Russian thought II 3202-S2ORF22e
I. Philosophy of 20 century
- Emigration philospohy
- Soviet Marxism
- No-marxist philosophy in USSR (Florenski, Łosjew, Bachtin)
- Eurasianism
II. The latest trends
- Neo-platonic metaphysics (I. Jewłampijew)
- Noe-Patristics (S. Chorużyj)
- Current discussions
Type of course
Learning outcomes
- A student has an extended knowledge of the place and importance on the background of Russian thought and philosophy in general;
- A student knows and understands the chosen direction and position of Russian philosophy;
- A student has a wide knowledge and understands the relationship between the evolution of philosophical ideas and changes in culture and society;
- A student finds, analyzes, evaluates, selects and integrates information from written sources;
- A student gains knowledge by himself and enhances research skills, and planned research projects;
- A student precisely formulates, in speech and in writing, complex philosophical questions, theses and makes them critical comments to them;
Social competence:
- A student has a deepened awareness of the importance of philosophical reflection of the sphere of moral and social issues,
- A student takes and initiates by himself the exchange of ideas, plans and organizes the course of discussions.
Assessment criteria
Oral examination, attendance register, participation in discussions, set book reading, lecture.
Practical placement
not applicable
1. Евлампиев И., История русской метафизики в XIX–XX веках, т. 1-2, С.-Петербург 2000.
2. Зеньковский В., История русской философии, т. 1-2, Paris 1948-1950, Ленинград 1991.
3. Хоружий С., После перерыва. Пути русской философии, С.-Петербург 1994.
4. Bierdiajew N., Rosyjska idea, Warszawa 1987.
5. Dobieszewski J., Absolut i historia. W kręgu myśli rosyjskiej, Kraków 2012.
6. Krzemień W., Filozofia w cieniu prawosławia, Warszawa 1979.
7. Mazurek S., Rosyjski renesans religijno-filozoficzny. Próba syntezy, Warszawa 2008.
8. Walicki A., Zarys myśli rosyjskiej. Od Oświecenia do renesansu religijno-filozoficznego, Kraków 2005.
1. Marksizm (G. Lukacs, Lenin, w: Marksizm XX wieku, t. II, Warszawa 1990).
2. S. Rainko, Marksizm Stalina, w: S. Rainko, Świadomość i determinizm, Warszawa 1981).
3. S. Mazurek, Euroazjatyzm rosyjski - historia i ideologia, „Archiwum Historii Filozofii i Myśli Społecznej”, N. 41, 1996).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: