Translation of science- and technology-related texts (C language) - Japanese 3200-M2-1TNTCJ
The workshop is devoted to learning the translation of scientific-technical texts.
Teaching content:
- translation of specialised and quasi-specialised texts, of various length (e.g. press articles, scientific texts for the general public, combining specialised and colloquial language); language directions C into A and A into C
- analysis of existing translations in a given discipline
- appropriate selection of dictionaries, sources, as well as similar and parallel texts
- preparation of glossaries in a given discipline
- acquisition of the knowledge of the intricacies of specialised translation in general and in a given discipline, including:
-- pros and cons of various translation techniques
-- problem of additions and paraphrases in specialised texts and of the competition of borrowings and native terms – as part of adapting the translation to the recipient
Topics of translated texts:
science and technology, as well as society and politics
Learning activities:
mastering specialised terminology and its nuances; analyses of existing translations; in-class translation; analysis of translations prepared independently by students; preparing glossaries; self-correction exercises
Type of course
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course the student:
- correctly qualifies text types and selects adequate translation methods
- can select specialist dictionaries, source texts and is able to use them
- knows specialised vocabulary, sufficient for a correct translation of texts from a given discipline, and is able to use it
- is able to detect idiomatic character in the text and translate it
- correctly translates specialised and non-specialised texts from a given discipline in an understandable and clear manner
- possesses the skill of self-correction
- is able to prepare correct graphical form of translated texts
- is able to justify own choices related to his/her translation strategy
Assessment criteria
Passing criteria:
- attendance
- active participation in classes
- positively passed semanal tests
- positively passed semester test
0-59% = ndst, (2.0)
60-69% = dst, (3.0)
70-79% = dst + (3.5)
80-84% = db, (4.0)
85-89% = db +, (4.5)
90-100% = very good. (5.0)
Two unjustified absences per 30 hours of contact classes are allowed. In the case of more than two unexcused absences, the student should ask the lecturer to determine the form of credit for the material from the classes on which he was absent. An unjustified absence from 50% of classes (or more) results in an under-evaluation from this module at the end of the semester.
- Dzierżanowska H. (1977): Tłumaczenie tekstów nieliterackich. Warszawa: WUW.
- Hejwowski K. (2004a): Kognitywno-komunikacyjna teoria przekładu, Warszawa: PWN.
- Hejwowski K. (2004b): Translation: A Cognitive-Communicative Approach, Olecko: Wydawnictwo Wszechnicy Mazurskiej.
- Kautz U. (2002): Handbuch Didaktik des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens. München: Iudicium.
- Kątny A. (red.) (2001): Języki fachowe: problemy dydaktyki i translacji. Olecko: Wydawnictwo Wszechnicy Mazurskiej.
- Kielar B. Z. (1991): Problemy tłumaczenia tekstów specjalistycznych, w: Grucza F. (red.): Teoretyczne podstawy terminologii. Warszawa: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolińskich, 133-140.
- Lipiński K. (2004): Mity przekładoznawstwa. Kraków: Egis.
- Maliszewski J. (red.) (2003): Wybrane aspekty przekładu literackiego i specjalistycznego. Tłumaczenie – przekład – komunikacja. Częstochowa: Wyd. WZ P. Cz.
- Stanaszek M. (2007): „Tłumacz jako kucharz teoretyk, czyli o przekładzie nazw kulinariów austriackich na język polski”, w: Szczęsny A. / Hejwowski K. (red.): Językowy obraz świata w oryginale i przekładzie, Siedlce: ZUP Sprint / Instytut Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW, s. 449-466.
- Voellnagel A. (1980): Jak nie tłumaczyć tekstów technicznych. Warszawa: Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne.
Mono- and bilingual general and specialised dictionaries
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: