Language in social communication: Language contact 3201-LST-OC-LSC3
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Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
K2_W02 in-depth, biological, cultural and communicative-social aspects of language use.
K2_W04 in-depth, fundamental problems of language use as an interlingual and intercultural phenomenon.
K2_W08 in-depth, the role of language in communication between people and cultures, and linguistic phenomena in a broader cognitive, communicative and social context.
K2_W05 in-depth, the main directions of development and contemporary research trends in linguistics (theoretical, computational, cognitive, corpus,
social/text linguistics) and knows where the most important linguistic research centers in Europe and the
world are located.
K2_U01 use in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge to carry out research work and solve complex problems in linguistics (theoretical,
computational, cognitive, corpus, social/text linguistics) using appropriate methodology.
K2_U03 use advanced research tools of linguistics (theoretical, computational, cognitive, corpus-based) and select research methods appropriately to the
problems undertaken.
K2_U08 communicate in an understandable way, including with non-specialists, on topics related to linguistics (theoretical, computational, cognitive, corpus, social/text linguistics) and adequately justify the decisions made and language strategies used.
K2_U11 lead the work of a team in a linguistics project using advanced research methods and new
K2_U12 independently acquire knowledge in the field of linguistics (theoretical, computational, cognitive, corpus, social/text linguistics) and evaluate the
usefulness of the learned methods, practices and procedures in their own professional activity.
Social Competences:
K2_K02 recognize the importance of linguistic knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and to consult with experts.
K2_K03 adequately identify and resolve problems of interlingual, intercultural and social communication.
K2_K06 perform the profession of a language, cultural, educational mediator in accordance with the principles of professional ethics.
K2_K08 perform the professional role of a linguist responsibly and with an entrepreneurial spirit, taking into account changing social and market needs.
Assessment criteria
Pass with a grade:
Presentation of a research project devoted to the selected topic
of language contact.
90% - 100% - very good
81% - 90% - good
65% - 80% - satisfactory
50% - 65% - acceptable
0 - 50% - unsatisfactory
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: