Contemporary Russian Literature 3202-S1OLW32e
1 Culture in post-totalitarian Russia. Social-political transformations vs. historical-literary process.
2. Russian Post-Modernism and its specificity in comparison with Post-Modernism in the world. Principal representatives of Russian Post-Modernism: V. Sorokin and V. Pelevin. Development prospects of Russian Post-Modernism.
3. New Realism (Post-Realism) and new realists (post-realists). Distinctive features of New Realism. Literary works by V. Makanin, L. Petrushevskaya and Z. Prilepin.
4.New Sentimentalism. Literary works by L. Ulitskaya.
5.Women about women and the world: the current of Russian female prose. Generation, distinctive features and representatives (E. Chizhova, M. Arbatova, M. Palei et al.). Feminist elements (S. Vasilenko)
6. Multidimensionality of contemporary Russian literature: 6.1. Depiction of time in literary works by A. Ivanov and E. Vodolazkin. 6.2. Non-fiction prose (S. Gandlevsky, A. Starobinets, M. Stepanova). 6.3. Fantasy literature (A. Belyanin).
7. Russian poetry of the late 20th century and the first two decades of 21st century. Currents and quests. Rebirth of religious prose.
8. Russian drama of the period 1991-2021. Experiments, schools, genres. Representatives: N. Kolyada, I. Vyrypaev, Y. Grishkovetz, O. Bogayev, M. Ugarov.
9. The Internet and literature. Cyber literature and literature on the Internet. Internet libraries, periodicals and websites.
10. The phenomenon of Russian mass literature. Genres and representatives (A. Marinina et al.).
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, students:
-are familiar with the principal trends and currents in Russian literature of the 1990s and the first two decades of 21th century.
- possess the knowledge of literary works by prose-writers, poets and playwrights representative of the period in question.
- know the hierarchy of literary and cultural values of the period in question.
- can characterize historical-literary process and phenomena representative of Russian literature after 1991.
- can interpret the selected literary works by writers with the use of literary terms at the basic level and can define their affiliation to a particular trend.
- can work in a team to deal with a particular subject.
[social competences]
- are aware of the scope of their knowledge of contemporary Russian literature.
- are aware of the necessity to broaden their knowledge of the latest Russian literature.
- are aware of their level of skills in analysis of literary works by contemporary writers and realize the necessity to improve these skills.
Assessment criteria
Written exam
The number of questions – 30, the maximum number of points – 54.
Grades: 3,0: 25-30 points; 3,5: 31-36 points; 4,0: 37-42 points; 4,5: 43-48 points; 5,0: 49-54 points; 5! - the student should obtain the maximum number of points as well as demonstrate knowledge beyond the curriculum, the skill of their own interpretation of literary works and partial (45%) knowledge of additional reading.
ECTS: 4 (participation in the classes – 30 hours - 1 point; preparation for the classes – 30 hours – 1 point; preparation for the exam – 60 hours - 2 points).
The student has the right to 2 unexcused absences, each subsequent one requires justification. The lecturer decides on the recognition of absence.
Exceeding excused and unexcused absences by 50% of classes may be grounds to fail the course. The conditions for passing the course on the resit exam are the same as on the ordinary of exam.
If it is not possible to conduct classroom classes, classes will be conducted using distance communication tools, most likely Google Classroom and others recommended by the University of Warsaw.
Practical placement
not applicable
Coursebooks and studies:
1. Современная русская литература конца ХХ — начала ХХI века. Под ред. С.И. Тиминой, Москва 2011.
2. Т.Т. Давыдова, И.К. Сушилина, Современный литературный процесс в России,
3. М.А. Черняк, Современная русская литература, Санкт-Петербург 2004.
4. М. Черняк, Революция чтения: что такое современная литература?,
5. Н. Дорошенко, Особенности литературного процесса 21-го века,
Detailed topics:
1. Н.Б. Маньковска, Эстетика постмодернизма, Санкт-Петербург 2000.
2. И.С. Скоропанова, Русская постмодернистская литература, Москва 2001.
3. М.Н. Эпштейн, Постмодернизм в русской литературе, Москва 2005.
4. Н. Лейдерман, Гипотеза о постреализме,
5. М. Бойко, Взлет и падение N-реализма. ХХI век. Итоги литературного десятилетия,
6. Т.Г. Попова, К вопросу о неосентиментализме в современной русской прозе (на материале творчества Л. Улицкой и Л. Петрушевской), ela.urfu/bitstream/10995/20427/1/dc2-2011-50.pdf.
7. Ю.Н. Серго, Женская проза России. Особенности художественной философии,
8. А. Шабанова, Феномен «женской прозы» в русской литературе 90-х годов ХХ века, «Вектор науки ТГУ» 2013, № 2(24),
9. И. Зумбулидзе, «Женская проза» в контексте современной литературы, «Современная филология» 2011,
10. Н. Фатеева, Современная русская «женская» проза: способы самоидентификации женщины как автора,
11. K.A. Duda, Szkice o prozie rosyjskiej XXI wieku. Ulicka, Szyszkin, Pielewin, Minajew, Sienczyn, Kuricyn, Starobiniec, Kraków 2017.
12. Fantastyka rosyjska dawniej i dziś. Pod red. A. Polaka przy współpracy I. Zawalskiej, Katowice 2013.
13. Е. Степанов, Современная поэзия: тенденции начала XXI века,
14. Motywy biblijne i chrześcijańskie we współczesnej poezji rosyjskiej. Wybór wierszy i tłumaczenie z języka rosyjskiego O. Lewicka, Lublin 2016.
15. L. Mięsowska, Między postkomunizmem a postmodernizmem. Najnowszy dramat rosyjski w poszukiwaniu tożsamości kulturowej, „Miscellanea Posttotalitariana Wratislaviensia” 2016, nr 4.
16. С.Я. Гончарова-Грабовская, Поэтика современной драмы (конец XX – XXI вв.), Минск 2002.
17. Л.Г. Ветелина, «Новая драма» ХХ — начало ХХI вв.: проблематика, эстетика, история вопроса, «Вестник Омского унив. им. Ф.М. Достоевского» 2009, № 1, с. 108-114.
18. L. Mięsowska, B. Pawletko, Okiełznać dziki internet a przemiany gatunkowe w literaturze rosyjskiej,
19. Е.А. Борцева, Жанры сетевой литературы,
20. Б.Л. Цветкова, Массовая литература как культурный феномен, «Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского». Серия: Социальные науки, 2016, № 2(42), с. 128-135, [wersja elektroniczna: _2(42)_unicode/16.pdf].
Term 2023L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Term 2024L:
As in the part "General information on the course (independent of a term)". |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: