Translation of science- and technology-related texts (B language) - Russian 3200-M2-1TNTBR
One-term workshops devoted to teaching translation of legal and economics-related texts.
Teaching content:
- translation of specialised and quasi-specialised texts, of various length (e.g. press articles, scientific texts for the general public, combining specialised and colloquial language); language directions B/C into A and A into B/C
- intricacies of specialised translation in a given discipline
- deepening the knowledge about translation strategies
- analysis of existing translations from a given discipline
- appropriate selection of dictionaries, sources, as well as similar and parallel texts
- preparation of glossaries in a given discipline
- adapting translation to the recipient
- problems related to freedom of compensation and paraphrase in specialised texts, borrowings and native terms
Topics of translated texts:
politics/economics/banking and finance/European Union/literary texts/culture/science and technology/law
Learning activities:
mastering specialised terminology and its nuances; analyses of translations; in-class translation; analysis of translations prepared independently by students; preparing glossaries; self-correction exercises
One-term workshops devoted to teaching translation of legal and economics-related texts.
Teaching content:
- translation of specialised and quasi-specialised texts, of various length (e.g. press articles, scientific texts for the general public, combining specialised and colloquial language); language directions B/C into A and A into B/C
- intricacies of specialised translation in a given discipline
- deepening the knowledge about translation strategies
- analysis of existing translations from a given discipline
- appropriate selection of dictionaries, sources, as well as similar and parallel texts
- preparation of glossaries in a given discipline
- adapting translation to the recipient
- problems related to freedom of compensation and paraphrase in specialised texts, borrowings and native terms
Topics of translated texts:
politics/economics/banking and finance/European Union/literary texts/culture/science and technology/law
Learning activities:
mastering specialised terminology and its nuances; analyses of translations; in-class translation; analysis of translations prepared independently by students; preparing glossaries; self-correction exercises
If classroom learning is impossible, the workshop will be conducted with the help of distance communication tools, most probably Google Meet and others recommended by the University.
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
After completing the course, the student in terms of:
- knows and properly uses specialized vocabulary and collocations sufficient for correct scientific and technical translation;
- has basic knowledge concerning scientific and technical translation;
- knows the strategies and techniques of scientific and technical translation;
- knows the specificity of scientific and technical translation.
- correctly qualifies text types;
- is able to apply appropriate translation strategies in practice and justify their choice;
- is able to select specialized dictionary and text sources, assess their value and use them;
- is able to produce correct and comprehensible translations of specialized and general texts form a given discipline;
- is able to justify and critically evaluate own translation choices;
- is able to proofread his/her own translation;
- possesses the skill of self-correction;
- is able to prepare correct graphical form of translated texts;
- is able to create a glossary;
- possesses the basic skill of using a CAT program (is able to create and carry out a translation project with a translation memory and a glossary, preserve the original formatting of translated texts, perform quality check, export target texts in a given format to a designated place).
- can be trusted to perform tasks in a reliable manner;
- complies with formal and ethical requirements specific to the market of scientific and technical translations (reliability, timeliness, confidentiality, etc.);
- has improved the ability to work in a team (e.g. by participating in a translation project).
Assessment criteria
Continuous assessment based on:
- attendance, preparation for classes, quality of work in class;
- translations prepared individually, including those prepared using CAT software;
- timeliness of submitting the assigned tasks;
- mid-term tests checking the knowledge of terminology;
- preparation of glossaries;
- passing the final written test and / or translation.
Assessment criteria:
- attendance: 2 absences allowed;
- the quality of works and tests: the scale given below;
- timeliness - criteria given by the lecturer in the syllabus.
Grading scale:
99% -100 - 5!
98% - 91% - 5
90% - 86% - 4,5
85% - 76% - 4
75% - 71% - 3.5
70% - 60% - 3
less - 2 (fail).
For correction test, criteria are the same
Алексеева И. С. 2001 Научный и технический тексты; Алексеева И. С. 2001 Профессиональный тренинг переводчика. Санкт-Петербург: Издательство «Союз», 165-173, 176-181.
Lingua Legis, wybrane artykuły. Warszawa: Tepis.
Kielar B. Z. 1991 Problemy tłumaczenia tekstów specjalistycznych, w F. Grucza (red.) Teoretyczne podstawy terminologii. Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków: Ossolineum, 133-140.
Kozłowska Z. 2006 O przekładzie tekstu naukowego (na materiale tekstów językoznawczych). Warszawa: WUW.
Кульпина В.Г. 2007, Польско-русский общенаучный словарь, Москва: Издательство «Московский Лицей».
Pieńkos J. 1993 Przekład i tłumacz we współczesnym świecie. Warszawa: PWN.
Voellnagel A. 1998 Jak nie tłumaczyć tekstów technicznych. Warszawa: Tepis.
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: