BY-NET - Belarusian-language Internet resources 3221-S1-FBA-BNBZI21
Classes are divided into three interrelated blocks.
The first block will be devoted to presenting various Belarusian-language Internet sources and to a detailed discussion of the language situation in the Belarusian internet segment. During these classes, not only will disproportions in the use of Russian and Belarusian be presented, but so too wil differences in the functioning of various varieties and variants of modern Belorussian.
The second block of classes will focus on the analysis of previous studies on the Belarusian segment of the Internet. Students will become familiar with key items devoted to the functioning of the Belorussian region in the virtual space, and to general consideration of the specificity of internet communication. Based on the reading materials, students thoroughly acquaint themselves with the characteristics of communication in the virtual space, as well as various language phenomena and trends present in the development of modern Belorussian.
In the third block of classes, theoretical considerations will be enriched with practical analysis of Belarusian-language Internet resources. Students, using the previously acquired knowledge and skills, will prepare presentations devoted to the contemporary Belarusian world as it functions in the virtual space. During the presentation, students will have to critically refer to previously read and discussed studies.
By completing the above task, students will not only develop the competences necessary to conduct and present the results of their own research, and look at the language used on the Internet as one of the possible subjects of interest for modern linguists, but they will also better understand and remember the features of communication in the virtual space.
Student workload:
30 hours in class - 1 ECTS
30 hours preparation for classes - 1 ECTS
30 hours of exam preparation - 1 ECTS
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge: the student understands and has an advanced knowledge of:
-the subject and methodological specifics of research in language studies;
-the terminology of language studies;
-various functions of language in the context of, e.g. literature, culture, religion, history, art, politics, economy or media;
-major tendencies in language research and its most significant challenges and problems observed nowadays.
Skills: the student can:
-search for, analyse, evaluate, select and use information by consulting sources in various languages, including on-line sources;
-use theories, research paradigms and concepts common to language studies while communicating with the community and during debates and discussions;
-recognise various types of texts and carry out a linguistic analysis in a wider context;
-plan and organise individual work and work in a team (including interdisciplinary tasks).
Social competencies: the student is ready to:
-critically evaluate his or her knowledge and the content he or she receives;
-recognise the significance of knowledge in solving epistemic and practical problems as well as resort to expert opinion;
-establish priorities in order to achieve a goal set by him or her or by others in the area of social obligations.
Assessment criteria
The course ends with a written exam. To be admitted to sit the exam, students must receive a positive grade from the prepared presentation and actively participate in other classes.
Questions during the exam will require students to demonstrate knowledge of the reading materials discussed during classes and the ability to recognise and characterise various features of communication on the Internet.
The percentage thresholds necessary to obtain individual ratings:
3,0 – 50%
3,5 – 60%
4,0 – 70%
4,5 – 80%
5,0 – 90%
5! – to obtain this assessment, students must demonstrate knowledge beyond the program framework.
The student has the right to two unexcused absences, and each subsequent one requires submission of justification. The lecturer decides whether to recognise the absence.
The form passing the classes during which the student was absent is determined by the lecturer.
The conditions of passing in the second term are the same as in the first term.
1. Бабковіч А., Інтэрнэт-тэрміналогія: асаблівасці функцыянавання ў беларускай мове [y:] Весці БДПУ 2014, seria 1, nr 2.
2. Баламут Н., Мова беларускай інтэрнэт-прасторы,[y:] Працы кафедры сучаснай беларускай мовы 2013, выпуск 12.
3. Бойка В., Мова інтэтрнэт-камунікацыі як адлюстраванне сучасных моўных працэсаў (на прыкладзе мовы інтэрнэт-форумаў i, [y:] Текст. Язык. Человек, Мозыр 2007.
4. Бялова К., Моўныя асаблівасці беларускага інтэрнэт-дыскурсу, [y:] Беларуская лінгвістыка 2010, t. 65.
5. Важнік C., Актыўныя працэсы ў сінтаксісе сучаснай беларускай мовы-сінтаксіс байнэту [в:] Русский язык. Cистема и функционирование (к 80-летию профессора П. П. Шубы) материалы III Междунар. науч. конф., Mińsk 2006, t. 2.
6. Важнік C.A., Беларуская мова ў Інтэрнэце, [y:] Acta Neophilologica 2006, t. 8.
7. Важнік С.А., Тры стыхіі Байнета, або Праява нацыянальнай моўнай самаідэнтыфікацыі, Minsk 2007.
8. Каліта I., Современная Беларусь: языки и национальная идентичность, Ústí nad Łabą 2010
9. Лукашанец А.А., Беларуская мова на пачатку ХХI стагоддзя – развiццё сiстэмы і праблемы функцыянавання, Мiнск, 2014.
10. Лянкевіч А., Беларускі выклічнік у Сеціве, Miнск 2009.
11. Мечковская Н., Белорусский язык: социолингвистические очерки, Munchen 2003.
12. Мечковская Н.Б., История языка и история коммуникацыи: от клинописи до интернета, Москва 2009.
13. Мячкоўская Н., Мовы і культура Беларусі, Мінск 2008.
14. Сівіцкая Н., Актуалізацыя беларускага маўленчага рэсурсу ў рускамоўным медыйным асяроддзі [у:] І. Каліта. Н. Савіцкая, В. Ляшчынская, Беларуская мова ў люстэрку традыцыі і інавацыі, Usti nad Labem 2019.
15. Pамза Т.P., Довгаль А.В., Эмоции и виртуальная коммуникация [в:] Русский язык, система и функционирование, cz. 2, Минск 2006.
16. Pамза Т.P., Между реальностю и игрой, или "новые” носители беларусcкого языка и иx речь, [в:] Język i tekst w ujęciu strukturalnym i funkcjonalnym. Księga jubileuszowa dedykowana Profesorowi Aleksandrowi Kiklewiczowi z okazji 60. urodzin, A. Dudziak, J. Orzechowska(red.), Olsztyn 2017.Руденко Е., Интернет. Язык. Лингвистыка, Минск 2009
17. Совпель И., Лингвистические ресурсы белорусского языка и их приложения [в:] Беларуская мова. Інтэрнет і камп’ютэр: матэрыялы круглага стала Міжнар. сімпозіума „Разнастайнасць моў і культур у кантэксце глабалізацыі”, Мінск, 2002.
18. Чахоўскі Г.К., Віртуальны дыскурс і яго асаблівасці [y:] Працы кафедры сучаснай беларускай мовы, Мінск, 2013.
19. Chyrzyński T., 2012, Język w Internecie, Olsztyn.
20. Grzenia J., 2006, Komunikacja językowa w Internecie, Warszawa.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: