Specialist translation written / interpreting C1 - Italian language, level 1 3200-M1-2TPC1W
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Type of course
Prerequisites (description)
Course coordinators
Term 2023L: | Term 2024L: |
Learning outcomes
Knowledge - the student knows and understands:
- key terms used by translator, i.e. the concept of specialized text - S2.3_W01;
- main development tendencies of translation (from the earliest times, i.e. written translations prepared for current needs, to contemporary roles played by translators) - S2.3_W02;
- fundamental dilemmas of contemporary translatorics connected with operating at the interface:
a) different cultures (cultural differences, ethical and religious problems, diplomacy),
b) knowledge fields (specialized translation) - S2.3_W04;
- rules for the protection of intellectual property and copyright in relation to translation in writing - S2.3_W07;
- terminologist's and translator's working environment and the translation process - S2.3_W09;
Skills - the student is able to:
- use knowledge in the field of translation - S2.3_U01;
- formulate and solve complex and unusual problems of translation and innovatively perform tasks in conditions not fully predictable by:
- proper selection of sources and information from them, evaluation, critical analysis and synthesis of this information,
- selection and application of appropriate methods and tools, including advanced information and communication techniques - S2.3_U02;
- use your knowledge in the field of translation in order to properly observe the text and its analysis - S2.3_U03;
- formulate and solve problems and perform tasks typical for professional translation activities related to the field of study - S2.3_U04;
- communicate on specialist topics with diverse groups of recipients, conduct a debate on theoretical and practical aspects of translation, use a foreign language in speech and writing at C1 level of the European System of Language Description and specialist terminology - S2.3_U06;
- present the results of her/his observations and analyzes, and issue judgments in the field of a chosen field (translation) - S2.3_U07;
- manage the team's work; cooperate with other people as part of team work and take a leading role in teams - S2.3_U08;
- translate the written text in language A and B, translate the text from the source language to the target language, using the terminology databases - S2.3_U10;
- verify and evaluate the presented translation - S2.3_U11;
- compile specialist glossaries in language A and C - S2.3_U12;
Social competences - the student is ready to:
- critical assessment of possessed knowledge and received content in the field of specialist translation theory - S2.3_K01;
- fulfilling social obligations and actions for the benefit of the society which involves the effective use of knowledge in the field of terminology, lexicography and corpus linguistics in translation practice - S2.3_K03;
- initiating activities for the social interest related to the effective use of knowledge in the field of terminology, lexicography and corpus linguistics in translation practice - S2.3_K04;
- proper performance of the role of an interpreter of specialist texts, taking into account the increasing social needs, including:
- developing the profession of an interpreter of specialist texts,
- maintaining the ethos of a translator of specialist texts;
- adherence to and developing the ethics of the profession of translator, set out in the translator's code, and actions to comply with these principles, join translators' organizations and take measures to popularize the profession of interpreter in society - S2.3_K05;
- active participation in scientific and cultural life, proper assessment of the importance of new phenomena in various areas of life for translation theory and practice - S2.3_K06;
- constant development and improvement of the specialist texts translator's workshop - S2.3_K08;
- thinking and acting in an entrepreneurial manner as part of conducted translation projects, as well as individual activities on the domestic and international services market in this sector - S2.3_K09.
Assessment criteria
Methods of assessing the student's work to choose from:
· Continuous assessment (ongoing preparation for classes and performance of tasks during classes);
· Mid-term tests - lexical and translation tasks covering the material discussed in the classroom;
· Semester work, translation task PL> IT / IT> PL.
The grade for the course includes:
- 50% continuous assessment, i.e. ongoing preparation for classes (translation tasks carried out at home, vocabulary learning),
- 50% mid-term and semester work: translation task.
Scoring for written translation tasks:
96% -100% - 5!
90% -95% - 5
85% -89% - 4+
80% -84% - 4
70% -79% - 3+
60% -69% - 3
Practical placement
Additional information
Additional information (registration calendar, class conductors, localization and schedules of classes), might be available in the USOSweb system: