Translation of texts related to political and social issues C language - Spanish 3200-M2-1TPSCH
The purpose of the course is to teach students the skills and abilities within the field of written translation from Spanish into Polish and from Polish into Spanish, to extend their knowledge related to the terminology concerning different political and social issues as well as to acquaint them with the conscious usage of traditional and Internet sources.
Students develop their skills as translators through self-translating, autocorrections and analysis of translations.
Students’ workload:
- 30 contact hours in the classroom
- 30 hours of independent work outside the classroom
- 60 hours in total
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Developing translation competence within translation of specialist written texts regarding political and social issues.
After completing the course, students:
- know Spanish and Polish specialist terminology related to political and social issues,
- understand basic questions and problems related to political and social issues,
- can perform written translation of various types of texts regarding political and social issues, consciously using traditional and Internet sources.
Assessment criteria
Requirements and evaluation criteria:
- attendance,
- active participation (preparation of required translations with autocorrection),
- ongoing preparation for the classes (optionally presentations prepared as part of homework or other assignments indicated by the lecturer),
- preparation of glossaries,
- final test from terminology studied during the course,
- final translation.
Grading scale:
99%-100% - 5!
98%-91% - 5
90%-86% - 4,5
85%-76% - 4
75%-71% - 3,5
70%-60% - 3
below this level - 2 (unsatisfactory).
Resit exam requirements - as above
- students are entitled to two unexcused absences per semester,
- three delays of more than fifteen minutes are considered as an additional absence.
Mono- and bilingual general and specialised dictionaries embracing the terminology of the subject matter under discussion.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: