Translation of texts related to political and social issues B language - French 3200-M2-1TPSCF
The aim of the course is to develop techniques and to master translation of political and social texts from French into Polish and from Polish into French.
The students will analyze translations, gain a deeper knowledge of specialized terminology from various areas of culture, and enhance their translation skills by means of translations prepared on their own, self-correction and by commenting the employed solutions.
Student’s time investment:
Class hours: 30
Preparation hours: 30
In sum: 60 hours
- enhancing the students’ knowledge about translation strategies and translation techniques based on political and social texts,
- analysis of genre-diversified texts,
- specific issues in the translation of political and social texts – terminological issues, borrowings, individual and native terms,
- advanced issues concerning style (titles, wordplay, metaphors, neologisms, authorial style etc.)
- pragmatics (defining the recipient’s needs and the commissioner’s expectations as a criterion shaping the translation project and influencing the scope and contents of a possible paratext),
- selecting appropriate dictionaries, resources, as well as analogical and parallel texts,
- forming a professional approach to a simulated commission and the commissioner, in line with translation ethics.
Texts and vocabulary pertain to various aspects of political and social issues and they are selected by the teacher individually.
- press texts of varied length, popular-scientific texts, scientific texts, essays, websites, public speaking, speeches;
- texts expressing opinions, combining specialized discourse with colloquial language,
- pragmatic texts (e.g. exhibition leaflet, programme notes, website).
- analyzing published / existing translations,
- translating texts individually, the results to be discussed in class,
- team work with various tasks assigned (project managing, terminological work, translation proper, editing and revision),
- preparing domain-based glossaries,
- self-correction exercises.
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, the student:
- possesses the special vocabulary necessary to correctly translate political and social texts,
- is familiar with translation methods and techniques and applies them correctly in particular text types,
- knows how to shape the translation project according to the recipient’s needs and the commissioner’s expectations.
- can choose appropriate specialist lexicographical, terminological, and textual resources and knows how to use them,
- classifies the text type properly, uses and is able to justify the adoption of particular translation strategies and techniques,
- can translate specialist and non-specialist texts in a given political and social field in a correct, clear and understandable way,
- is able to verify and correct his/her work,
- is able to format the text in a required way.
- understands the translator’s responsibility towards the commissioner, the author and the recipient of the target text,
- can work in a team (e.g. within a translation project),
is familiar with the principles of professional translation ethics and always applies them.
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment on the basis of:
- attendance and preparedness for the class,
- individually done translation work (preparation of the required number of translations, self-correction included),
- satisfactory performance of other tasks assigned by the teacher (e.g. analyses, glossaries),
- positive grade from all the tasks performed during the term,
The criteria of grading translation assignments:
Assessment takes into account translational, pragmatic, linguistic and formal aspects.
99% – 100% – 5!
98% – 91% – 5
90% – 86% – 4,5
85% – 76% – 4
75% – 71% – 3,5
70% – 60% – 3
below this level – 2 (unsatisfactory).
Resit exam requirements - as above
Students are allowed two unexcused absences per semester. In the case of a higher number of absences, the student is obliged to agree with the lecturer on the form of catching up on the subject matter missed in class.
The course is taught in a workshop format, and reading assignments are not part of credit requirements.
Consulting monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, Polish dictionaries, lexicons and encyclopedias, parallel texts as well as corpora in both languages is part of in-class work.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: