The following issues will be discussed:
• Revision of general translation studies: definitions, notions, concepts, classifications and history.
• Certified translation: definitions, notions, concepts, classifications and history.
• Certified translation in Poland and in other countries (e.g. beglaubigte Übersetzung, traducción jurada, traduction assermentée, traduzione asseverate, self-certified/notarised translation.
• Macrostructure: information and layout in Poland and in other countries. Procedural and legal principles. Obligatory and optional elements. Mention - Anmerkung des Übersetzers, nota del traductor, note du traducteur, nota del traduttore, translator’s note and comment.
• Elements of a certified translation. Certifying formula and its types. Comparison with certifying formulas in other countries.
• Principles of certified translation. Language of law: characteristics, in particular terminology of law. Zgodne, richtig und vollständig, fiel, fidèle, fedele, accurate/faithfull/truth – fidelity as a universal feature of a certified translation. Quality of certified translation. Self-education and practical literature.
• Conference and community interpreting. Court interpreting: consecutive, sight and simultaneous interpreting. Remote interpreting. Interpretation during a trial in criminal procedure. Roles of a sworn translator and court interpreter.
• Consecutive interpreting and its types. Principles of note-taking. Self-education and practical literature.
• Sight and conference interpreting and its types. Quality of court interpreting. Court interpreting in Poland in comparison with verbatim interpreting in USA. Self-education and practical literature.
• Legal provisions and ethical principles in certified translation. Deontological codes in various countries: case studies.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Term 2024: | Term 2023: |
Learning outcomes
- knowledge of notions, principles and activities describing and explaining the work of a sworn translator in Poland and in other countries
- ability to justify choices concerning certified translation
- sensitivity to ethical issues
Assessment criteria
-Class attendance
-Final test
Practical placement
• Biernacka A. 2014. Tłumacz na sali sądowej. Warszawa: IKL@ Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Kulturologii i Lingwistyki Antropocentrycznej Uniwersytet Warszawski
• Kierzkowska D.(2011. Kodeks tłumacza przysięgłego z komentarzem 2011. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo TRANSLEGIS
• Kubacki A. 2012. Tłumaczenie poświadczone. Status,
kształcenie, warsztat i odpowiedzialność tłumacza przysięgłego. Warszawa: Wolters Kluwer .
• Kuźniak M. 2015. Egzamin na tłumacza przysięgłego w praktyce. Język angielski-analiza językowa. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo C. H. Beck
• Mayoral Asensio R. 2003. Translating Official Documents. Manchester: St. Jerome Publishing.
• Słapek (D). Standard formali nelle traduzioni autenticate, Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny, 1/2014, s. 141-153
• Solová R. 2013. Norma i praktyka w przekładzie tekstów skonwencjonalizowanych. Na materiale tłumaczeń poświadczonych z języka polskiego na język francuski i z języka francuskiego na język polski. Wrocław.
• Tryuk M. 2010. Przekład ustny środowiskowy. Warszawa: PWN
• USTAWA z dnia 25 listopada 2004 r. o zawodzie tłumacza przysięgłego, Dz.U. z 2015 poz. 487 (as last amended on 18 January 2016)
and those additionally indicated by the Lecturer
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: