Translation of specialised texts – teacher’s choice (B language) - French 3200-M2-1TSABF
The course aims at developing translation skills in the selected field.
The students will prepare translations individually or in teams, analyze their translation output, discuss the solutions of translation problems, and correct the mistakes.
The selection of the field on which the course focuses in the given semester is up to the teacher. Detailed information is provided in the section dedicated to the course in the current semester.
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes:
After completing the course, the student
- properly qualifies the type of text;
- knows appropriate translation strategies and techniques tailored to the needs of specialized translations;
- has the ability of self-correction;
- can analyze the text in terms of pragmatics and choose the appropriate method of translation;
- is able to select specialized dictionary and text sources and use them;
- translates texts correctly, in a clear and transparent way;
- can justify chosen strategies and translation techniques;
- can work independently and in a team;
- knows the rules of professional translator's ethics.
Assessment criteria
Continuous rating based on:
- presence, preparation for classes and activities;
- independent work (including preparation during the semester of the required number of translations with autocorrect including the group leader / comments, preparation of glossaries);
- the end of the semester credit (in the form of a colloquium checking the knowledge of lexis of translated texts).
Criteria for translation evaluation:
Translations are interpreted in the aspect of translation and pragmatic, linguistic and formal.
99%-100% - 5!
98%-91% - 5
90%-86% - 4,5
85%-76% - 4
75%-71% - 3,5
70%-60% - 3
below - 2
Two absences are allowed. (If the limit is exceeded, the student should ask the teacher for compensation assignments; if the number of absences exceeds 50%, the student fails the course in accordance with the Rules of Study).
The rules of the end-of-term test and the re-sit test are the same.
Bibliography: Specified individually by each teacher.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: