Translation of literary texts 3202-S2OPL11o
The classes include practice. The objective of the classes is to develop translation abilities, raise awareness of translation problems and improve students' linguistic competence. Students will become acquainted with the determinants of given types of text. The course includes discussions of selected problems related to the translation of literary texts. Particular attention is devoted to cultural aspects of translation, as well as the problem of transfer in the translation of the so-called 'culture specific items'. The course offers the students an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the issues related to the translation of literary texts. The classes will focus on analysing particular translation and practical activities related to the translation of text fragments of the type mentioned, which feature discussed 'problematic' linguistic and cultural phenomena.
Term 2023Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
– students have more profound knowledge of selected linguistic issues in comparative, contrastive and intercultural aspects;
– students are familiar with basic concepts of the theory of translation,
– students know basic translation techniques,
– students are familiar with the manners of transfer in the translation of culture specific items and linguistic humour,
– students have the knowledge of semantic, stylistic and pragmatic aspects of translation.
– students are able to identify linguistic phenomena,
– students have the ability to describe basic concepts of the theory of translation,
– students know how to put into practice acquired translation techniques,
– student are able to use the acquired manners of transfer in the translation of culture specific items and linguistic humour,
– translate texts of moderate difficulty from Russian to Polish,
– students know how to search information in different sources as regards the issues discussed.
Social competences:
− the student is aware of the need to increase knowledge through scientific publications, popular science and the media;
− the student is aware of the need for 'Lifelong learning' and develops his knowledge,
– a student has an in-depth awareness of the need to respect different cultures, views and attitudes,
− the student is able to express his or her thoughts accurately and coherently.
Assessment criteria
Conditions for completing the course:
- presence and active participation in classes,
- systematic preparation for the classes of the given material for the classes,
- assessment of homework and control work.
Estimated total number of hours a student must spend in achieving the learning outcomes specified for the subject:
- exercise = 30 h (1 ECTS)
- independent preparation for each exercise and control work = about 30 h (1 ECTS)
TOTAL about 60 hours
Assessment components:
- continuous, formative assessment (current preparation for classes, activity) – 30%
- mid-term control work (Polish translation) – 70%
Criteria for evaluating a written translation:
a/ compliance of the translated content with the original,
b/ correctness of the translation of phraseology, proper names,
elements of realism,
c/ using the translator's basic tools,
d/ grammatical, spelling and lexical correctness,
e/ adapting linguistic means to the nature of the speech.
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course.The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be conducted using distance communication tools, most likely Google Classroom and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Practical placement
No professional training within the subject.
Bednarczyk A., Wybory translatorskie. Modyfikacje tekstu literackiego w przekładzie i kontekst asocjacyjny, Łódź 1999.
Bednarczyk A., W poszukiwaniu dominanty translatorskiej, Warszawa 2008
Bednarczyk A., Kulturowe aspekty przekładu literackiego, Katowice 2002 (wybrane zagadnienia).
Chomik M., Krajewska M., Od nominacji do kreacji. Rzecz o przekładzie neologizmów science-fiction, Toruń 2011
Czerwiński P., Stawnicka J., Sposoby tłumaczenia gier językowych (zmodyfikowane stałe związki wyrazowe), [w:] Studia Slavica X, 2005.
Czerwiński P., O nazwach realiów i ich tłumaczeniu. Próba rewizji, [w:] Przekład – Język – Kultura IV, red. P. Czerwiński, Lublin 2015, s. 109–121.
Fast P., O granicach przekładalności, [w:] Przekład artystyczny, t. I: Problemy teorii i krytyki, red. P. Fast, Katowice 1991.
Hejwowski K., Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa 2006 (wybrane zagadnienia)
Heydel M., Jak tłumaczyć intertekstualność, [w:] Między Oryginałem a Przekładem I, red. Konieczna-Twardzikowa, U. Kropiwiec, Kraków 1995
Lewicki R., Obcość w odbiorze przekładu, Lublin 2000
Lewicki R., Między adaptacją a egzotyzacją: The Pickwick Papers w przekładzie polskim i rosyjskim, [w:] Przekładając nieprzekładalne, t. 1, Gdańsk 2000.
Obcość kulturowa jako wyzwanie dla tłumacza, Między oryginałem a przekładem XV, red. J. Brzozowski, M. Filipowicz-Rudek. Kraków 2009 (wybrane artykuły)
Ochniak M., Tłumaczenie leksyki bezekwiwalentnej w polskich przekładach Mistrza i Małgorzaty Michaiła Bułhakowa, "Przegląd Rusycystyczny" 2004, z. 2, s.105-117.
Przekładaniec, nr 17, 2/2006: Poezja i proza przekładu.
Włodarczyk M., Gra językowa w polskich przekładach "Generation "Pi"" Wiktora Pielewina, [w:] Studia Slavica X, 2005.
Ильина Л.Е. Исторические реалии как объект перевода (на примере произведения Ж. Каркопино) // Современные проблемы науки и образования. – 2015. – № 2-2.
Комиссаров В.Н. Прагматические аспекты перевода, [w:] Прагматика языка и перевод: Сб.науч.тр. / МГПИИЯ им. М.Тореза. М., 1982. - Вып.193. - С.З - 14.
Костомаров. Новые слова и значения в современном русском языке, Русистика, 13 (1996), с. 24-25.
Крысин Л. П., Язык и социальная действительность (о русском языке в советскую эпоху).- Рус. яз. в школе, 1967, № 3. с 114
Протченко И. Ф., Лексика и словообразование русского языка советской эпохи, М. 2006, с. 54.
Term 2023Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024Z:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: