Elective course: Russian and Ukrainian Russian-language entertainment media - common origins, connections and the time of "special operation" 3200-M2-2PFR1
Russian and Ukrainian Russian-language entertainment media after the collapse of the USSR developed and functioned in the free market environment of Russia and Ukraine, competing for Russian-speaking viewers from the former USSR. What was and is important in the whole production process was not so much the prepared materials but the relationships between the individual artists. Of course, the content, especially in Russian media, is increasingly dependent on propaganda recommendations.
Until the creation of a separate league of student cabarets in Ukraine, most of the artists came from the so-called "KWN League," created in the USSR in the 1960s. Interestingly, the artists remained in constant contact, and it was only the occupation of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk, and especially the "special operation" in Ukraine, that forced the worldview polarization of this milieu. At the same time, the worlds of politics, culture, media and celebrity remain in strong ties with each other, and the inflamed 2021 required artists to make professional and private decisions whose consequences will still be felt for many years to come.
Knowledge of the genesis and current state of the Russian-language entertainment media market is an important part of knowledge about Russian and Ukrainian society and culture. It will also allow one to consciously verify information coming from the world of these media and to understand also many political and social processes.
The hypothesis of "six degrees of distance" of acquaintances in this network is confirmed here, with the Ukrainian president (as a former participant in the KWN league) personally knowing his current opponents with whom he has previously worked. And whether the hypothesis of connections of friends in the network also applies to the participants of the course - we will check.
The course includes tracing the influence of "KWN" on the artistic community, introducing leading figures from the Russian and Ukrainian media and political worlds, and a socio-linguistic analysis of the figures selected for the course.
Selected excerpts from television broadcasts will also be subject to translation analysis.
Term 2023Z:
Russian and Ukrainian Russian-language entertainment media developed and functioned in the free market environment of Russia and Ukraine, competing for Russian-speaking viewers from the former USSR. What was and is important in the entire production process was not so much the material prepared, but the relationships between individual artists. Until the creation of a separate league of student cabarets in Ukraine, most of the artists came from the so-called "KWN League," created in the USSR in the 1960s. Interestingly, the artists remained in constant contact, and it was only the occupation of Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk, and especially the "special operation" in Ukraine, that forced the worldview polarization of this milieu. At the same time, the worlds of politics, culture, media and celebrity have strong ties with each other. |
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Knowledge - The graduate knows and understands:
K2_W01 the complex structure of language as a system
K2_W02 psycholinguistic, biological, cultural and linguistic aspects of language use
K2_W10 the role of language in communication between people and cultures
Skills - the graduate is able to:
K2_U01 use the acquired knowledge to carry out research work in the field of linguistics using appropriate methodology.
K2_U03 identify cultural elements characteristic of the studied language area and interpret the socio-historical transformations taking place within the studied language area
K2_U04 search, analyze, evaluate and select information in native and foreign languages
K2_U07 communicate in native and foreign language in various professional situations with specialists, using various channels and communication techniques and strategies for this purpose
K2_U08 express own views and opinions orally and in writing in foreign languages and in the native language, and present the views and arguments of third parties in foreign languages and in the native language
K2_U11 independently acquire knowledge in linguistics and evaluate the usefulness of the learned methods, practices and procedures in their own professional activity
K2_U12 independently acquire knowledge in the field of literary studies and evaluate the usefulness of the learned methods, practices and procedures in their own professional activity
Social competences - the graduate is ready to:
K2_K02 adequately identify and resolve problems of interlingual communication
K2_K03 constantly and actively participate in cultural life with the use of traditional and modern forms and media
K2_K05 recognize the importance of knowledge in solving cognitive and practical problems and consult expert opinions
K2_K06 apply scientifically based criteria for evaluating different types of translation
Assessment criteria
Student workload:
Classroom hours: 30 h = 1 ECTS
Independent work outside the classroom: 20 h = 1 ECTS
15 h preparation for classes
15 h preparation of the credit work
total 50 h = 2 ECTS
Practical placement
List of literature presented in current classes. Author's course. .
See in Polish
Term 2023Z:
Work in class with the method of building a network of connections between media and artists against the background of modern Russian and Ukrainian history. |
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: