Great themes of the Russian literature II 3202-S2OLR12e
I. General issues.
1. Thematic repertoire of the Russian classical literature and the Russian literature of the 20th century – common places, different places. Roots in tradition and the new trends in the Russian literature of the 20th century.
2. Russian literature of the 20th century against the towards and biblical tradition.
II. Literature at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries.
1. Preliminary issues.
a) General description of the period.
b) Attempt to review of the literary trends.
c) Literature of the Silver Age in the light of the philosophical, religious and aesthetic ideas of the period.
2. “Old Russia” and the “New Russia” in the literature at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.
3. Antinomies of the human existence.
a) Eros and Thanatos – love and death in the literature at the turn of 19th and 20th centuries.
b) Spirituality and carnality – the various images of a man and the world.
III. Literature of the 20th century – preliminary issues.
1. Periodization of the Russian literature of the 20th century. General description of the single periods.
2. One or two Russian literatures? – the Russian literature in Russia and in exile. Three waves of the Russian emigration.
3. Themes of the works of the Russian Nobel Prize winners – an attempt to review.
IV. Against a threat of war and totalitarian regime.
1. Pro et contra the revolutionary events in 1917.
2. World War II (co-called The Great Patriotic War) in the literature of the 20th century.
3. Pro et contra the Soviet power.
a) Great constructions of socialism in the Soviet literature.
b) Kolkhozes life in the Soviet literature.
c) Home, family and education in the Soviet literature.
d) Cult of personality in the literature of the 20th century.
e) Man and the world presented in the Soviet prison-camp literature.
f) From the Thaw to the Perestroika – echo of the social and political changes in the literature of the second part of the 20th century.
4. Russian literature of the 20th century about West Europe.
V. Literature against the post-Soviet reality.
VI. Attempt to summarize.
1. Great themes of the Russian and West-European literature of the 20th century – common places, different places.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
− The student has well-organized knowledge of the history of the Russian literature of the 20th century (periods, tendencies, literary trends, single literary works, works of the individual authors, genres).
− The student has well-organized detailed knowledge of the problems and themes of the 20th century literature.
− The student knows literary terminology.
− The student possesses detailed research abilities in the analysis and interpretation of the literary works, especially from the viewpoint of the problems and themes.
− The student makes a periodization of the Russian literature and defines the features of the selected periods and literary trends.
− The student puts single literary works into a larger historical, cultural and literary context, both Russian and West European.
− The student recognizes Russian literary intertexts.
− The student uses literary terminology.
Social competences:
− The student is aware of the contribution of the Russian culture in the cultural heritage of Europe,
− The student feels obligated to develop his own reading interests and is aware of his responsibility for the development of the reading culture,
− The student is aware of his knowledge and feels to be obligated to its further increasing.
Assessment criteria
Written exam. Control of presence.
Practical placement
not applicable
1. Historia literatury rosyjskiej XX wieku, red. A. Drawicz, Warszawa 1997.
2. Russkaâ literatura XIX-XX vekov v 2 tomah, red. B.S. Bugrov, M.M. Gołubkov, t. 2, Moskva 2000.
3. G. Nefagina, Russkaâ proza vtoroj poloviny 80-h i načala 90-h godov XX veka, Minsk 1998.
4. V. Kazak, Leksikon russkoj literatury XX veka, Moskva 1996.
5. T. Klimowicz, Przewodnik po współczesnej literaturze rosyjskiej i jej okolicach (1917-1996), Wrocław 1996.
1. I. Malej, Eros w symbolizmie rosyjskim: filozofia, literatura, sztuka, Wrocław 2008.
2. M. Cymborska-Leboda, Twórczość w kręgu mitu: myśl estetyczno-literacka i poetyka gatunków dramatycznych symbolistów rosyjskich, Lublin 1997.
3. W. Supa, Biblia a współczesna proza rosyjska, Białystok 2006.
4. Vojna i literatura. 1941-1945, red. N.L. Lejderman, T.A. Snigireva, Ekaterinburg 2000.
5. P. Fast, Poetyka rosyjskiej powieści produkcyjnej (1929-1941), Katowice 1981.
6. A. Wawrzyńczyk, Naród i państwo w twórczości pisarzy rosyjskich nurtu „wiejskiego”. Wasilij Biełow, Władimir Liczutin, Walentin Rasputin, Kraków 2005.
7. I. Rudziewicz, Čelovek i priroda v tvorčestve Sergeâ Zalygina, Olsztyn 2003.
8. U. Trojanowska, Archetyp domu w dwudziestowiecznej literaturze rosyjskiej. Lidia Czukowska, Jurij Trifonow, Anatolij Pristawkin, Kraków 2008.
9. Z. Zbyrowski, Borys Pasternak. Życie i twórczość, Bydgoszcz 1996.
10. T. Apanowicz, „Nowa proza” Warłama Szałamowa. Problemy wypowiedzi artystycznej, Gdańsk 1996.
11. P. Fast, Od odwilży do pieriestrojki. Studia i szkice o najnowszej literaturze rosyjskiej, Katowice 1992.
12. Sylwetki współczesnych pisarzy rosyjskich, red. P. Fast i L. Rożek, Katowice 1994.
13. Emigracja i tamizdat. Szkice o współczesnej prozie rosyjskiej, red. L. Suchanek, Kraków 1993.
14. J. Sałajczykowa, Dziesięciolecie przemian. Proza rosyjska lat 1985-1995, Gdańsk 1998.
15. B. Żejmo, Problemy etyczne we współczesnej prozie i publicystyce rosyjskiej (lata 60-90), Łódź 2000.
16. A. Wołodźko-Butkiewicz, Od pieriestrojki do laboratoriów netliteratury. Przemiany we współczesnej prozie rosyjskiej, Warszawa 2004.
Additional information
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