Specialised Translation - English/Russian (B/C) 3200-M2-2TSBCra
The students become familiar with the differences and the similarities between the given languages and the resulting translation issues (e.g. translation techniques necessary to translate into each of the languages mentioned).
The student's workload:
class hours – 30 hours
preparation for classes – 15 hours
preparation for getting a credit – 15 hours
total: 60 hours (2 ECTS)
Term 2023L:
During classes the students learn how to analyze and interpret the source text and acquire the translation-related skills such as searching for, analyzing and selecting necessary information from various sources to produce a translation. The classes also develop students’ ability to use various types of dictionaries and resources (including Internet resources and advanced Internet search). |
Term 2024L:
During classes the students learn how to analyze and interpret the source text and acquire the translation-related skills such as searching for, analyzing and selecting necessary information from various sources to produce a translation. The classes also develop students’ ability to use various types of dictionaries and resources (including Internet resources and advanced Internet search). |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
Knowledge - the student:
-knows the tools and resources used for translating into a foreign language and for English-to-Russian translations (K1_W04, K1_W07);
-knows advanced translation techniques used in English-to-Russian/Russian-to-English translations (K2_W01);
-specialist texts of a low and medium degree of terminologization (K2_W03, K2_W10).
Skills - the student:
-is able to properly use the translation tools including dictionaries and Internet corpora (K1_U01);
-is able to use and properly apply translation strategies while translating general texts (articles) (K1_U05) and specialist texts (K2_U09);
-is able to translate general texts from English to Russian (K1_U05) and knows how to translate specialist texts of a low and medium degree of terminologization (K2_U09).
Socio-cultural competency - the student:
-is able to work individually and cooperate in a team (K1_K04, K1_K05, K1_K06);
-knows how to use a variety of learning techniques, including online sources (K1_K02);
-is aware of his/her level of knowledge and understands the need for further education (K1_K02, K2_K01);
-is prepared to independently deepen his/her knowledge and skills (K1_K02, K2_K01);
- is open to other cultures (K1_K03, K2_K02).
Assessment criteria
Requirements for completing the course:
- attendance
- preparation for lessons
- tests
- written translations at home
- written translations in class
The final mark is:
- 10% active participation, preparation for lessons
- 90% tests, written translations at home, written translations in class
Assessment criteria (percentage):
96%-100% – 5!
90%-95% – 5
85%-89% – 4+
80%-84% – 4
70%-79% – 3+
60%-69% – 3
Criteria for assessing translation:
a/ closeness of translation to original
b/ completeness of translation
c/ linguistic correctness (vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation)
d/ stylistic correctness
e/ formatting
Terms of lecturer and student cooperation:
Absences - 2 unexcused absences per semester are permitted. In case of more than two absences, the student will be given an additional task.
The limit of all absences (excused and unexcused) should not exceed 50% of the classes.
In order for the course to be recognized as completed, the student must deliver translated texts within deadlines and, if applicable, pass a final assessment. The lecturer does not accept students’ tasks delivered after the deadline.
The student should be prepared for each class. In case of student unpreparedness exceeding 3 times per semester the final grade might be lowered.
If a student is not able to participate in classes he/she must pursue an individual course of study (ITS) in order to establish conditions necessary for course completion.
In the event that in-class (on-campus) classes cannot be conducted, online classes will be held using Zoom, Google Meet, Google Classroom and University of Warsaw ”Kampus” platforms.
Власенко C., «Договорное право: практика профессионального перевода в языковой паре английский-русский» (2006).
Дмитриева Л.Ф. и др. «Английский для студентов. Курс перевода» (2005).
Казакова Т.А., «Translation Techniques. English - Russian. Практические основы перевода» (2001).
Мисуно Е.А./ Шаблыгина И.В., «Building up strategies in Translation. Перевод с английского языка на русский. Практикум» (2009).
Петрова О.В., «Введение в теорию и практику перевода (на материале английского языка)» (2006).
Пушкарева Л.П., «Практический курс перевода. Английский язык. Третий уровень» (2007).
Усачева А.Н., Хайрова С.Р., Серопегина Т.В., «Translation: Письменный перевод (английский язык)» (2005).
Term 2023L:
See in section “General data” |
Term 2024L:
See in section “General data” |
Term 2023L:
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Term 2024L:
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Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: