ptaki bez gniazd, Białystok 2012.
12. Hermanowicz J., Przeżyłem sowieckie łagry. Wspomnienia. Chiny-Sybir-Moskwa, Warszawa 2012.
13. Kislicyna H., Nowaja literaturnaja situacyja: zmiena kulturnaj paradyhmy, Mińsk 2006.
14. Kondratiuk H., Białoruś. Miłość i marazm, Białystok 2013.
15. Корань (Сінькова) Л. Беларуская проза ХХ стагоддзя. Дынаміка жанравых структур, Мінск 1996.
16. Mironowicz E., Białoruś, Warszawa 2007.
17. Olechnowicz F., 7 lat w szponach GPU, Warszawa 1990.
18. S. Owsiannik, J. Striełkowa, Władza a społeczeństwo. Białoruś 1991-1998, Warszawa 1998
19. Red. Piłat W., W kręgu kultury białoruskiej, Olsztyn 1994.
20. Sawicki M., Walka o tron. Chiński notatnik z Białorusi, Białystok 2017.
21. Shved V., Grzybowski J., Historia Białorusi od czasów najdawniejszych do 1991, Warszawa 2020.
22. Szybieka Z., Historia Białorusi 1795-2000, Lublin 2002.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: