Community Interpreting (TSR) 3200-M2-1TSRCA
The presented material includes the following introductory theoretical topics: definitions and object of community interpreting, characteristics of community interpreting as compared to conference interpreting, principles of community interpreting (on the basis of the Professional sworn Translator’s Code), as well as distance community interpreting through chosen interpreting platforms. A practical component consists in practicing bilateral (dialogue) interpreting in different settings, such as: police, medical, refugee, and educational setting.
Student’s workload (2 ECTS), including:
- active assistance in the classes (30 hours) – 1 ECTS
- independent reading and text analysis, as well as preparing basic glossaries of specialized terms characteristic for a particular setting (15 hours), preparing for class discussions and interpreting activities (15 hours) – 1 ECTS
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Completed the course, the students:
- know basic literature relating to community interpreting
- know definitions of community interpreting
- know principles of professional ethics of community interpreters
- can characterize community interpreting
- can express themselves on community interpreting
- can interpret dialogues in different settings and apply specialized terms
- are aware of their knowledge and skills, understand a need for continuing education and training
- are prepared for independent improvement and updating of knowledge and skills in community interpreting
- are aware of ethics in community interpreting
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment based on an active assistance in the classes (preparation for and participation in discussions).
Two absences are possible.
The students with an unauthorized absence at more than two classes shall not be admitted to a final test and shall not get a credit.
An exceeded limit of (be it authorized or unauthorized) absences needs agreeing on a form of passing of a learning unit covered during a particular class with the trainer.
Selected bibliography:
Biernacka A. D., Kalata-Zawłocka A. (2019) “Techniques deployed by sign and spoken language public service interpreters: a comparative study”, Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium. Tertium Linguistic Journal, Vol. 4 (1), 162-192.
Fantinuoli C. (red.) (2018) Interpreting and technology, Berlin: Language Science Press.
Kodeks tłumacza przysięgłego 2018 (red. zbiorowa). Warszawa: Wyd. Tepis.
Tryuk M. (2006) Przekład ustny środowiskowy, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Valero Garcés C. (red.) (2008) Crossing Borders in Community Interpreting. Definitions and Dilemmas. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: J. Benjamins.
Wadensjö C. (1998) Interpreting as Interaction. London and New York: Longman.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: