Practical learning of the Russian language with elements of translation II 3202-S2OPJR12e
The classes are aimed to improve language and communication skills using basic language skills (comprehension listening, speaking, reading and writing). This task will be implemented by:
- making various types of translations (written and oral, with dictionaries and without dictionaries),
- training students to work individually with dictionaries,
- enriching vocabulary by preparing a presentation of his/her own choice of articles in Russian,
- developing the ability to express himself/herself freely on current topics,
- developing the ability to formulate written statements with regard to a particular style of language,
- mastery of phonetic, intonation and accentuation skills,
- reinforcing and expanding the knowledge of practical grammar.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
1. The student knows and understands in-depth the principles of forming complex oral and written statements and has basic knowledge of translation
2. The student has deep and systematic knowledge of practical grammar and vocabulary of Russian with particular emphasis on journalistic and academic style
1. The student is able to produce extended, different in style oral and written statements, using freely and fluently all the communication skills in oral and written statements at C1-C2 level
2. The student is able to make oral and written Polish-Russian and Russian-Polish translations on the subjects expected by the program
3. The student is able to prepare his/her own statements in Russian within the subjects covered by the program, using various sources
Assessment criteria
Assessment of the course:
- presence and active participation in classes,
- systematic preparation for the assigned material,
- preparing homeworks and control works on time,
- active participation in preparation for presentations, speeches, projects.
In order to obtain a credit the following criteria are taken into account:
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects - 5,0 (very good grade)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes covering all relevant aspects with a small number of errors or inaccuracies - 4,5 (good plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes not taking into account some (less important) aspects - 4,0 (good grade)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes, omitting some important aspects and with significant inaccuracies - 3,5 (satisfactory plus)
- achieving the assumed learning outcomes, omitting important aspects or with serious inaccuracies - 3,0 (satisfactory)
- no achievement of the assumed learning outcomes - 2,0 (unsatisfactory)
The components of assessment:
- continuous assessment (the current preparation for classes and activities) - 30%
- control tests during the semester (translation into Russian) - 35%
- presentations, speeches, projects – 35%
Evaluation criteria of written translation:
a/ compliance of the content in the translation with the content of the original,
b/ terminology and phraseology,
c/ applying the basic translator toolkit,
d/ lexical, grammatical and spelling correctness,
e/ adaptation of linguistic means to the nature of the statement.
Criteria for the assessment of oral statement:
a/ communicative efficiency (the student communicates very effectively and correctly, with fluency, uses efficient interaction strategies and rhetorical conventions)
b/ fluency and cohesion of speech, phonetic correctness
c/ correct usage of grammatical structures (full or almost full)
d/ proper and rich selection of vocabulary consistent with the topic
e/ stylistic suitability (appropriate usage of vocabulary and syntactic structures)
The final exam includes the material of I and II semester. The final exam consists of written and oral parts:
- written part (text for translation from Polish into Russian with the length of approximately 2000 characters)
Evaluation criteria of written translation.
60% – 68% - 3 (satisfactory)
69% - 77% - 3+ (satisfactory plus)
78% - 86% - 4 (good)
87% - 95% - 4+ (good plus)
96% - 100% - 5 (very good)
- oral part (lexical and stylistic analysis of text with the length of approximately 1800 characters)
The condition for passing the exam is passing its written and oral parts.
Student's workload during the classes requiring direct participation with the teacher: 122 hours. ECTS: 4 including:
- participation in the classes 120 hours.
- participation in the exam 2 hours.
Individual student's workload: 150 hours. ECTS: 5 including:
Individual study of course material/preparation for classes 40 hours.
Doing homework (speech, presentation, essay, etc.) 40 hours.
Preparation for control works 30 hours.
Preparation for passing the credit/exam 40 hours.
Student's workload during the classes requiring direct participation with the teacher and individual student's workload: 272 hours. ECTS: 9
Practical placement
No professional training within the subject.
1. Agiejenko F.L., Imiena sobstwiennyje [w:] Agiejenko F.L., Zarwa M.W., Słowar’ udarienij russkogo jazyka, Izdatielstwo Russkij Jazyk, Moskwa 1993.
2.Wojłowa W.A., Golcowa N.G., Sprawocznik-praktikum po russkomu jazyku, Izdatielstwo Proswieszczenije, Moskwa 1996.
3. Gilariewskij R.S., Starostin B.A., Inostrannyje imiena i nazwanija w russkom tiekstie, Izdatielstwo Wysszaja Szkoła, Moskwa 1985.
4. Konopielko B., Uczebnyje tieksty dla zaniatij po pieriewodu, Wrocław 1995
5. Rozental D.E., Sprawocznik po prawopisaniju i litieraturnoj prawkie, Izdatielstwo Аjris Rolf, Moskwa 1997.
6. Rossija. Bolszoj lingwostranowiedczeskij słowar’, pod obszcz. ried. J.J. Prochorowa, Izdatielstwo АSТ-Press, Moskwa 2007.
7. Encykłopiedija russkich obyczajew, awtor-sost. N.A. Judina, Izdatielstwo Wecze, Moskwa 2004.
8. Pisownia polska, Wrocław 1957 (lub rozdziały traktujące o zasadach transliteracji i transkrypcji alfabetu rosyjskiego oraz pisowni i odmianie rosyjskich nazw własnych, zamieszczone w słownikach ortograficznych, np. w Nowym słowniku ortograficznym PWN, Warszawa 1997).
9. Wawrzyńczyk J, Rosyjsko-polski słownik wyrazów i zwrotów trudnych, Wyd. TEPIS, Warszawa 2000.
10.Słowniki dwujęzyczne, słowniki objaśniające, encyklopedie.
11. Internet:;;; elektroniczne edycje prasy rosyjskiej. (nazewnictwo geograficzne Polski i świata, nazwy państw).
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: