Teaching systems and language skills in a post-primary high school, language B/C - French 3200-M1-NSJSPPF
The aim of the course is to deepen and systematize students’ knowledge in the field of teaching foreign lanugage in post-secondary educational levels , evaluation and assessment of learners depending on language level, age, different language systems and skills and of didactic materials and tools. The aim of the course is also to prepare students to write tests and language course syllabi suitable for a given language level and the age of the learners. During the course students are acquainted with alternative assessment methods /project, portforlio/. The course covers also the issues of teacher and student self-evaluation, analysis of ministerial documents, bilingual education in Poland, teaching a foreign language and teaching in a foreign language, the role of both the mother tongue and a foreign language in teaching non-language subjects, intercultural education.
Student's work:
Participation in class 30 hours
Preparation for final assessment 10 hours
Total 40 hours
Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Learning outcomes
Learning outcomes KNOWLEDGE
After completing the course, students:
- know the criteria used to assess language systems,
- know the criteria used to assess language skills,
- know different types of language tests,
- know the alternative assessment methods,
- know the ministerial documents: language curricula for post-secondary education levels,
- know issues connected with bilingual education,
- know issues connected with intercultural education.
After completing the course, students:
- can assess different glottodidactic materials
- can use different assessment methods depending on the age and language level of the learners /both mainstream and alternative/,
- can prepare own assessment tools for different language systems and skills,
- can conduct self-evaluation,
- can interpret different ministerial documents, e.g. language curricula for different education levels,
- can describe the specificity of bilingual education,
- can properly describe the specificity of intercultural education.
After completing the course, students:
- recognize knowledge, needs and skills of language learners at different stages of language education at different types of schools /also bilingual/,
- adapt assessment techniquest to different teaching situations,
- display objectivity when assessing learners,
- understand the need to update their glottodidactic knowledge
- recognize different cultural phenomena in their home country and the target language area.
Assessment criteria
Active participation in class /two absences are allowed/
Preparation of lesson plans to show ability to use various methods, strategies and techniques of teaching.
Conditions for obtaining credit for the course /February-March/:
Preparation of a dossier for the end of the semester ( the grade for the dossier constitutes 100% of the final grade)
Criteria for the assesment/evaluation of the dossier:
Very good (5) all component parts of the dossier properly elaborated including the introduction and conclusions
Good plus (4+) all component parts of the dossier properly elaborated ; minor linguistic defficiencies, or small defects in the introduction/ conclusions;
Good (4) all component parts of the dossier properly elaborated ; minor linguistic defficiencies and small defects in the introduction/ conclusions;
Satisfactory plus (3+) minor linguistic defficiencies, and small defects in the basic part of the dossier;
Satisfactory (3) minor linguistic defficiencies, small defects in the introduction/conclusion parts of the dossier and small defects in the basic structure of the dossier
Practical placement
Nauczanie języka obcego w szkołach ponadpodstawowych
- Cadre Europeen des Langues Vivantes, 2002, Conseil de l;Europe, strasbourg
- Courtillon, J., 2003, Elaborer un cours de FLE, Hachette, Paris
- Komorowska H., 2001, Metodyka Nauczania Języków Obcych. Warszawa: Fraszka Edukacyjna Sp. z o.o.
- Komorowska-Janowska, H.,/pod red/, 2002, Ewaluacja w nauce języka obcego, wyd. UwB, Białystok
- Komorowska, H., /pod red/, 2009, Skuteczna nauka języka obcego, CODN, Warszawa
-Łuczak-Łomża, A., Metera-Debaene, E., 2002, „Zanim wybierzesz podręcznik . Metody oceniania materiałów do nauki języków obcych, Fraszka edukacyjna, Warszawa
-programy do nauczania języka francuskiego :szkoła ponadpodstawowa
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: