Master of Arts Seminar, Italian 3200-M2-SEMW
The main goal of the course is to develop students’ research skills and knowledge in order to allow them to prepare a complex Master’s thesis. In the first part of the course, given applied linguistics or literary issues are discussed and characteristics of academic language and formal register, in the second part the students are expected to prepare a presentation on a given subject and carry out a text analysis.
Students’ Course Workload:
Total ECTS points = 4 ECTS
- In-class activities: 30h = 1 ECTS
Self-study: 80h = 3 ECTS
- Classroom activities and preparation for tasks = 30h
- presentation: 10h
- preparation for a final test: 10h
- reading scientific texts in a foreign language: 30h
Term 2023:
The main goal of the course is to develop students’ research skills and knowledge in order to allow them to prepare a complex Master’s thesis. In the first part, the following issues will be presented and analyzed: Students’ Course Workload: Total ECTS points = 4 ECTS |
Term 2024:
The main goal of the course is to develop students’ research skills and knowledge in order to allow them to prepare a complex Master’s thesis. In the first part, the following issues will be presented and analyzed: Students’ Course Workload: Total ECTS points = 4 ECTS |
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student is expected to know and understand:
- the meaning and range of a foreign language linguistics, mostly with regard to its diachronic development, standard language, language varieties, dialects, lexicography, and language teaching (K2_W01, K2_W03, K2_W05);
- terminology of linguistics or literary studies (K2_W02);
- main development tendencies and the newest research achievements within linguistics or literary studies (K2_W06);
- research methods of different cultural artefacts typical of given traditions, theories or research schools (K2_W07);
- relations between linguistics or literary studies and other fields of science, the role of language in interpersonal and intercultural communication, cultural differences shaping relationships in the modern world and the resulting socio-economic realities
(K2_W09, K2_W11, K2_W12).
The Student is expected to:
- use the acquired knowledge in order to carry out research activities within a foreign language in the de field of linguistics or literary studies by means of appropriate research tools; identify cultural artefacts; explore, analyze, evaluate, and select authentic foreign language texts, using the newest technologies (K2_U01, K2_U02 K2_U03),
- formulate and express their own opinions and ideas, referring to the arguments of other researchers, formulate written and oral conclusions in a foreign language (K2_U06);
- work, cooperate and take different roles within a research group (K2_U09);
- independently work on enhancing language knowledge and skills within the foreign language domain and assessing research tools (K2_U11).
Socio-cultural competency:
The Student is ready to:
- identify the newest knowledge within a foreign language in the de field of linguistics or literary studies, critically assess the learnt content, as well as identify problems concerning the international communication in that field of study (K2_K01, K2_K03);
- actively participate in the cultural life of their own country and the foreign language speaking area (K2_K04);
- acknowledge the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and to consult experts (K2_K06).
Assessment criteria
Assessment methods:
- ongoing assessment: presentations, homework, classroom activities
- final task
- progress assessment during the classes – 50%
- final task – 50%
As far as the written assignments are concerned, the following criteria are adopted. They depend on correctness and an appropriate style:
• more than 95% – 5!
• 90%-95% - 5
• 85%-89% – 4+
• 80%-84% – 4
• 70%-79% – 3+
• 60%-69% – 3
Balboni P., Parole comuni, culture diverse. Guida alla comunicazione interculturale, Venezia, 1999.
Balboni P., Le sfide di Babele. Insegnare le lingue nelle società complesse, Torino, 2012.
Barni M., Educazione linguistica e valutazione della competenza linguistico-comunicativa: al di là delle mode, (w:) A. Mollica/ R. Dolci/ M. Pichiassi (red.), Linguistica e Glottodidattica. Studi in onore di Katerin Katerinov, Perugia, 2008, pp. 41–57.
Bazzanella C., Aspetti pragmatici della ripetizione dialogica, (w:) G. Gobber (red.), Linguistica pragmatica, Atti del XXIV Congresso della SLI, Roma, 1992, pp. 433–454.
Berruto G., Le varietà del repertorio, (in:) A. A. Sobrero (red.), Introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo. La variazione e gli usi. Roma-Bari, 1993, pp. 3 – 36.
D’Achille P., L’italiano contemporaneo, Bologna, 2003.
Della Valle V., Dizionari italiani: storia, tipi, struttura, Roma, 2005 [tipologia / struttura].
Balboni P.E., Le microlingue scientifico-professionali. Natura e insegnamento, Petrini, 2000.
Bruni F., et al., Manuale di scrittura e comunicazione per l’università per l’azienda, Bologna, 2013.
Devoto G., I dialetti delle regioni d’Italia, Firenze, 1972 (Introduzione / informazioni generali).
Diadori P., 2000, Bisogni, mete e obiettivi, (w:) A. De Marco (red.), Manuale di glottodidattica. Insegnare una lingua straniera, Roma, 2000, s. 87–115.
Lavinio C., Comunicazione e linguaggi disciplinari. Per un’educazione linguistica traversale, Roma, 2004.
Sobrero A.A, Introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo. La variazione e gli usi, Roma-Bari, 1993.
Tiberii P., Dizionario delle collocazioni, Bologna, 2012.
Colletti V., Storia dell'italiano letterario : dalle origini al Novecento, Rotino, 2000.
Lesina R., Il manuale di stile, Bologna, 1994.
Sobrero A., Introduzione all'italiano contemporaneo. Le struttura, Roma, 1998.
Term 2023:
None |
Term 2024:
None |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: