Terminology A and C - German language, level 2 3200-M2-2TAC2N
The classes are designed to prepare students for the translation of specialist texts from the abovementioned fields of knowledge, as well as to undertake the work of a terminologist in the future. The process of familiarizing students with specialist terminology takes place at several stages:
- theoretical introduction to specialist terminology in a given field of knowledge in the form of a lecture;
- presentation of the standards in force in the terminologist's work in the form of a lecture;
- presentation of methods for extracting terms in a specialized text in the form of lectures and practical exercises;
- presentation of methods for preparing terminology cards in the form of lectures and practical exercises;
- presentation of methods for creating terminology data banks in the form of lectures and practical exercises.
Classes allow students to acquire the knowledge necessary to independently create terms, terminology data banks, prepare specialized translations, solve translation and terminology problems. The acquired skills will allow future adepts of the art of translation and terminology work to prepare for cooperation with experts in a given field of knowledge.
The course is assigned 2 ECTS credits, which means:
30 hours - attendance and work in class (1 ECTS) and
15 hours - preparation for classes and 15 hours - preparation for a written final test.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
The knowldge:
the complex structure of language as a system
specialist terminology in the field of linguistics
A terminologist's and translator's working environment and the process of interpreting and/or translating;
search, analysis , evaluation and information selection in one's mother tongue and foreign languages
independent planning and implementing own education using the knowledge of foreign languages
using one's knowledge of linguistics (in particular terminology and translation) in research and professional activities;
select sources and information properly and apply appropriate methods and tools to solve complex terminological and translation tasks, and innovatively perform such tasks in not fully predictable conditions;
formulate and test hypotheses and present the results of their observations and analyses, as well as pass judgements in the field of linguistics (in particular terminology and translation);
planning and implementing one's education using foreign languages and guide others in this area;
translating the written or oral text in A, B and C, translating the text from the source language to the target language using terminology databases;
Creating terminology sheets for terminology databases and compile specialist glossaries in A, B and C;
recognising the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and consulting experts
Critical assessment of the knowledge and content, as well as consulting experts in linguistics (especially terminology and translation) when solving theoretical and practical problems of terminology and translation;
fulfilling social obligations and acting for the benefit of the public interest involving the effective use of knowledge of linguistics (in particular terminology and translation);
actin g as a translator of specialist texts and terminologist taking into account the increasing social needs, including
- developing the achievements of the profession of specialist text translator and terminologist,
- to maintain the ethos of the translator;
- to observe and develop the principles of ethics of the interpreting profession as set out in the Code of Conduct for Translators, to join interpreter organisations and to take action to promote the interpreting profession in society;
active participation in scientific and cultural life, assessment of the importance of new phenomena in various fields of life for translation and terminology theory and practice;
the use of adequate, scientifically argued criteria for the evaluation of different terminological resources and different species of translated texts;
continuous development and improvement of a terminologist's and translator's workshop;
Assessment criteria
The final grade consists of the following components:
- continuous grade from classes: 50%
- grade from the colloquium summarizing the semester: 50%.
The grade of the class consists of: activity during classes, preparation for classes, two mid-term tests.
Each colloquium, including colloquium summarizing the semester, the student can improve once.
Scoring rules adopted:
51% -60% = 3
61% -70% = 3+
71% -80% = 4
81% -90% = 4+
91% -100% = 5
- Arntz, R./Picht, H./Schmitz, K.-D., 2014. Einführung in die Terminologielehre. Hildesheim u,a,: Olms.
- Drewer, P./Schmitz, K.-D., 2017. Terminologiemanagment. Gurndlagen - Methoden - Werkzeuge. Beerlin: Springer Vieweg.
- Felber, H./Budin, G., 1989. Terminologie in Theorie und Praxis. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
- Felber, H., 2000. Allgemeine Terminologielehre, Wissenslehre und Wissenstechnik. Wien: TermNet Publisher.
- Reinecke, D./Schmitz, K.D., 2005. Einfühurng in die Softwarelokalisierung. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
- Snell-Hornby, M./Hönig, H.G./Kußmaul, P./Schmitt, P.A. (red.)., 1999 (wyd. 2). Handbuch Translation. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.
- Stolze, R., 1999. Die Fachübersetzung. Eine Einführung. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: