The Russian Language of the 21st Century II 3202-S2OJR12e
The aim of the course is to improve and extend the students’ prior knowledge of the contemporary Russian language as well as to equal the level of knowledge of the individual students that have come to the second-cycle studies from different centres and fields of study.
Range of topics:
1. The general description of the Russian morphological subsystem. The basic terminology concerning inflection. The basic and compound, inflected and uninflected lexemes.
2. The inflectional paradigms. The syncretism and homonymy of inflection forms. Varieties of forms.
3. The nominal and verbal categories. Parts of speech. Latest morphological phenomena.
4. Analytical tendencies in the Russian language.
5. The types of syntactic relationships. Models of simple and compound sentences. Semantic structure of a sentence.
6. New trends in range of relationship of case government and agreements. Syntax errors.
7. Language and text. Functions of a spoken and written language.
8. Text. Discourse. The information transferred through speech in a direct and indirect way.
9. Vocabulary as a language’s subsystem. Semantic relations between words.
10. The functional varieties of a language inflection.
11. The codification of contemporary Russian (new dictionaries, corpus linguistics, cultural-linguistic web portals, linguistic counselling).
12. Russian language in statistics.
13. The attitude of Russian people towards the language. Fashion in language. Types of linguistic errors made by Russians.
14. The linguistic policy in Russia. The attempts of language reforms. Russian language legislation.
15. A comparison of the development trends in Russian and Polish.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Learning outcomes
1. Knows theoretical notions and methods used in describing linguistic phenomena.
2. Has a sound knowledge of trends in the development of the contemporary Russian language.
3. Knows and understands linguistics’ relation to other branches of science and the liberal arts.
4. Knows and understands the rules concerning the analysis of Russian texts on various levels of the linguistic description.
1. Knows the relation between the theoretical linguistic devices and specific linguistic phenomena.
2. Identifies and properly interprets (with the use of linguistic terminology) various phenomena in contemporary Russian and is able to compare them to those that take place in the Polish language.
3. Knows how to find the linguistically reliable sources that confirm the lingual form and the meaning of neologisms.
1. Understands that there is a need for constant attention to linguistic changes and to keep his or her linguistic knowledge up-to-date.
2. Accepts and understands the need for language to constantly adapt to the changing world.
3. Has a rationalist attitude towards the linguistic changes.
Assessment criteria
lecture = 30 hours
independent preparation for each class: 15 x 1 hour = 15 hours
preparation for the exam: 15 hours
TOTAL: about 60 hours
1. Continuous assessment (current preparation for classes and activity) – 20%
2. Test. Questions: 32. Max points: 160 (32x5) – 80%
Points and marks:
3,0 (dst) – from 81 to 96 points
3,5 (dst+) – from 97 to 112 points
4,0 (db) – from 113 to 128 points
4,5 (db+) – from 129 to 144 points
5,0 (bdb) – from 145 to 160 points
Final grade 5! (bdb+): current preparation for all classes and marks 5,0 of test.
Practical placement
not applicable
Beloshapkova V. A., red., 1989, Sovremennyj russkiy yazyk, Moskva.
Kobozeva I. M., 2000, Lingvisticheskaya semantika, Moskva.
Krongauz M. A., 2001, Semantika, Moskva.
Krongauz M. A., 2007, Russkiy yazyk na grani nervnogo sryva, Moskva.
Krysin L. P., 2004, Russkoe slovo: svoe i chuzhoe, Moskva.
Krysin L. P., 2007, Russkaya literaturnaya norma i sovremennaya rechevaya praktika, [w:] Russkiy yazyk v nauchnom osveschenii, nr 2 (14), Moskva, s. 5-17.
Russikiy yazyk segodnya, red. L. P. Krysin, vyp. 2 (2003), vyp. 3 (2004), vyp. 4 (2006), Moskva.
Russkaya grammatika, 1980, red. N. J. Shvedova, t. 1-2, Moskva.
Shmelev A. D., Lozhnaya trevoga i podlinnaya beda, „Otechestvennye zapiski”, nr 2 (23), Moskva, 2005.
Shvedova N. J., Lopatin V. V., red., 2002, Russkaya grammatika, Moskva.
Sklyarevskaya G. N., 2001, Slovo v menyayuschemsya mire: russkiy yazyk nachala XXI stoletiya: so stojanie, problemy, perspektivy, (w:) „Issledovaniya po slavyanskim yazykam”, nr 6, Seul.
Valgina N. S., 2001, Aktivnye processy v sovremennom russkom yazyke, Moskva.
Yazyk v dvizhenii. K 70-letiyu L. P. Krysina, Moskva: Yazyki russkoy kul’tury, 2007.
Dictionaries of modern Russian languages:
Sklyarevskaya G. N., 2006, Tolkovyy slovar' russkogo yazyka nachala XXI veka. Aktual’naya leksika, Moskva;
Chimik V. V., 2004, Bol’shoy slovar’ russkoy razgovornoy ekspressivnoy rechi, Moskva.
Russian language portals:,
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: