Great themes of the Russian literature I 3202-S2OLR11e
I. General issues.
1. What is to be done? Who is to blame? And other key questions of the Russian literature – introduction to the issue.
2. What is the subject of the literary work? – a theoretical look (based on the thesis of J. Pelc).
3. Great themes of the Russian literature and West European literatures – the common places and the different places.
II. The Old Russian writing.
1. Preliminary issues.
a) Periodization,
b) General characteristic of the individual periods.
2. The Old Russian writing towards the religious values.
3. The Old Russian writing towards the affairs of state.
III. Literature of the 18th century.
1. Preliminary issues.
a) Periodization.
b) General characteristic of the individual periods.
c) Russian literature of the 18th century in the circle of the European philosophic and aesthetic ideas. What is Enlightenment? - light and darkness oposition in literature of the 18th century.
d) Russian literature of the 18th century toward the ancient and biblical tradition.
2. Towards the historical milestones.
a) Image of Peter the Great in literature of the 18th century.
b) Emperor and power – literary visions of the classical and sentimental authors.
3. In the service of the society. Good and bad exemplars of education in literature of the 18th century.
4. Love and death in the sentimental prose. Exemplars of love in West culture and Russian literature at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries (works of D. de Rougemont and K. Starczewska).
5. Literary landscapes of the enlightened man.
a) Idyllic tradition in literature of the 18th century.
b) Visions of nature in lyric and prose at the turn of 18th and 19th centuries.
IV. Romanticism.
1. Preliminary issues.
a) Periodization – revisions and questions.
b) General characteristic of the period.
c) Russian romantic literature and European philosophical and aesthetic ideas.
2. Towards the historical milestones.
a) Echoes of war against Napoleon in literature of the first half of the 19th century.
b) History and present through the eyes of the Decembrists.
c) Great Smuta, epoch of Peter the Great, Pugachev's Rebellion in literature of the first half of the 19th century.
3. "Styles of the romantic behaviour" (works of M. Janion and M. Zielińska).
a) Romantic hero towards the life tests (love - friendship - art).
b) Classification of the attitudes of romantic hero.
4. In the capital and in the province.
a) Image of St. Petersburg in literature of the first half of the 19th century.
b) Image of a official in literature of the first half of the 19th century.
c) Nature through the eyes of the Romantics.
V. Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century.
1. Preliminary issues.
a) Periodization – revisions and questions.
b) General characteristic of the period.
c) Russian romantic literature and European philosophical and aesthetic ideas.
2. War and peace.
a) War against Napoleon, The Crimean War... – image of war in literature of the second half of the 19th century.
b) Authors towards "the damn problems" of the present.
c) "A Nest of Gentlefolk" in literature of the 19th century.
3. Man towards a fortune and a misfortune. Classification of the attitudes of the heroes of the Russian literature of the second half of the 19th century (based on classification by W. Tatarkiewicz).
a) Human and love.
b) Human and work.
c) Human and nature.
VI. Summary.
1. Far and near expeditions. Discourse on a travel in The Old Russian writing and literature of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
− The student has well-organized knowledge of the history of the Russian literature of the X-XIX centuries (periods, tendencies, literary trends, single literary works, works of the individual authors, genres).
− The student has well-organized detailed knowledge of the problems and themes of The Old Russian and the 18th and 19th centuries literature.
− The student knows literature terminology.
− The student possesses detailed research abilities in the analysis and interpretation of the literary works, especially from the viewpoint of the problems and themes.
− The student makes a periodization of the Russian literature and defines the features of the selected periods and literary trends.
− The student puts single literary works into a larger historical, cultural and literary context, both Russian and West European.
− The student recognizes Russian literary intertexts.
− The student uses literature terminology.
Social competences
− The student is aware of the contribution of the Russian culture in the cultural heritage of Europe,
− The student feels obligated to develop his own reading interests and is aware of his responsibility for the development of the reading culture,
− The student is aware of his knowledge and feels to be obligated to its further increasing.
Assessment criteria
Written examination. Attendance check
Practical placement
not applicable
1. J. Pelc, O pojęciu tematu, Wrocław – Warszawa 1961.
2. Literatura rosyjska, red. M. Jakóbiec, t. 1, Warszawa 1970 i/lub Literatura rosyjska w zarysie, red. Z. Barański i A. Semczuk, Warszawa 1975 (lub inne wydanie).
1. D.S. Lihačov, Velikoe nasledie. Klassičeskie proizvedeniâ literatury drevnej Rusi, Moskva 1980.
2. B.A. Uspienski, W.M. Żywow, Car i Bóg. Semiotyczne aspekty sakralizacji monarchy w Rosji, red. H. Paprocki, Warszawa 1992.
3. H. Kowalska, Domostroj – Boży świat człowieka, (w:) Wizja człowieka i świata w myśli rosyjskiej, red. L. Suchanek, Kraków 1998, s. 9-28.
4. U.V. Stennik, Petr I v russkoj literature XVIII veka, (w:) Petr I v russkoj literature XVIII veka. Teksty i kommentarii, red. S.I. Nikolaev, Sankt-Petersburg 2006, s. 3-50.
5. E.B. Kudravceva, Dla serca i razuma. Detskaâ literatura v Rossii XVIII v., Sankt-Petersburg 2010, s. 35-61.
6. M. Dąbrowska, Rosyjska opowieść sentymentalna przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku, Warszawa 2003.
7. D. de Rougemont, Miłość a świat kultury zachodniej, tłum. L. Eustachiewicz, Warszawa 1999 i/lub K. Starczewska, Wzory miłości w kulturze Zachodu, Warszawa 1975.
8. U.V. Stennik, Kompozycja i plan deržavinskogo „Vodopada”, (w:) G.R. Derżawin i russkaâ literatura, red. A.S. Kurilov, Moskva 2007, s. 38-50.
9. U. Mann, Russkaâ literatura XIX v. Epoha romantizma, Moskva 2001.
10. V.I. Saharov, Romantizm v Rossii: epoha, školy, stili. Očerki, Moskva 2004.
11. B. Galster, Twórczość Rylejewa na tle prądów epoki, Wrocław 1962.
12. E. Kucharska, Rosyjska powieść historyczna pierwszego trzydziestolecia XIX wieku, Opole 1976.
13. Style zachowań romantycznych. Propozycje i dyskusje sympozjum. Warszawa 6-7 grudnia 1982 r., pod red. M. Janion i M. Zielińskiej, Warszawa 1986.
14. K. Lis, Romantycy: powinowactwa rosyjsko-europejskie. Studia, Kielce 1998.
15. W. Toporow, Miasto i mit, wybór i tłum. B. Żyłko, Gdańsk 2000 (lub wydanie w języku rosyjskim).
16. Russkaâ literatura XIX-XX vekov v 2 tomah, t. 1, red. B.S. Bugrov, M.M. Golubkov, Moskva 2000.
17. F. Sielicki, Russkaâ literatura serediny XIX veka: przewodnik tematyczny dla studentów filologii rosyjskiej, Wrocław 1984.
18. R. Przybylski, Dostojewski i „przeklęte problemy”: od „Biednych ludzi” do „Zbrodni i kary”, Warszawa 1964.
19. D. Kułakowska, Antynomie humanizmu według „Braci Karamazowów”, Wrocław 1987.
20. W. Szczukin, Mit szlacheckiego gniazda. Studium geokulturologiczne o klasycznej literaturze rosyjskiej, Kraków 2006 (lub wydanie w języku rosyjskim).
21. W. Tatarkiewicz, O szczęściu, Warszawa 1979 (lub inne wydanie).
22. Tołstoj w oczach krytyki światowej, red. P. Hertz, Warszawa 1972.
23. B. Olaszek, Russkij pozitivizm: idei v zerkale literatury, Łódź 2005.
24. M. Dąbrowska, Dla pożytku i przyjemności. Rosyjska podróż sentymentalna przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku, Warszawa 2009.
25. O. Kuliškina, „Svoe” i „čužoe” v russkom traveloge konca XVIII – XIX vv. (Fonvizin, Karamzin, Dostoevskij), (w:) Konstrukty nacionalnoj identičnosti v russkoj kulture XVIII-XIX vekov, red. R. Nohejl’, Moskva 2010, s. 227-239.
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