Selected issues of linguistic borderland 3221-FBA-ZPJ-WJ
The classes introduce the student to the following issues:
1. The concept of linguistic, cultural and territorial borderland.
2. Borderland cultural dialogue (demographic characteristics).
3. The language situation historically and today (with particular emphasis on the Polish-Belarusian borderland) on the Polish borders.
4. Identity, stereotype, tolerance (including language situation).
5. Identity and language.
6. Borderland ethnolinguistics.
7. Selected aspects of dialectology (with particular emphasis on the Polish-Belarusian borderland).
8. Language studies on the border.
9. Archiving of the intangible heritage of the borderland.
10. The EU and the languages of national minorities in Poland.
Charging the student in classes requiring direct participation of academic teachers: 30 hours ECTS: 3, including:
Participation in classes 30 hours - 1 ECTS
Student load related to self-study (including preparation for classes): 30 hours and preparation for the exam 30 hours - 2 ECTS
student's load on classes requiring direct participation of academic teachers and related to self-study: 90 hours ECTS: 3
If it is not possible to conduct classes on university premises, classes
shall be held with the aid of distance learning tools, most likely Google
Meet and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course,
1. KNOWLEDGE: student understands and has an in-depth knowledge of
- subject and methodological characteristics of research in Belarusian studies as well as terminology used in this area
- main theories of literary and language studies and linguistics-based research methodologies
- basic trends in Belarusian studies
- the role of Belarus in the modern world and its influence on the development of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language
- the process of the development of the literary language in Belarus
- the influence of politics and history on the development of the Belarusian literary language
- regional reasons for developing varieties of the Belarusian language
- characteristics of Belarusian literature or the Belarusian language in connection with other languages or literature of other countries
2. SKILLS: student can
- prepare comparative literary or linguistic analyses on his or her own, using relevant methods and research tools
- evaluate the role of particular linguistic occurrences from the diachronic and synchronic perspective
- evaluate the role of particular linguistic occurrences against the background of the current socio-political situation in Belarus and its borderland
- use an advanced terminology of language studies in the process of analysing linguistic occurrences
-present theories of researchers of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language as well as draw conclusions about the development of the language and literature and present synthetic overviews
- identify the role of specific historical events for the development of Belarusian literature and the Belarusian language in the context of European history
- individually gain knowledge and broaden his or her research skills as well as increase competencies for the professional career
3. SOCIAL COMPETENCES: student is ready to
- take active part in initiatives undertaken to preserve cultural heritage, including the heritage of Belarus
- take regular part in cultural life, including the cultural life of Belarus, using various media and its forms
Assessment criteria
Conditions for admission to final examination:
- systematic preparation for classes
- timely execution of housework and control tests
- active participation in the work on presentations, speeches and projects
Passing criteria:
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5.0 (very good grade)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4.5 (good plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes without taking into account some (less important) aspects - 4.0 (good grade)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting some important aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3.5 (satisfactory plus)
- achievement of the assumed learning outcomes, omitting significant aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3.0 (satisfactory plus)
- failure to achieve the expected learning outcomes - 2.0 (unsatisfactory)
Examination test consisting of 10 to 12 open questions, where the assessment criteria are presented in:
60% - 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (rated satisfactory plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good plus)
96% - 98% - 5 (very good)
99% -100% - 5! (Very good with an exclamation mark)
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course.
The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
1. Atlas gwar wschodniosłowiańskich Białostocczyzny, t.1, Ossolineum 1980.
2. Barszczewska N., Chaustowicz M., Timoszuk M. (red.), Kulturowo-językowe dziedzictwo Podlasia, t. 1, Warszawa 2016.
3. Barszczewska N., Głuszkowska J., Kilka przykładów wpływu języka polskiego na składnię gwar białoruskich i ukraińskich Białostocczyzny, [w:] Ze studiów nad gwarami wschodniosłowiańskimi w Polsce, Lublin 1997.
4. Bednarczuk L., Stosunki etnolingwistyczne na obszarze Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, [w:] Dzieje Lubelszczyzny VI, Lublin 1992.
5. Grek-Pabisowa I., Słownictwo rosyjskiej wyspy gwarowej staroobrzędowców mieszkających w Polsce, Ossolineum 1983.
6. Grek-Pabisowa I., Ostrówka M., Biesiadowska-Magdziarz B., Język polski na Białorusi Radzieckiej w okresie międzywojennym. Polszczyzna pisana. Polszczyzna mówiona, Warszawa 2009.
7. Jankowiak M., Gwary białoruskie na Łotwie w rejonie krasławskim. Studium socjolingwistyczne, Warszawa 2009.
8. Klimczuk F., Ab suadnosinach havorak Brescka-Pinskaha Palessja i Padlaszsza, [w:] Badania dialektów i onomastyki na pograniczu polsko-wschodniosłowiańskim, Białystok 1995.
9. Kozłowska-Doda J., Białoruś jako pogranicze a pogranicza Białorusi: zarys problematyki badań językoznawczych z przełomu XX i XXI w. [w:] Studia Białorutenistyczne, Lublin 2018, s. 235-262.
10. Kurzowa Z., Język polski Wileńszczyzny i kresów północno-wschodnich w XVI-XX w., Warszawa-Kraków 1985.
11. Nikitorowicz J., Pogranicze. Tozsamość, Białystok 1995.
12. Pytanni bilinhvizmu i uzaemadzejannja mou, Minsk 1982.
13. Smoczyński W., Zapożyczenia słowiańskie w litewskiej gwarze puńskiej, [w:] Studia nad gwarami Białostocczyzny, Warszawa 1984.
14. Smułkowa E., Białoruś i pogranicza, Warszawa 2002.
15. Smułkowa E. (red.), Język a tożsamość na pograniczu kultur, Białystok 2000.
16. Smułkowa E., Engelking A. (red.), Pogranicza Białorusi w perspektywie interdyscyplinarnej, Warszawa 2007.
17. Turska H., O powstawaniu polskich obszarów na Wileńszczyźnie, [w:] Studia nad polszczyzną kresową, t.1. Ossolineum 1982.
18. Zdancewicz T., Nazwy terenowe i miejscowe z litewskimi apelatywami geograficznymi bala, brasta, raistas, lanka, pieva na Suwalszczyźnie, [w:] Studia nad gwarami Białostocczyzny, Warszawa 1984.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: