Translation of texts related to political and social issues C language - Japanese 3200-M2-1TPSCJ
The workshop is devoted to learning the translation of society- and politics-related texts.
Teaching content:
- translation of specialised and quasi-specialised texts, of various length (e.g. press articles, scientific texts for the general public, combining specialised and colloquial language); language directions C into A and A into C
- analysis of existing translations in a given discipline
- appropriate selection of dictionaries, sources, as well as similar and parallel texts
- preparation of glossaries in a given discipline
- acquisition of the knowledge of the intricacies of specialised translation in general and in a given discipline, including:
-- pros and cons of various translation techniques
-- problem of additions and paraphrases in specialised texts and of the competition of borrowings and native terms – as part of adapting the translation to the recipient
Topics of translated texts:
society and politics
Learning activities:
mastering specialised terminology and its nuances; analyses of existing translations; in-class translation; analysis of translations prepared independently by students; preparing glossaries; self-correction exercises
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student:
- correctly qualifies text types and selects adequate translation methods
- can select specialist dictionaries, source texts and is able to use them
- knows specialised vocabulary, sufficient for a correct translation of texts from a given discipline, and is able to use it
- is able to detect idiomatic character in the text and translate it
- correctly translates specialised and non-specialised texts from a given discipline in an understandable and clear manner
- possesses the skill of self-correction
- is able to prepare correct graphical form of translated texts
- is able to justify own choices related to his/her translation strategy
- is able to prepare correct graphical form of translated texts
- is able to justify own choices related to translation strategies
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment on the basis of:
- attendance and preparedness for the class,
- individually done translation work (preparation of the required number of translations, self-correction included),
- satisfactory performance of other tasks assigned by the teacher (e.g. analyses, glossaries),
- positive grade from all the tasks performed during the term,
The criteria of grading translation assignments:
Assessment takes into account translational, pragmatic, linguistic and formal aspects.
99% – 100% – 5!
98% – 91% – 5
90% – 86% – 4,5
85% – 76% – 4
75% – 71% – 3,5
70% – 60% – 3
below this level – 2 (unsatisfactory).
Resit exam requirements - as above
Students are allowed two unexcused absences per semester. In the case of a higher number of absences, the student is obliged to agree with the lecturer on the form of catching up on the subject matter missed in class.
- Dzierżanowska H. (1977): Tłumaczenie tekstów nieliterackich. Warszawa: WUW.
- Hejwowski K. (2004a): Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa: PWN.
- Hejwowski K. (2004b): Translation: A Cognitive-Communicative Approach, Olecko: Wydawnictwo Wszechnicy Mazurskiej.
- Kautz U. (2002): Handbuch Didaktik des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens. München: Iudicium.
- Kątny A. (red.) (2001): Języki fachowe: problemy dydaktyki i translacji. Olecko: Wydawnictwo Wszechnicy Mazurskiej.
- Kielar B. Z. (1991): Problemy tłumaczenia tekstów specjalistycznych, w: Grucza F. (red.): Teoretyczne podstawy terminologii. Warszawa: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 133-140.
- Lipiński K. (2004): Mity przekładoznawstwa. Kraków: Egis.
- Maliszewski J. (red.) (2003): Wybrane aspekty przekładu literackiego i specjalistycznego. Tłumaczenie – przekład – komunikacja. Częstochowa: Wyd. WZ P. Cz.
- Stanaszek M. (2007): „Tłumacz jako kucharz teoretyk, czyli o przekładzie nazw kulinariów austriackich na język polski”, w: Szczęsny A. / Hejwowski K. (red.): Językowy obraz świata w oryginale i przekładzie, Siedlce: ZUP Sprint / Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW, s. 449-466.
- Voellnagel A. (1980): Jak nie tłumaczyć tekstów technicznych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne.
Mono- and bilingual general and specialised dictionaries
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: